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Bound by Song (Cauld Ane Series) Page 23

He kicked the door shut and leaned down to kiss her, sliding his fingers into her hair. Grace wrapped her arms around his waist and deepened the kiss.

  The sound of someone clearing their throat had Grace pulling away with a squeak.


  MAX STOOD PROTECTIVELY in front of her before shaking his head and pulling her forward. Pepper and Connall stood in the corner, grinning.

  “Bloody hell, Con.”

  “Hey, you’re the one who interrupted us,” Connall said. “We were just here minding our own business.”

  “Right, sorry about that,” Max grumbled.

  Grace watched as Pepper gripped Connall’s hand, her face pinched in pain. Connall laid his hand over Pepper’s stomach and her face relaxed.

  “What’s happened?” Max asked.

  “Just some Braxton Hicks,” Pepper said.

  “Should I get Kade?” Max asked.

  “No,” Pepper groaned. “Really, you two. I’m fine. They’re not real contractions. It’s too soon.” She frowned and glanced up at Connall. “No, don’t you dare.”

  Connall sighed in frustration.

  Grace watched with fascination as the two obviously argued telepathically. Pepper’s face was a treasure trove of emotions.

  Grace grasped Max’s hand and gave it a squeeze. We should give them some privacy.

  Max frowned. She looks pale.

  I know, but if I weren’t feeling well, the last thing I’d want is a stranger watching me. I’ll go. You stay.

  He shook his head. I’ll come with you, love.

  You don’t have to. I’ll just find my way back to my room and change.

  Before he could comment, Kade and Samantha rushed into the room and over to Pepper.

  I thought she didn’t want Kade?

  Max smiled. Family can feel each other’s stress, so Kade picked up on Pepper’s pain and Connall’s worry.

  I’m not sure if that’s cool or annoying. My siblings are already enough in my business…sometimes I just want privacy.

  Max nodded as he wrapped an arm around Grace and pulled her close.

  “Sit down, lass,” Kade ordered Pepper, and Samantha handed him his stethoscope.

  “I’m fine,” Pepper snapped.

  “You’re not fine, lady,” Samantha retorted. “I could feel your distress from the other side of the castle.”

  Kade listened to her stomach and then shook his head. “You’re in labor, Pepper.”

  “I am not. It’s too soon.”

  Come on, Max, let’s give them some privacy.

  Max nodded and followed Grace from the room. They stepped outside and found Niall, Payton, Brodie, Heather, and a tall Nordic-looking man huddled together.

  That’s Mikko, Heather’s mate, love.

  “Is Pepper okay?” Payton asked.

  “It would appear she’s in labor,” Max answered.

  “But it’s way too soon,” Payton said, and laid her hands on her own expanding belly.

  “She’ll be fine, love,” Brodie said. “You call Gillian, and I’ll let the staff know we’re in for a long night.”

  “Shouldn’t she go to a hospital?” Grace asked.

  Payton smiled. “No, this is the best place for her. My sister Gillian is an incredible physician, as is Kade. They’ll take care of everything.”

  Grace nodded, once again feeling like an interloper. Without a word, Max took her hand and led her away from the group. He directed her down yet another hallway and pushed open a large mahogany door, guiding her into a large room that appeared to be a sitting room of some kind. A fireplace took up most of one wall, and it was lit, but didn’t give off much heat. Floor to ceiling bookshelves held a few books, but nowhere near the number in the library. A flat screen television was built into a custom cabinet, and a large sofa and overstuffed chairs were positioned to take advantage of the fire and entertainment.

  “This is so cozy,” Grace said.

  Max closed the door and nodded. “Aye. It’s one of the solars.” He smiled and guided her to a chair, pulling her down beside him and sliding her legs over his lap. “You okay?”

  She nodded. “Yes. I just felt Pepper needed privacy.”

  “Do you not feel welcome? Because we can go home…my home, if you’d rather.”

  “No, nothing like that. Everyone’s really nice. I guess I just don’t want to intrude.”

  “You’re not, baby. I want you to feel at home here. We are very much welcome, in case you didn’t know that.” He ran his fingers through her hair. “Connall and I have been like brothers since they arrived in this country, and I’ve roamed these halls since I was a wee lad. Even when I left to take care of my own clan, returning never felt any different. It’s been a second home to me, and I know Kade would want you to feel the same way.”

  Grace smiled. “I don’t know that I could ever think of this gigantic place as a second home, but I don’t feel at all unwelcome.”

  “Say the word, sweetheart, and we’ll leave.”

  “Thank you.” She kissed him and then linked her fingers with his. “Okay, so fill me in on who everyone is. More so Heather. I know that Kade, Connall, and Brodie are related due to the same last name, but what about Fiona and Heather?”

  “Heather and Brodie are actually full siblings, half-siblings to Kade and Connall. They all have the same father. Kade and Connall’s mother had an affair that produced Fiona. It’s a complicated web, but Kade’s trying to sort it out. Heather’s here to spend time with the brothers she knew nothing about. Kade and Connall really want to get to know her.”

  Grace frowned. “I thought you said you can’t cheat.”

  “Mates can’t. However, Erik and Alice, Kade and Connall’s parents, weren’t bound. When Erik found Heather’s mother, Abela, he realized she was his mate and bound her. After that, he couldn’t touch another woman other than Abela. This is why Alice went looking for someone else.”

  “Wow,” Grace said, and wrinkled her nose. “How horrible to be betrayed like that.”

  Max nodded, his expression darkening for a split second.

  “What?” Grace whispered.

  He shook his head and smiled. “Nothing, sweetheart.”

  “I can read your mind now, according to you. You may want to tell me.”

  “It’s nothing, really. I was just thinking about my brother. Kinnon.”

  She wrapped an arm around his waist and kissed his neck. “I’m sorry you’re sad, baby.”

  “Thank you.” He tapped her thigh. “I think we should go for that ride now, don’t you?”

  Grace sat up. “What about Pepper?”

  “Were you planning on attending the birth?”

  “You’re funny.” She smacked his shoulder. “But I know you’re concerned about her.”

  “I am, but if Connall needs me, he’ll let me know, and there’s no point in hanging around climbing the walls when there’s nothing I can do. I’ll just drive you mad.”

  “Is it a problem that Kade and Sam aren’t coming with us?”

  Max shook his head. “The stable hands know me. Kade doesn’t need to be there. Plus, I’m on Jonesy watch.”

  “Jonesy watch?”

  “Pepper’s horse. So, we can still go if you like.”

  She scrambled off the chair. “I’d love to.”

  “Are you sure? I’m getting mixed signals from you.”

  Grace raised an eyebrow. “I’ll show you mixed signals, buddy. Now move your butt.”

  Max laughed and rose to his feet, grabbing her hand and pulling her from the solar and back to their rooms.

  Grace dressed quickly, grateful her jodhpurs still fit and loving the boots Max had bought her. She pulled on a sweatshirt, braided her hair, and met Max in the hallway. She swallowed at the sight of him. Dark riding pants and black knee-length boots drew attention to his height and muscular legs. If he wasn’t wearing a black hoodie, she’d liken him to something from the seventeen-hundreds. Gorgeous.

nk you,” he said with a smile. “So are you.”

  Grace giggled. “I think I need to work harder on masking my adoration of you.”

  “Don’t you dare. I’d curl up and die if I ever thought you didn’t worship the ground I walk on.”

  Grace wrapped her arms around his waist as if to prop him up.

  “What are you doing?” Max asked.

  “Making sure you don’t hit your head as you curl up and die.”

  Max laughed. “God, you’re brilliant, love.”

  He pulled her close and kissed her before taking her hand and walking her outside.

  “Any word on Pepper?” Grace asked as they passed a building that appeared to be used for storage. She noticed he sped up and didn’t slow down again until they were almost to the stables.

  Max shook his head. “She’s in labor, but her contractions are still quite far apart. Kade doesn’t think anything will happen for a while.”

  “And you’re really okay with leaving for a little while?”

  “Yes.” Max paused and faced her. “Why are you pressing?”

  She shrugged. “I just don’t want you to feel as though you need to cater to me at all times. If you feel like you need to be with your friends, then don’t let me stop you.”

  He shook his head and smiled. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  “I promise. I’m fine, but I’ll let you know if anything changes. Deal?”

  She nodded. “Deal.”

  He took her hand and continued to the stables, arriving to more than a modicum of chaos. “Bloody hell! Stay here,” Max snapped, and made a run for the stall at the very end of the long aisle way. “What the hell are you doing?”

  A young stable hand turned quickly, startled by Max’s bellow. “He’s gone crazy, sir. I can’t get him under control.”

  “Out of the way, man. He’ll kill you if you’re not careful,” Max warned, and shoved the boy aside.

  Grace’s heart was in her throat as Max slipped the lock on the stall door and pulled it open. She almost cried out, but didn’t want to distract him.

  “Hey, boy,” Max crooned as he led a stunning black Arabian from the enclosure. “You know something’s going on, eh? She’s all right, though.” He ran his hands down the horse’s neck as he continued to speak to it as if it understood him.

  Grace inched toward them, enamored by what was happening.

  Max smiled. “Grace, this is Jonesy. He’s Pepper’s horse, and he’s agitated because Pepper hasn’t come to see him today. He knows something’s wrong.”

  Grace narrowed her eyes. “Okay, Dr. Doolittle. What else does Jonesy say?”

  Max chuckled. “Come here, love.”

  Grace reached into her pocket and grabbed a sugar cube that she’d stolen from the dining room side table on the way out, and settled it in her palm. Jonesy gently took it from her hand and she stroked his muzzle. “I’m sorry it’s not a peppermint, but sugar’s just as good, huh?”

  “Better, boy?” Max asked.

  Grace giggled when the horse nodded, as though to answer the question.

  “He is answering, love.”

  “Sure he is.”

  Max grinned. “It’s part of the healing gift. We can calm animals, project an image, idea, thought so they understand what we want from them, and they understand.”

  “You speak to them?” she asked.

  “Not in words,” he explained, as he settled a saddle blanket on Jonesy’s back. “Jonesy and I got quite close when we were bringing him from the States. I stayed in the cargo area with him, while Connall was with Pepper. He’s an amazing horse, smarter than many, and wholly devoted to Pepper.”

  “Are you going to ride him?”

  Max nodded as he pulled out his phone and sent a text. “He needs to let off some steam.”

  “Will Pepper mind?”

  “No, love. She’s not been able to ride him for several weeks now, and Connall asked if I’d help when I was home. He and I are the only ones outside of Pepper who he seems to tolerate…besides you now, it would seem.” Max slipped his phone back in his pocket. “I just sent Con a text letting him know what happened.”

  “Right. Jonesy watch.” Grace stroked Jonesy’s muzzle again. “He really is a beautiful horse.”

  Jonesy nudged her and Grace giggled.

  “He’s saying thank you,” Max said.


  “Andy,” Max called, “did Connall bring Viking?”

  “Aye, sir.” The stable boy who’d been battling with Jonesy stepped from one of the stalls. “He’s out in the paddock at the moment.”

  “Is he available to ride?”

  “Aye. Shall I tack him up?”

  “Please,” Max said. “Miss Wilson will ride him.”

  “Very good, sir.”

  Grace raised an eyebrow. “Viking sounds like a very serious horse.”

  Max chuckled. “You’ll love him. He’s Connall’s favorite Friesian stallion and sire to two of my horses. You’ll meet them next week.”

  “Friesians are the black ones with the long manes, right?”


  “Oooh, pretty,” she said. “I’m not sure I’m skilled enough to ride a stallion, though, Max.”

  “Viking’s sound and very gentle. He’s perfect for you.” He paused in his girth tightening. “I’d never put you on a horse that would harm you, Grace.”

  “No, of course you wouldn’t,” she said, and rolled her eyes. “Sorry for questioning you.”

  He chuckled. “As you should be.”

  Jonesy nudged Grace and she handed him another sugar cube.

  “Even Jonesy is admonishing you,” Max said.

  Grace giggled and stroked Jonesy’s cheek. “You wouldn’t do that, would you, boy?”

  He nudged her again.

  “Okay, okay. I get it,” Grace complained. “Sorry.”

  Max grinned and kissed her quickly before sliding a bridle over Jonesy’s head. “You’re lucky you’re cute.”

  “Me or Jonesy?” Grace retorted.

  “Both of you.”

  Andy walked toward them and handed a helmet to Grace. “Viking’s ready for you, m’lady. He’s outside.”

  “Thank you,” she said.

  The stable boy nodded and went about his other tasks.

  Grace held the helmet up. “Really?”

  “Aye, love, really,” Max said.

  “What about you?”

  “What about me? If I fall and crack my head open, I’ll heal.”

  “You said you can heal me, too,” she countered.

  “What if I’m not fast enough?”

  “You said you wouldn’t put me on a horse that would harm me.”

  Max raised an eyebrow. “Are you really going to argue with me on this?”


  “Is that an answer or a question?”

  Grace sighed and shoved the helmet on her head. “Fine.”

  “Thank you.” He grinned and adjusted the strap. “You look adorable, love.”

  She wrinkled her nose. “I feel like an eight-year-old.”

  He stroked her cheek and leaned down to kiss her, sliding her helmet back just enough to deepen the kiss. Grace gripped his waist as the breath-stopping assault continued and groaned when he broke the kiss and cocked his head. “Still feel like an eight-year-old?” he asked.

  She licked her lips and shook her head.

  “Good.” Max grinned. “Let’s ride, eh?”

  Grace smiled and followed Max from the barn. He left Jonesy standing in the courtyard in order to lift Grace onto Viking, and then mounted Jonesy and led them across the drawbridge and out into the expansive Gunnach land.


  GRACE WHIMPERED IN horror at the gruesome scene before her. A woman sprawled out in the hay, her neck red and bruised, her face bloody, her eyes red and unseeing. Grace tried to scream, but she had no voice. The scene quickly switched to Maggie, gau
nt and sickly, her hair thinning.