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Bound by Light Page 12

  Thane squeezed her hand. Romance is lost on you?

  That’s not romance. That’s just creepy.

  He grinned, lifting her hand to his lips.

  Oh, good, honey, perpetuate the creepy.

  “So, Thane,” Zach began again. “How’d you get into acting?”

  “I kind of fell into it, to be honest, and it took off.”

  “Yeah, dude, that’s an understatement.”

  Thane smiled. “I’ve been very lucky.”

  “Did you know Zach was a competitive surfer?” Lucy said.

  Sydney smiled at her cousin’s attempt to take the focus off Thane.

  That explains the “dude” talk. I feel like I’m trapped inside Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure.

  “Where’s your favorite place to surf?” Thane asked, squeezing Sydney’s thigh.

  “Whoa, man, that’s hard to answer.” He gave a stoner chuckle.

  Stoner chuckle?

  Sydney glanced at him. Well it is!

  “There’s this totally gnarly beach in New Zealand,” Zach continued. “It’s called Piha and the waves are righteous. Not as big as some places I’ve been, but totally worth it.”

  Lucy grinned. “Zach managed to travel all over the place for next to no money.”

  “That’s impressive,” Sydney said, a headache forming rapidly.

  “Yeah, I got some sponsorships, stayed at youth hostels... that kind of stuff. It was awesome.” He sipped his beer. “Even if I had the money to do it differently, I don’t think I would have. What about you, Sydney? Growing up with such a rich dad must have meant travel, right?”

  Really? Rich dad? Who is this guy?

  Lucy gasped. “Zach!”

  “What? It’s just a question. Her dad’s like the sixth richest man in America... it’s not like it’s a secret.”

  Thane threaded his fingers with hers, easing the pain in her skull. Patience, love. Your cousin loves him.

  Sydney tried to stamp down her irritation “Dad traveled a lot for work, so we didn’t have much family vacation time. Mom and I were kind of our own team.”

  “Hmm,” he murmured. “You think he was “traveling,” or steppin’ out?”

  “Zach!” Lucy snapped again.

  Sydney scowled at Zach.

  “I’m just kiddin’,” Zach said.

  Sweetheart, you okay?

  Yep. Dandy. She forced a smile before facing Lucy. Lucy was studying her closely, but Sydney was glad her cousin didn’t ask any questions.

  Sydney suffered through dinner, rethinking her need to be out of the house. She wished she could click her heels together and be anywhere else, but Thane was right, Lucy adored this idiot, so she needed to at least try.

  Idiot? Thane choked on a sip of wine and gave her a sideways glance. Warn me next time you’re feeling feisty.

  Or how about you just stay out of my head?

  “Are you all right, Thane?” Lucy asked.

  “Yes, lass, fine. Thank you.”

  He raised an eyebrow and kissed Sydney’s cheek gently. Behave.

  Suck it. She gave him a saccharin sweet smile and sipped her wine.

  Dessert arrived and Sydney plowed into her cheesecake in an effort to get the night over with. If she had to endure Zach’s inane Spicoli speak for much longer, she was sure she might snap. It was Lucy who called the dinner to an end.

  “Is anyone up for a walk?” Lucy asked.

  “I’m actually really tired,” Sydney lied. “Raincheck?”

  “Of course.” Lucy hugged Sydney and whispered, “You hate him.”

  “I don’t hate him.”

  “Yes you do.” She pulled back with a frown. “Shit.”

  Sydney noticed Thane guide Zach away from them and focused back on Lucy. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be,” she said with a sigh. “Now I have to dump him.”

  “No! Don’t do that on my account.”

  “Lovey, you were the one and only test. I knew if you had an issue with him, he was gone. Remember when you visited freshman year of high school and totally hated George?”

  Sydney nodded.

  “Well, George got arrested for three rapes. Then, there was the Ellie thing, oh, and the Mr. Murray incident of two-thousand-and-seven.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Sid, you have this uncanny ability to get to the soul of a person. If they’re rotten your body literally reacts to them. You’re a human litmus test.”

  “How am I a human litmus test?” she asked.

  “Because you get all emotional and headachy when you meet horrible people.”

  Sydney rolled her eyes. “Don’t be dramatic.”

  “Sid, you met Ellie and immediately asked for ibuprofen, just like with George. You also refused to touch her. Same with George. Ellie had just stolen diamonds from a jewelry store, and then, you remember Mr. Murray right.”

  Sydney shuddered. “The creepy teacher?”

  “Yes. He was sleeping with multiple students in exchange for good grades. You know who’s good and who’s bad just by meeting them.”

  “I’m sure Zach’s fine, Luce. He’s just kind of a dooooood.”

  Lucy giggled. “Nah, he’s gone. He wasn’t very good in bed anyway.”

  “Lucy!” Sydney admonished. “Way TMI, babe.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I just wish you could have met him sooner. Now he’s going to be a pain in the arse about me cutting him loose.”

  “Luce, really. Don’t make your decision based on me.”

  “Okay, love.” Lucy hugged her again.

  “I’m serious,” Sydney pressed.

  “I promise.”

  Sydney narrowed her eyes, but knew she couldn’t control what Lucy did, so gave her a quick nod and walked with her back to join the men. Thane wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her close.

  “It was great to meet you, Zach,” Thane said, and shook his hand.

  “You too, man. If you ever need a hot Asian guy for a movie, hook me up.”

  Thane chuckled. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  Like hell you will.

  Thane patted Sydney’s bottom before hugging Lucy. “Good to see you, Lucy.”

  “You too, Thane. I’m sure I’ll see you sooner than later.”

  Thane smiled. “That’s the plan.”

  Sydney tried not to stiffen as Zach pulled her in for a bear hug, falling against Thane in relief when Zach released her. She waited until she and Thane were in the car before groaning out loud. “That was gross.”

  Thane threw his head back and laughed. “You look like a toddler who just ate a lemon for the first time.”

  Sydney blushed. “Sorry. I know I’m being dramatic, but that guy gives me the willies.”

  “Willies, eh?”

  She grimaced. “I’m sorry, honey. I didn’t mean to be so ungracious to him.”

  “You have nothing to be sorry for. He was kind of a jerk.” He squeezed her hand. “Shall we head back? Are you tired?”

  “A bit, but...”

  Thane chuckled again. “Making out before sleep?”

  “Well, duh.”


  SYDNEY PULLED HER hair into a ponytail as she walked down the hallway and into the living room. She’d just changed into pajamas and washed the makeup off her face and now she wanted wine and make-out time with Thane. He was standing by one of the windows, his phone to his ear, and he appeared to be listening intently.

  She made her way to him and he opened his free arm for her to slide against him, which she did. He gave her a gentle squeeze and she settled her chin on his chest so she could watch his expression.

  “Aye, no. Aye. Pam, it’s done, don’t let them bully or manipulate you. They knew what they were doing and now they’re going through you to try and change it. Aye. Full authority.” He chuckled. “Aye, lass. Turn your phone off. Aye. We’ll talk in a couple of weeks. If I need you, I’ll send you an e-mail. Okay. Good.

  “Everything okay?”

  “Pam’s getting some pushback from a few of the magazines and she’s trying to be nice about it. I just gave her permission not to be.” He stroked her hair. “Now, I have a question for you.”

  “Ask away.”

  “The little prince turns one just about a week after your birthday and Samantha wants to know if you’d like to go through the conversion at the castle. Pepper will be there, along with the staff who have all gone through the process with them, so they can keep you comfortable.”

  “Translation: if I go with you to their castle, it’s an impenetrable force, and that means I will be safer there than anywhere and you’ll feel better.”

  Thane chuckled. “Exactly.”

  Sydney smiled and looked up at him. “I’m fine with that as long as it’s not inconvenient for anyone.”

  “She wouldn’t have offered if it was.”

  “Then it’s fine by me.”

  He grinned and leaned down to kiss her, pushing her onto her back. “Good answer.”

  “When do we go?”

  “A couple of days before your birthday, however, my sister has threatened murder if I don’t let you out this weekend.”

  Sydney giggled. “I desperately need some clothes, honey, so I would love time with your sister if you can make it work.”

  Thane kissed her neck. “When you’re all sweetness and light like this, Sydney, I wonder what you’re up to.”

  “Me? Why would I be up to anything?”

  He narrowed his eyes. “Why indeed?”

  Sydney sighed. “I’m trying to ask nicely to go shopping with your sister, rather than demand you get off my back since I’m a grown-ass adult and should be allowed to do whatever the hell I want to.”

  Thane dropped his head onto her shoulder and laughed. “Shite, love, you’re hilarious.”

  She couldn’t help but smile. “So, what time shall I expect your sister on Friday?”

  “I’ll ring her tonight.”

  She slid her hands into his hair. “Thank you.”

  Thane raised his head and kissed her. “Well played, sweetheart.”

  Sydney giggled.

  * * *

  Connall came awake as Pepper grabbed for him. He felt pain slice through her as she experienced a contraction. He sat up before he was completely awake. “Pepper?” he whispered.

  “She’s coming, baby.”

  Connall knifed off the bed and grabbed his phone. “She’s early.”

  “I know it. Just like her brother.” Pepper took a deep breath and let it out. “Little cretin.”

  He put the phone to his ear as he watched Pepper closely. “Gillian, aye, she’s in labor now. How far apart are the contractions, love?”

  “About four minutes,” she said, and took another deep breath.

  “Four minutes. Right, see you soon. She’ll be here in ten minutes,” he said as he pulled on a pair of sweats.


  “What, baby?”

  “I think my water just broke. I’m soaked.”

  “All right, love.” He moved to Pepper’s side of the bed and helped her up. “Let’s get you out of these wet things.”

  He helped her into clean clothes and guided her to the bench at the end of the bed just as another contraction hit and she cried out in pain. Connall knelt in front of her and took her hands. “You ready?”

  She shook her head. “I need a little more time.”

  He chuckled as he worked to ease her pain. “She’s obviously like her mother. Unpredictable and totally on her own schedule.”

  Pepper dropped her forehead to his. “Bite me.”

  “It’s a compliment, love.”

  “Oh, well, then bite me in a good way.” Connall laughed and Pepper gripped his shoulders. “We still don’t have a name.”

  He sighed. “I know, love.”

  “She needs a name.”

  “Let’s look at her and then decide,” he suggested.

  Before she could respond, Gillian, the royals’ Cauld Ane OB/GYN, breezed into the room, followed by Samantha and Payton.

  “Sam, you’re supposed to be resting,” Pepper admonished.

  “I can’t miss my niece’s birth, Pep,” Samantha said.

  “Where’s Kade?”

  “In the hall with Brodie.”

  “I swear to Buddha, Sam, if you feel uncomfortable at all,” Pepper started, but a contraction had her losing her breath.

  “Okay, love,” Connall soothed. “It’s all right.”

  “Bed’s all set,” Payton said, and made her way to Pepper. “Ready to have our wee girl?”

  Pepper squeezed her eyes shut. “Not at all.”

  “Settle her on the bed, Your Highness,” Gillian instructed. “I’ll examine her there.”

  “Aye.” Connall lifted Pepper quickly and gently from the bench and laid her on the bed, keeping contact with her to ease the pain.

  Payton and Samantha turned on lights and then Samantha took a seat with a scowl. “I heard you the first forty times you demanded it, Kade,” she called.

  Pepper cried out and Payton took her hand. Connall saw his mate’s hair darken faster than it had with Cody.

  “Pepper,” Payton said quietly. “Calm yourself, love.”

  “Hvers vegna? Er hárið aftur orðið rautt??” (Why? Is my hair red again?)

  Connall nodded and squeezed her hand. “Já.”

  Pepper’s hair lightened again, although, it was still darker than was safe. Pepper ripped her hand from Connall’s. “Ekki snerta mig!” she snapped.

  “Shite,” Connall hissed.

  “Fyrirgefðu, elskan mín,” Pepper whispered, and took his hand as her hair went back to blonde.

  “There’s nothing to forgive, love.”

  She burst into tears and grabbed Connall’s shirt. “Ég vil þetta barn út!” (I want this baby out of me!)

  “Bráðum, elskan. Ég lofa.” (Soon, sweetheart. I promise.)

  “Here we go,” Samantha warned.

  Pepper gritted her teeth as another contraction hit her. She screamed and ripped Connall’s shirt down the middle.

  Payton gasped. “Again?”

  When Pepper gave birth to Cody, she tore five of Connall’s shirts. She’d had a difficult time controlling her pain and it had forced her super-strength abilities to the forefront. Luckily, her firestarter abilities hadn’t surfaced. Connall hoped she’d be able to control herself a little more during this birth, but he wasn’t holding out hope.

  “I’m prepared this time, lass,” Connall said, and smiled.

  “I’m okay,” Pepper said, this time in English.

  Gillian smiled. “Ten centimeters, fully effaced.”

  “Are you ready to push, sweetheart?”

  Pepper nodded, her hair now fully back to blonde. “Yep.”

  It took three pushes and twenty minutes to bring baby Chelsea into the world and Connall knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that he was in big trouble. The baby looked just like her mother, and since he couldn’t say no to her, discipline was going to be a major issue for him in the future.

  “Och, lassie,” he crooned as Pepper held her. “You’re going to cause me a lot of trouble.”

  Pepper giggled as she stroked the baby’s cheek. “Yes, you will, Chelsea Samantha Gunnach.”

  Samantha gasped and sat on the edge of the bed. “You named her after me?”

  “You’re my sister and my best friend... duh.”

  Samantha laughed, leaning over to kiss the baby. “I love you.”

  “Love you too, honey.”

  “Everything looks great, Pepper,” Gillian said. “You’re already healing, so let’s get Chelsea weighed and measured and then we’ll see if she’ll eat.”

  “I’ll take her, love,” Connall said, and cradled his little girl in his arms for a moment. “My beloved wee lassie, may God’s blessings be heaped upon you, and I pray I’m the father you need to raise you to be just like you
r Mum.” He kissed her head and handed her off to Gillian before turning to find Pepper, Samantha, and Payton crying. “What’s the matter?”

  “Nothing,” Pepper said, wiping her eyes. “That was just so unbelievably sweet.”

  He chuckled and leaned down to kiss her gently. “You are a rock star, my love. Thank you.”

  “I didn’t kill you this time,” Pepper said, surprised. “And I only ripped one shirt.”

  “Aye, lass, you were amazing.”

  She giggled and kissed him again. Once the baby was settled at Pepper’s breast, she ate a little and fell asleep quickly, so Brodie and Kade said hello to their new niece and then took their mates home.

  Gillian stayed for about an hour to make sure all was okay before also leaving to head back to Brodie and Payton’s. She was sticking around for Liam’s party, and then also staying for the birth of the new prince.

  Connall and Pepper decided not to wake Cody, but as soon as he was up and ready for the day, he met his new sister and the little family took some bonding time.


  ELSPIE ARRIVED JUST before noon on Friday. She pulled Sydney in for a tight sisterly hug and then greeted her brother. Wallace set her bags in the guestroom and promised to bring the car around when the ladies were ready to leave.

  “I have orders from Mum and Ainsley.”

  “Orders?” Thane asked.

  “Aye. There’s a couple of things they want from that little boutique outside the mall. You know, A Touch in Time?”

  “Since I’m a man, I can’t say I do.”

  Eslpie giggled. “Well, if I find what they want, I’m going to lie and say I couldn’t then give them to them for Christmas,” she confided. “They are so bloody hard to buy for that it’ll serve them right.”

  Thane chuckled. “Your secret’s safe with me as long as my name’s on the card.”

  Elspie jabbed a finger toward him with a laugh. “So predictable, brother.”

  “Are we eating before we go?” Thane asked.

  “You’re not coming,” Elspie said emphatically.

  “I vote we eat now,” Sydney said. “I’m starving.”

  Elspie grinned. “I’m ready if you are.”

  Thane sighed. “What will I do while you’re gone?”

  Sydney and Elspie looked at each other. “Honey, you’ll be fine,” Sydney said. “You can survive a few hours without me.”