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Bound by Song (Cauld Ane Series) Page 22

  Max broke the kiss and let out a groan of frustration. “I’m sorry, baby. That backfired on me.”

  “And me,” she complained.

  He sat up and Grace took a minute to catch her breath before doing the same. Max sat with his hands on his knees, eyes closed, and lips pressed together in a thin line. Grace waited until he relaxed before dropping her head against his shoulder.

  “I should probably get you home,” he said.

  She shook her head. “Just a little while longer?”

  “If you’d like.” Max smiled. “You know, if it were up to me, you’d stay all night.”

  “I’m going to call my mom.”


  Grace nodded. “Yes. If she doesn’t give me grief, then I’ll stay. She understands that I’m an adult…at least, I hope she does.”

  “What are you waiting for, love?”

  Grace chuckled and dialed her mother. She let her know what she was doing, and surprisingly didn’t get a lecture. Grace schooled her features before hanging up. “My mom totally freaked out.”


  “Yep. Called me a fallen woman, the whole deal.”

  Max laughed and patted the seat beside him. “Even if I couldn’t read your mind, you’re a horrible liar.”

  “Dang it!” Grace grinned and flopped onto the sofa next to him. “So what are we going to do?”

  “Movie and midnight snack?” he asked.

  “You really can read my mind.”

  Max chuckled, kissing her quickly before calling room service. He loaned Grace a pair of sweats, far too long for her, but much more comfortable than jeans to sleep in. After their burgers were delivered, they talked until well into the morning, never getting around to watching a movie.


  AFTER A WHIRLWIND week of preparing for the show in D.C., Grace found she’d slept the entire flight, grumbling at being awakened once they arrived in Scotland. She continued to sleep in intervals as they drove from the airstrip to the king’s home. She sat between Niall and Max, gripping Max’s hand like a talisman as they approached the castle. If there hadn’t been cars in front of the structure, she would have sworn she’d been sent back in time.

  Max and Niall climbed from the car and Grace followed, grateful for Max’s hand on her back. A very proper gentleman answered the door and Grace smiled at him. He smiled back.

  “Good morning, Mr. Winston,” Max said.

  “Mr. MacMillan. Welcome.” Mr. Winston stood aside and Max guided Grace inside. “You’re with your brother in the west wing; Miss Wilson is between the two of you. Ellen will show you the way. Your bags will be delivered shortly.”

  Grace became aware of a young woman dressed in a black maid’s uniform standing by the large staircase, her eyes lowered and hands clasped in front of her. Niall took off, obviously knowing exactly where he was going.

  “Thank you,” Max said.

  “This way, please.” Ellen gave a shy smile and led the couple up the giant staircase and to the east of the foyer.

  The maid opened the third door on the right and smiled up at Max. “Sir, this is your room.”

  Grace bristled at the maid’s open appraisal of Max and found herself linking her fingers with his. A silent message that he was hers.

  Max’s chuckle sounded in her mind. Claws back in, sweetheart.

  “Miss Wilson,” the maid continued, “this way, please.”

  Max released Grace’s hand and she frowned. Aren’t you coming?

  I can’t, love. It wouldn’t be proper.

  Oh, NOW you’re worried about propriety?

  Max smiled and leaned against the doorframe. I’ll see you in a little while.

  Grace sighed and followed the maid next door. Ellen pushed the door open and stood aside so Grace could enter. She did, and couldn’t help but let out a hum of appreciation. Whitewashed brick helped brighten the room, with two small windows above the ornately carved bed.

  “You have a garderrobe next door. You Americans call them restrooms, I believe,” Ellen said. “Pull the rope in the corner should you require anything. We are, of course, at your service.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Dinner is at six. Dress is not required this evening, but will be tomorrow evening.”

  Grace nodded. “Okay. Thank you.”

  “Your bags will be here shortly. Do you need anything else?”

  “No, thank you,” Grace said, and smiled. “I appreciate your help.”

  The maid nodded and let herself out of the room.

  How’s your room?

  Unbelievable. How’s yours?

  No different. It’s the same room I stay in whenever I’m here.

  Grace sat on the edge of her bed. Ellen said that I’m supposed to dress for dinner tomorrow evening. What does that mean?

  Formal attire.

  All I have is my blue dress.

  No, that’s highly inappropriate.

  Grace bit her lip. What? Why? It’s all I have with me.

  “Sweetheart, you’re entirely too sexy in that dress. I won’t allow it,” Max said from her doorway.

  Grace gasped and then giggled. “You scared the crap out of me.”

  He grinned. “Sorry.”

  “Will the dress work?” she asked. “Honestly.”

  “Yes, it would, but I have something else for you to wear.”

  “You do?”

  “Aye.” He checked his watch. “It’ll be here in a few hours.”

  “What will?” she pressed.

  “Nice try. Let’s just say, it’s something that will complement my tartan.”

  “You have your own tartan?”

  “Aye.” He smiled. “At one point I was Laird MacMillan.”

  “You were?”

  He nodded.

  “But not now?” she asked.

  Max cocked his head. “I’m still Laird, however, I don’t have servants working my land anymore. I don’t rule over anyone…anyone I don’t pay an exorbitant amount to, anyway. I haven’t for a long time.”

  She bit her lip. “No wonder you’ve always had a big head.”

  Max laughed. “Aye. I suppose you have a point.”

  “What are you doing in my room, by the way?”

  He glanced down at his feet, just behind the line. “Technically, I’m not in your room, love. All above board.”

  Grace smiled. “What do we do now?”

  “Kade usually has food set up in the conservatory, so we can see who’s arrived and mingle. It’s a clear day, so if you’d like to take a golf cart and tour the grounds, we can do that instead, or go for a walk after lunch.”

  “I’d really like to meet your friends.”

  “Sounds good.” He straightened and held his hand out to her.

  Grace slipped her hand into his and pulled her door closed, letting him lead her back downstairs and through several winding hallways to a room that could only be described as awe-inspiring.

  “Welcome to the conservatory,” he whispered.

  The walls and ceilings of the room were made of glass that overlooked an expansive lawn and water views to die for. Grace didn’t have much time to admire the landscape, as a flurry of blonde distracted her.

  “Max! You’re here!” the blonde squealed.

  This is Pepper, sweetheart.

  A tall, blond man followed her, his face alight with mirth as Max chuckled and wrapped the woman in a gentle hug. “Pepper. How are you feeling?”

  She stepped back and laid her hands on her belly. “Like a whale. Thanks for asking.” Pepper turned to Grace and smiled as she stretched out her hand. “You must be Grace.”

  Grace shook Pepper’s hand and nodded. Max laid his hand on her lower back and she found herself leaning back into it for comfort. Grace recognized Connall from the concert and Pepper’s blue eyes sparkled as she smiled up at her husband. She was petite with long hair and flawless skin. Connall wrapped an arm around his wife and grinned.

/>   “This is Connall,” Max said, and Grace shook the man’s hand.

  “It’s lovely to meet you, lass,” Connall said.

  Grace smiled. “Nice to meet you too.”

  “Come and meet the girls,” Pepper said, and linked her arm with Grace’s. “Not to put any pressure on you, but we’ve been dying to meet the woman who could calm Max the hell down.”

  Grace giggled. “Oh, he warned me.”

  Pepper led Grace to a small circle of women who she was convinced should be in magazines. A woman with long dark hair and light hazel eyes smiled sweetly as they approached. “Oh, you must be Grace,” she said in a thick southern accent. “I’m Samantha.”

  The soon to be queen, Grace thought.

  Aye, love, she is.

  “Hi,” Grace said. “I’m sorry, should I curtsy?”

  “If you do, I’ll put you in the dungeon,” Samantha said, and laughed. “Sorry, I’m not used to all this royalty nonsense. I’m not sure if I ever will be.”

  “Ignore her,” Pepper said. “She’s having a tough time with all the attention. Poor girl gets to wear a tiara and she’s all freaked out about it.”

  “And you’re hormonal.”

  “Suck it, Sam.”

  “How about you just ignore both of them? I’m Payton.” The stunning redhead held out her hand and Grace shook it. “And this is Fiona and Heather.”

  Fiona had black hair, cut into a bob that framed her face perfectly. Heather was a tall blonde, with light blue eyes and a quick smile that made Grace feel instantly at ease.

  Payton smiled. “It’s going to take a little getting used to all these new faces, but you’ll do just fine.”

  “And we’re here if you have any questions about…well, the human stuff,” Pepper said.

  Grace swallowed as she nodded. “Thanks.”

  I’m never going to remember everyone.

  Yes, you will. The only person who I haven’t really talked about is Heather. She’s Brodie’s sister, and Kade and Connall’s half-sister.

  You’ll need to draw me a chart, I think.

  She heard Max’s chuckle sound in her mind. Do you want me to rescue you?

  No, I’m good. They’re lovely.

  Aye, they are.

  Grace glanced over her shoulder and caught Max’s eye. He was in the corner, deep in conversation with Connall. He smiled at her and winked before returning to his conversation.

  “It’s really weird, huh?” Pepper asked.

  “What is?”

  “Being able to talk to him telepathically.”

  Grace nodded. “I feel like I’m stuck in some weird sci-fi movie.”

  Pepper giggled. “I know what you mean. I thought I was going crazy because Con started talking to me before I’d even met him.”

  “How does that work?”

  “Oh, don’t ask me to attempt an explanation…even if I knew, pregnancy has killed off any working part of my brain.”

  “Max said you’re almost due, is that right?”

  Pepper nodded and ran her hands over her stomach. “A little less than a month. I just need him to stay inside until after the coronation. Can’t have him showing up the queen.”

  Grace chuckled. “No, that wouldn’t be very sporting of him, would it?”

  A quiet hush covered the crowd and a tall man with long, blond hair walked in with another man who looked quite a bit like Heather.

  “That’s Kade and Brodie,” Pepper explained.

  Brodie stepped away from his brother and headed straight for Payton.

  “Are we supposed to curtsy now?” Grace asked.

  Pepper shook her head. “No, it’s just family and close friends tonight. There’ll be genuflecting when the guests arrive.”

  Grace bit her lip. Okay, rescue me now.

  Max was by her side within seconds, guiding her toward the king.

  “Max!” Kade said with a smile, and hugged him. “You made it.”


  “And you finally found Grace,” he said, holding his hand out to her. “It’s lovely to meet you, lass.”

  She cleared her throat. “Thank you. It’s nice to meet you too.”

  Samantha slid her arm around Kade’s waist and smiled when he kissed her temple. “Where have you been?” she asked her mate.

  “Scheming,” Kade admitted.

  Samantha giggled. “I don’t doubt it.”

  “Where’s Nye?” Kade asked.

  “He’s here somewhere,” Max said, and glanced around. “I think.”

  “Niall!” Payton exclaimed and rushed toward Max’s brother, who’d just walked into the room.

  “Payton and Niall have been best friends for years,” Max explained. “I don’t think Brodie’s figured out whether or not he likes that.”

  Niall laughed and wrapped his arms around Payton, lifting her off her feet and kissing her on the cheek.

  “Put her down, you bampot,” Brodie snapped. “She’s pregnant.”

  Payton giggled as Niall lowered her to the ground. “Don’t listen to him, Nye. I’m fine.”

  Grace watched as Brodie pulled Payton back against him, his protectiveness on overdrive.

  Ah, I see this is a Cauld Ane trait.

  Max gave her a gentle squeeze. What is?

  This need to smother.

  He raised an eyebrow and smiled, even though she knew he was trying to hide it.

  “Are you going to manage a ride?” Kade asked, drawing their attention back to him.

  “Oh, yes,” Samantha said. “Please ride with us. Pepper’s too far along and Payton hates horses, so I have no one other than Kade to ride with.”

  “I’m not sure how I should feel about that,” Kade said.

  Samantha grinned. “Sorry, honey. That sounded a little less severe in my head.”

  Kade chuckled. “Did you ask Heather?”

  “Oh, no, I didn’t,” Sam said. “I’ll do that. It would be nice for all of us to go, huh?”

  “Yes, love,” Kade said, and faced Max. “How does an hour from now sound?”

  “All the king’s horses?” Max retorted.

  “Are at your disposal,” Kade said with a laugh.

  “Would you like to go, Grace?” Max asked.

  “What? Explore historical lands via horseback? Sounds so blasé.”

  Samantha giggled. “Oh, I’m going to like you.”

  “Of course, I’d love to ride, thank you,” Grace said. “I even brought boots this time.”

  Max chuckled. “Excellent.”

  “Well, make yourselves at home,” Kade said, “and we’ll meet you at the stables in an hour. I’m going to fill my wife in on what I’ve been planning.”

  Max nodded and Kade led Samantha away.

  “How are you feeling?” Max asked. “Overwhelmed?”

  “Not at all,” Grace said. “Everyone’s really nice.”

  “Aye, they are. Did you bring riding clothes or just boots?”

  “Clothes as well,” she said. “I just hope my joddies fit. I haven’t worn them for a few years.”

  “If they don’t, I’m sure Pepper or Sam will have something you can borrow.”

  Grace raised an eyebrow. “I’m not borrowing something from a queen, babe.”

  Max chuckled. “She’d skelp you if she heard you say that.”

  “What does skelp mean?”


  “Ah.” Grace smiled. “Well, still, I’m sure I’ll be fine.”

  “I want to steal you away for a minute,” he whispered.

  Grace licked her lips. “So, do it, then.”

  He grabbed her hand and gently tugged her out of the conservatory and down another hallway to the library.

  “I’m going to need a map,” she said as Max pulled her into the room.

  “It’s remarkably easy to find your way. You’ll see.”