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Bound by Light Page 13

  “At least let me ride with you.”

  Elspie let out a snort. “Oh, how the mighty have fallen.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “My very independent little brother suddenly can’t go a few hours without his mate.”

  “I’m man enough to admit when I’m whipped,” Thane retorted, pulling Sydney close. “Oh, baby, please let me come with you.” He made lip smacking noises and buried his head in her neck.

  Sydney giggled, trying to break away from his attack. “You’re insane.”

  “Insanely in love with you,” he said, releasing her.

  “Charmer.” Sydney leaned up on her tiptoes and kissed him. “Why don’t you meet us for dinner?”


  “Yeah.” She giggled. “Make a reservation somewhere you approve of and we’ll meet you there.”

  “Okay, love. I’ll text you the particulars.”

  “Okay.” She grabbed Elspie’s hand. “Let’s go before he changes his mind. We’ll eat while we’re out.”

  His sister laughed and they rushed out of the apartment.

  * * *

  Elspie led Sydney through store after store and Sydney honestly thought her legs might fall off by the time they were leaving the eighth. She’d never been a big fan of shopping—she did most of her purchases online—but Elspie had unlimited money and even worse, unlimited energy.

  Damian, one of Thane’s security men, followed them throughout the mall, and although he didn’t say a word, Sydney was sure he must be bored out of his mind. Thane had also sent Niko who drove for them, but he was currently loading the car with their latest purchases.

  “Did you hear that Connall and Pepper had their wee princess?” Elspie asked.

  “We did.” Sydney grinned. “Niall called Thane. She was early, huh?”

  “Aye. By about a week. I have a feeling the queen will labor shortly as well.”


  “Aye. It happens with us women when we are pregnant at the same time. Now that there’s a familial bond, we have our babies within weeks or even days of each other sometimes.”

  “What if they’re not ready to come? Isn’t that dangerous?”

  Elspie smiled. “The bairns are fine. I imagine our bodies know what they’re doing.”

  “I would hope so,” Sydney murmured.

  “We must get you something for your bonding night,” Elspie decreed.

  Sydney widened her eyes. “Like what?”

  “Something sexy.”

  Sydney felt heat creep up her neck. “No offense, Elspie, but I’m not sure how Thane will feel if his sister picks me out something sexy for our bonding night.”

  Elspie giggled. “Don’t tell him.”

  “I don’t know how I feel about it.”

  “If you really don’t want to, I will respect your wishes,” she said, and took Sydney’s hand. “We all just want you to feel comfortable, but with the loss of your parents, we also want you to know that you have family as well. We already adore you and Mum especially, wants you to know that.”

  Sydney blinked back tears. “That’s really sweet, Elspie. Thank you.”

  Elspie smiled and guided Sydney toward the lingerie section.

  Sydney, are you okay, love?

  Yes. Your sister’s just being very sweet.

  He chuckled. Well, that’s a first.

  I won’t tell her that. Sydney smiled. She wants to help me pick out something sexy for our bonding night.

  I wholeheartedly approve.

  You don’t think it’s weird?

  If she were picking something sexy for me to wear on our bonding night, then that would be weird.

  Sydney bit back a giggle. You have a point. Okay, I’ll find something mind blowing.


  Something mind blowing in red.

  Thank you, love.

  “What about this?” Elspie asked, and held up a barely there teddy in green.

  Sydney shook her head. “He wants red.”

  She raised an eyebrow. “Telepathy has its good and bad points, right?”

  Sydney smiled. “Mostly good I think... except when he refuses to stay out of my head.”

  “Marsh is the same way. Although, for us, it’s not something strange. We’re raised to expect and understand it.”

  “I suppose you are. That’s kind of a mind bend.” Sydney slid a few hangers back as she riffled through the choices. “Our kids will have that perspective as well. That’s really cool.”

  “It is.”

  “What about this?” Sydney asked, and held up a red lacy nightie.

  “Oh, that’s lovely.” Elspie smiled. “I’m going to see if I can find something as well while you try that on.”

  Sydney blushed. “Okay, be out in a bit.”

  Sydney ended up buying both the red and a similar one in blue, before they realized it was time to meet Thane at the restaurant.

  On the way out of the shopping center, Sydney was distracted by the strangest little hole-in-the-wall shop that had random little tchotchkes covering shelves and tables all over the space. She was drawn to the “awards” shelf and couldn’t stop a giggle when she found a gold plastic Oscar with “Best Lover” on the prize plate.

  “Elspie, look.” Sydney held up the statue.

  “Oh, my word.” Elspie giggled.

  “Correct me if I’m wrong, but Thane’s never won an Oscar, right?”

  Elspie shook her head. “No, no he hasn’t.”

  “Bonding night gift, check.”

  “No, that’s what the nightie’s for, love. Wait until the ceremony.”

  “You’re a genius.”

  Elspie rubbed her fingernails on her shirt. “Tell me something I don’t know.”

  Sydney grinned and paid for her little gem and then they headed out to the waiting car.

  “Do you know where we’re going?” Elspie asked Sydney as they headed away from the shopping center.

  “Thane said a place called Kaylee, I think,” Sydney said.

  “Oh! Cèilidh.” Elspie grinned. “It’s one of Prince Brodie’s properties. It’s a new club downtown and it’s virtually impossible to get into. We’re lucky Brodie and Thane are such close friends.”

  Sydney nodded. “I’m just looking forward to seeing Thane. Is it strange that I miss him so much?”

  “Not at all,” Elspie assured. “Marsh is flying in tonight because I’m missing him. He’s dropping the kids off at Mum and Da’s and catching the first flight out.”

  Sydney chuckled. “So, even after years of being together, you still feel that way?”


  “That’s so lovely.”

  “Aye, love, ’tis.”

  The car pulled up to the back of the club and their doors were opened. Sydney let out a quiet squeak when Thane leaned in and pulled her out, wrapping his arms around her and lifting her off her feet.

  “Hi, love. Bloody hell, I missed you,” he said between kisses.

  Sydney giggled, sliding her hands into his hair. “Pretty sure I missed you more.”

  “How do you figure?” He lowered her to the ground. “I’ve had to pine away the afternoon without you. You got to do something fun.”

  “You’re right in theory,” she countered. “But retail therapy didn’t help distract me, so obviously I win this argument.”

  “Okay, love. I’ll let you have that.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Are you hungry?” he asked.


  “Brodie organized a private room for us, so we don’t have to worry about cameras.”

  “That was nice of him.”

  “Aye.” Thane grinned. “Els? As soon as you’re done snoggin’ yer mate, we’d like to eat.”

  “Marsh is here?” Sydney asked, unable to see behind the car.

  Elspie tugged her mate out from behind the car, her face a little red, more than likely from Marsh’s beard. “You’re sneaky, b

  Thane laughed. “I can’t take any of the blame, love. Marsh took care of the details, I just picked him up.”

  Elspie grinned. “Well, thank you for picking him up.”

  Marsh kissed Sydney’s cheek and then they all made their way into the club. Dinner was much more low-key than they’d experienced before. Sydney snuggled against Thane as the four of them had a quiet dinner and headed back to the apartment.

  The rest of the evening was spent watching a movie and then Sydney crawled into bed with Thane, falling asleep safely tucked against him.

  * * *

  “Kade?” Samantha called, and waddled into the library, her hands resting on her enormous belly. After delivering Pepper’s baby, the family had returned to Inverness to prep for the party. Gillian had also traveled with them so she’d be close.

  “Aye, love,” he said, and left his desk to wrap an arm around her. “Are you okay?”

  She rubbed her belly. “Just some twangs.”

  “You should rest.” Kade laid his hands over hers. “In case he comes.”

  “He’s not coming yet.” Samantha smiled. “He wouldn’t dare.”

  Kade chuckled. “Sweetheart, all of this happened with Liam.”

  “No, it’s a little different,” she countered. “Besides, I’ve had a conversation with our wee Phineas and told him he has to wait until after the party.”

  “Which is in a week,” Kade pointed out. “I think he’s coming tonight.”

  She shook her head. “But I have too much to do.”

  “And it will all get done, love.” He wrapped his arms around her. “You have a family who can help you, and your parents get here tomorrow.”

  She dropped her head on his chest and took a deep breath. “Kade?”

  “Yes, love.”

  “My water just broke.”

  “I know.” He bent down and lifted her in his arms, carrying her out of the library and up to their bedroom. Once he settled her on the bed, he called for his staff and then dialed Gillian’s number.

  “She’s laboring?” Gillian asked.

  “Aye. Her water broke six minutes ago.”

  “I’ll be there soon.”

  “Thank you.”

  Gillian hung up and Kade made his way back to Samantha. “Let’s get you out of those clothes, love.”

  Bearnas, the head maid, knocked on the door and entered when bid. “I have sheets, milord.”

  “Thank you,” he said, and wrapped his arms around Samantha. “Up, love.”

  She slid off the bed and looped her arms around his neck, dropping her head on his chest and taking a few deep breaths. “I feel him, baby. He’s coming.”

  Kade felt her contraction and took as much pain as he could while Bearnas got the bed ready. Gillian fluttered in less than five minutes later and helped Kade get Samantha on the bed, just as she begged to push.

  Pepper arrived less than a minute before Phineas’s head crowned and grabbed Samantha’s hand, kissing her cheek. “I’m so proud of you.”

  “Nice of you to show up,” Samantha retorted, and then let out a groan as she pushed.

  Pepper grinned. “I’m always right on time.”

  Phineas Dalton James Gunnach arrived ten minutes later, nine pounds, six ounces and twenty-two inches long. He had a full head of blond hair and cried for about a minute before Samantha settled him to her breast and he latched on like a pro.

  “He’s perfect,” Kade whispered, and kissed his mate and new son.

  Samantha stroked his head. “My wee Finn. He looks just like Li—”

  “Sam?” Kade’s heart raced as he felt her lose her grasp with consciousness.

  “She’s bleeding quite heavily, your majesty,” Gillian said.

  Pepper took Finn from Samantha just as her arms went limp.

  “Shite.” Kade jumped off the bed, gently as to not jostle Samantha and then laid his hands on her stomach.

  “I need to get a bit of this bleeding under control first, milord,” Gillian said. “Then you can heal her.”

  The waiting was torture as Gillian worked to get Samantha to a place Kade could do some good.

  “All right, milord. She’s ready,” Gillian said.

  Pepper laid a hand on Samantha’s shoulder as she cradled Finn and Kade did the final healing, doing only what a mate could do. It took longer than he felt should be normal before she started to come around. He kept his hands on her even as she blinked her eyes open. “What happened?” she asked, and frowned. “What’s wrong?”

  “Don’t move, love,” Kade demanded. “There was a complication.”

  Samantha reached for Finn. “Give me the baby.”

  Pepper nodded and laid him in Samantha’s arms. Samantha settled him at her breast again.

  “I’ll check again, milord,” Gillian said, and Kade gave her some space.

  “What’s going on?”

  “You hemorrhaged, milady. It appears the bleeding has stopped now, but we’ll watch you for the next few hours.”

  “I’m okay, honey.” Samantha reached for Kade. “The baby’s okay.”

  Kade took her hand, but couldn’t relax.

  “Kade,” Samantha pressed. “Come and see your son.”

  “She’s fine, milord,” Gillian said. “It’s all right.”

  Kade settled beside Samantha again and kissed her gently. “I’m so proud of you, love.”

  She smiled. “This was nothin’.”

  He chuckled and kissed his son’s head. “You scared the shite out of me.”

  “Don’t cuss in front of the baby.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Aye, love.”

  If Samantha was being bossy, she was feeling better. This relieved him more than anything.

  Pepper slipped out of the room, returning a few minutes later with Liam. “Someone wants to meet his brother.”

  “Mama,” he called.

  “Come here, baby,” Samantha said, and Pepper settled him beside her.

  “Gently, Liam,” Kade said.

  “Aye, Da,” he whispered. “Baby.”

  “Yes, baby.” Samantha smiled. “Phineas.”

  Liam gave a toothy grin. “Baby.”

  “Yes, baby.” Samantha giggled. “I don’t know if I’ll get used to how advanced our babies are compared to human babies.”

  “It is weird to have them speaking in complete sentences at barely a year old,” Pepper agreed.

  “I didn’t realize this was strange,” Kade said, giving Liam a goofy grin.

  “Not strange, but certainly unique,” Sam said.

  “LiLi, are you hungry?” Pepper asked.

  He nodded and raised his arms for his auntie to pick him up.

  “Cody and Chelsea are downstairs with Uncle Con. We’ll go get some dinner, okay?”

  Liam cupped her face and smiled. “’K, Peppy.”

  Pepper kissed him. “You are going to be heartbreaker.”

  “He already is,” Samantha complained.

  Pepper grinned, leaning down to kiss her cheek. “Well done, Mama.”

  “Thanks, Pep. Love you.”

  “Love you too. You rest. We’ll take care of the kids. Payton and Brodie are on their way.”

  Kade rose to his feet and kissed Liam’s cheek, then Pepper’s. “Thanks, love.”


  “I’ll come with you,” Gillian said. “I’ll be here if you need me, milord.”

  “Thank you, Gillian.”

  Pepper and Gillian left the room and Kade settled in for a watchful night. Regardless of the scare earlier, Samantha appeared to be fine now. Kade couldn’t feel anything off in her body so he held his wife and they got acquainted with their new son.


  THANE HUNG UP the phone and walked into the kitchen where Sydney was cooking dinner.

  “Everything okay?” she asked.

  He smiled. “The king and queen have a new wee son. He was almost two weeks early.”

wow. How are they doing?”

  “Very well.”

  “Elspie said that when there’s a familial bond, the women often deliver around the same time.” Sydney raised an eyebrow. “Maybe we should postpone going early.”

  “Sam still wants us to come tomorrow,” Thane said. “And apparently, Liam’s birthday is going on as planned, so we’re all still invited.”

  “She’s up to a party already?”

  Thane nodded. “Gestation for Cauld Ane women is six months, love, and healing is immediate, so she’s doing very well.”

  “Six months?” she squeaked.

  “Aye, love.” Thane chuckled. “Does that frighten you?”

  She shook her head. “Not when it’s happening to someone else.”

  He wrapped his arms around her from behind and kissed her neck. “There’s no rush, sweetheart. We’ll wait until you’re ready.”

  “I appreciate that.” She sighed. “Big time.”

  “Do you want children?”

  She turned in his arms and looped them around his neck. “With you? Yes. Hundreds.”

  He laughed. “Hundreds?”

  “Okay, at least two... or four.”

  Thane kissed her. “Four will be good.”

  “Or maybe five.”

  “However many you want to give me, love.” He kissed her again. “I’ll be happy.”

  “This is my decision, then?”

  “Considering you have to do all the heavy lifting... yes.”

  Sydney smiled and ran her fingers through his hair. “Well, we’ll have one and then see where we go from there.”

  “Sounds good.” He kissed her again and then patted her on the bottom. “Want some wine?”

  “Yes, please. Dinner’s almost done.”

  “Your cousin said your meatballs are ‘to die for.’” He did his best imitation of Lucy and Sydney laughed.

  “I absolutely see why you get paid the big bucks for acting.”

  He gave her a theater bow. “Thank you, milady.”

  “It doesn’t get you out of chores, however. Set the table, mister movie star and we’ll eat.”

  “Where are my people?” He snapped a finger in the air. “Staff? Staff? Where are you?”

  Sydney dissolved into giggles. “You are ridiculous.”

  * * *

  The next afternoon after flying first class into Inverness, Sydney and Thane slid into the SUV the king had sent to bring them to his home. The drive from the airport through the Scottish countryside was breathtaking and Sydney found herself constantly oohing and aahing the further into the wilderness they drove.