Bound by Fire Read online

Page 12

  He nodded.

  “I don’t understand. Why?”

  “We’ll know more when Dalton’s done with him, but I got the impression that all of this started when you refused to sell Jonesy to Britney. He planned to scare you into selling, but he thought he’d take it a little further.”

  She sagged against him. “How did you find out about him?”

  “I sent a few of his notes to Alasdair, and we also tracked your phone.”

  She frowned. “You tracked my cell phone?”

  “Aye. And before you get your knickers in a twist, if we hadn’t done that, we wouldn’t have found the bastard.”

  “Are you still tracking my phone?”

  He shook his head. “No, love. Now that Beau’s out of the picture, the danger’s gone.”

  “How did you find him? Beau?”

  “That I can’t tell you.”

  “Why not?” she asked in suspicion.

  “Because I’d rather show you. Feel like going for a ride?”

  “Do I have to see Mr. Anders?”

  “Och, no, love.” He frowned. “Never.”

  “Okay. Then, yes, I’ll go for a ride.”

  He led her out to his rental car and they climbed in and took off toward the stables.

  “Are we going to the beach?” she asked.

  He shook his head.

  As they approached the driveway of Whispering Willows, Pepper grabbed his arm and shook her head. “You didn’t say we were coming here. I can’t, Connall. Please don’t make me. I can’t see him.”

  Connall laid his hand over hers. “Trust me, sweetheart.”

  Tears leaked down her cheeks and she wiped angrily at them. “I cannot see him! It’s unfair of you to shove him in my face. He’s not mine anymore!”

  He pulled the car up to the area between the barn and the arena and set the brake. “Open the glove box.”

  “Why?” she asked in suspicion.

  “Open it.”

  She did as he asked. “And?”

  “There’s a yellow piece of paper on top of the manual. Grab that.”

  She pulled out the slip of paper. “What’s this?”

  “Pepper,” he groaned. “Read it.”

  She scanned the page and let out a loud snort. “You didn’t.”

  “I didn’t have a choice, sweetheart.”

  “But I never banked the check.”

  “What’s that got to do with the price of fish?”

  She shoved the paper back in the glove box. “I never banked the Anders’ check. It was blood money. I can’t pay you back.”

  Connall gently gripped her chin. “Pepper. Listen carefully. Jonesy is your horse. You don’t have to pay me—”

  “I always pay my own way, Con,” she interrupted. “And before you start in on another lecture, this time it’s not about control, it’s about what’s right.”

  He shook his head and forced a smile. “You don’t have to pay me back, because Anders signed him over without exchange of money.”


  “Hold that thought.” Climbing out of the car, he made his way to Pepper’s door and opened it, holding his hand out to her. “Come on.”


  “Pepper. You can bank the check or rip it up…it won’t matter. The horse and the money are yours.”

  “Well, I’m not taking his money now that he’s given me my horse back. I’ll rip up the check.”

  “I don’t give a damn what you do with the money, Pepper. But the horse is yours.”

  She took his hand and slid from the car. “I don’t know what to say.”

  “How about you say hello to your horse?” He nodded toward the arena. “He’s waiting for you.”



  With a cry of joy, she made a mad dash for the ring and Connall followed. A whinny trumpeted and Connall smiled as he reached the arena. Pepper had jumped the railing and stood with her hand out, waiting as Jonesy made a run for her. She laughed with tears streaming down her face as the horse threw his head up and down and nudged her as if to chastise her for leaving him.

  Connall stood at the railing for a few precious minutes, giving her time with her pet and relishing the unhindered joy on her face.


  CONNALL LET HIMSELF inside the arena through the gate, grinning as a small crowd gathered. Maggie let out a shrill whistle when Pepper vaulted onto Jonesy’s back and guided him around the arena. No tack required. He did everything she demanded.

  She leaned over his neck and stroked his coat. Jonesy stood still and turned his head toward her in an effort to get closer. Connall approached, holding a peppermint in his hand. “I think he’s looking for this.”

  Jonesy took the treat and Pepper slipped from his back, sliding her arms around Connall’s waist. “I don’t know how you did it, but I don’t think ‘thank you’ is enough to express how grateful I really am.”

  He kissed her temple. “Your joy is enough, love.”

  He held her for a few precious seconds before she looked up at him. “I think I should cancel MGA.”

  “Oh? How come?” he asked.

  “I can’t leave Jonesy now that I have him back. I’ll just eat the cost of tuition. I’m sure I can find another job.”

  “You mean to stay here?”

  She nodded. “What other choice do I have?”

  Connall leaned back. “You don’t actually think now that I’ve found you, there’d be any chance in hell I’d let you go, did you?”

  “It’s not letting me go, Con.” She smiled. “I’ll definitely visit. But I can’t leave Jonesy for another minute. I don’t think I could survive it.”

  Connall shook his head. “I’ve made other arrangements.”

  She stepped away from him, closer to her horse. “Like?”

  “He’ll come home with us.”

  “What?” She leaned against Jonesy’s shoulder and frowned. “How?”

  “Max is finalizing the plans at the moment. He’ll have the flight plan and information no later than tomorrow.”

  “Were you going to ask me if that was what I wanted?”

  “This solves everything, Pepper.”

  She crossed her arms. “And what about Jonesy? Hmm? He’s been traumatized over the past month. You expect him to get into a stall on an airplane? Are you high? He’ll freak! He doesn’t even like the trailer.” She fisted her hands at her side. “I knew you were too freakin’ good to be true! I’m such an idiot. All men are the same. You have to lord over us like we don’t have the ability to think for ourselves. Well, thank you but no thank you. I’ll pay you for Jonesy, whatever you want. I’ll figure it out. But I am perfectly fine without a man to take care of me.”

  Connall stood speechless and tried not to laugh. Her cheeks were pink and as she got further into her rampage, she took on a southern accent that grew heavier by the second. She was stunning. The quiet, frightened young woman he’d met three days ago was nowhere to be seen, and he couldn’t have been happier. His mate was a force to be reckoned with, and his heart soared.

  “Connall? Helloooo,” she ground out. The irritated snap of her fingers brought him back to the present.

  He raised an eyebrow, forcing himself not to smile. “Let me be sure I’m hearing you correctly.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “You believe that I force you not to think, making you feel reduced to a blithering idiot, while my disregard for Jonesy’s difficulties of late has made you believe that I’m an uncaring overlord looking for any weakness you might reveal so that I might exploit it. Is that about right?”

  “Um, well.” She bit her lip. “I think that might be a little harsher than what I actually said…” She trailed off, her face red and her eyes unable to stay fixed on his.

  “Pepper.” He grinned. “Look at me, please.”

  Her eyes flew to his and he again had to force himself not to grin like a loon.

/>   “I’m so sorry,” she said. “You’ve done so much for me and I don’t want to seem ungrateful. I really will pay you back.”

  He leaned down and covered her lips with his, cradling her head as he pulled her closer. She sighed and sagged against him. He would have continued, but Jonesy pushed at Pepper, forcing Connall to pull her away in order to keep her upright.

  Pepper squeezed her eyes shut and groaned. “You’re not making this easy.”

  “I have no intention of making anything that ends in us being apart easy.” He narrowed his eyes. “Now, will you let me finish?”

  “Do I have a choice?”

  “Not this time,” he said.

  She waved her hand. “Dictate away, overlord of mine.”

  “If you agree, this is my proposal…”

  She snorted, but pressed her lips into a thin line at his look of warning.

  “My stable is an internationally authorized quarantine facility, and I have relationships all over the world with other similar facilities. I’ve spoken with Maggie about partnering with her to bring her facility up to code, and we’re also discussing a more in-depth business relationship. She has a deep understanding and love of horses, and with Mario as her trainer, this could be very lucrative for her.”

  “How long will it take to bring Whispering Willows up to code?”

  “Several months.” He raised a hand when she opened her mouth. “But before you try to tell me that waiting for Jonesy to go through quarantine is exactly why you can’t go with me to Scotland…I have another solution.”

  She stuck her tongue out at him and he was so surprised, he laughed…and then he had to kiss her again…it was a necessity. When he broke the kiss he shook his head. “Ég sé að líf okkar saman verður eingöngu tær gleði.”

  She narrowed her eyes in suspicion. “Which means?”

  “I can see our lives together will be nothing but pure joy.”

  “I’ll ignore the hint of sarcasm in that comment.” She gave him a reluctant grin. “Please continue.”

  “Max is organizing my plane to pick Jonesy up—along with you and me.”

  “You have your own plane?” she said in dismay.

  “I buy and sell horses all over the world. I’ve found it’s much more cost effective to own my own planes than to hire one every time I have to fulfill a sale.”

  “You own more than one?”

  “Pepper. Focus,” he demanded.

  “Sorry,” she muttered.

  “I have, in the past, been given permission to bring a horse into the U.K. without it first being quarantined at an approved facility. It’s not a given, however. Max is working with DEFRA to get Jonesy to Gunnach Stables as soon as possible.”

  “What’s DEFRA?”

  “The Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs. They handle animal imports into the U.K. Jonesy can go through quarantine there.” He pulled another treat out of his pocket and held his hand out for Jonesy, who lapped it up. “But all of this is only if it’s something you want to do.”

  She rubbed her forehead. “I was not prepared for you, Connall Gunnach. I swear to Buddha, you have turned my life upside down.”

  “Is that a yes, then?”

  “I need to think about it.” She took a deep breath. “Is that okay?”

  “Of course it is.” He reached for her hand but she avoided him. “Hey, there’s no pressure.”

  She nodded, but he didn’t like her panicked expression.


  They turned to see Samantha waving from the fence. Kade stood beside her and gave Connall an apologetic smile. Connall figured as soon as Samantha found out Jonesy was back where he belonged, that she’d wanted to share in the joy with her best friend. Sam let herself inside the arena and started toward them.

  “Can I have a few minutes with Sam?” Pepper asked.

  “Of course,” Connall said. “You okay?”

  She smiled. “Yes.”

  He wasn’t convinced, but he left her and made his way to Kade.

  * * *

  Sam clapped her hands and hugged Pepper and then patted Jonesy’s neck. “Connall got him back! I’m so happy for you.”

  Pepper nodded, but her emotions were in turmoil.

  “What’s wrong?” Sam asked.

  “Con wants to take Jonesy to Scotland.”

  “Without you?”

  Pepper rolled her eyes. “No.”

  “Okay,” Sam said slowly. “And?”

  Pepper laid out Connall’s plan and Sam raised an eyebrow. “I don’t see the problem.”

  “Sam,” Pepper hissed. “If he does this, I will have no way out.”

  Sam shook her head in confusion. “What are you talking about?”

  Pepper let out a frustrated groan. “He just took care of my stalker, rescued my horse, and now wants to whisk us both to Scotland where we’ll what? Spend our lives together in bliss for the rest of our days?”

  “Sounds good so far—”

  “What happens when it all goes down the crapper and he hates me? I’ll be stuck in Scotland with him holding all this over my head? I’ll lose him and my horse and still feel like I’m beholden to him. I already owe him too much as it is.”

  “What makes you think, one, he’ll hate you and, two, he’ll hold anything over your head?”

  “What makes you think he won’t?”

  “Because I know him.”

  Pepper glared at her. “Well, bully for you, sunshine. I don’t.”

  “Yes you do.”

  “It’s been less than a week, Sam. No. I. Don’t.”

  Sam stared at her and then laughed.

  “What?” Pepper snapped.

  “Lightning wrapped in a rainbow.”

  “Not even close! Roses with razor blades as thorns.”

  “Oh my,” Sam exclaimed sarcastically. “You are in a bad way.”

  Pepper sighed. “I have some money left over after the MGA tuition, but could I borrow a little from you?”

  “What for?”

  “I need to pay him back.”

  “No you don’t.”

  “Yes, I do,” Pepper argued. “I shouldn’t have let him do this for me to begin with.”

  “What about Scotland?”

  “I can’t, Sam. I’ll just stay here. It’ll be better for everyone.”

  Sam crossed her arms. “Not for me.”

  Pepper forced herself not to fold. “You have Kade now. I fully intend to visit. I just don’t think it would be a good idea for me to put all my eggs in one basket, so to speak.”

  “Which is ridiculous. I may have Kade, but I still need you. Who can I complain about Kade to?”

  Pepper smiled. “You can call me.”

  “Pepper, come on. We had it all planned out. I really want to explore Scotland with you. The fact that you and Connall are a couple just makes it even sweeter.”

  “If I don’t end it now, Sam, I won’t have the strength to do it later. It’s better to rip the Band-aid off now.”

  “Pepper…” Samantha stalled, looking as though she was going to say more, but then she shrugged. “Fine.”


  “Yep. I don’t want to force you, Pepper. You’re my best friend. I want you to be happy.”

  Pepper cocked her head. “What are you doing, Sam?”

  “I’m sorry?”

  Pepper glanced over to where Kade and Connall were standing. Connall’s back was to her and Kade seemed relaxed and unbothered.

  What are you saying to Sam? Pepper asked Connall.

  He turned to face her and shrugged. Sam’s all the way over there, love. What could I possibly be saying to her that you wouldn’t be able to hear?

  “Is he talking to you?” Pepper asked Sam.

  “Who?” Sam asked.

  “Connall,” she snapped.

  “In my mind?”

  “Yes, in your mind!”

  Sam shook her head. “Only Kade can, Pepper.”

nbsp; “Well, then what’s Kade saying?”

  Sam stared at her husband. “Um, kind of private, Pepper…and a little on the dirty side.”

  “About me!”

  “Why would my husband be saying dirty things about you?”

  Pepper stomped her foot, causing Jonesy to sidestep.

  “Careful,” Sam warned, stifling a giggle. “You’re upsetting your horse.”

  Pepper threw her arms in the air and stomped toward the exit. Jonesy followed like a puppy.

  “Hey, Pep,” Sam called and caught up with her. “You want to ride?”

  Pepper turned, walking backwards, with a scowl on her face. “Hey, Einstein, I have nothing with me.”

  “I brought you boots and a helmet.”

  Connall pushed away from the fence. “And Maggie has Jonesy’s tack.”

  Pepper turned toward Connall. “I told her to sell it.”

  He shrugged. “She didn’t listen.”

  Pepper tried not to smile. Truly she did, but her heart was reluctantly softening and she couldn’t stop it. “I hate both of you. I really do.”

  Sam caught up to her and wrapped her arm around her shoulders. “I’m picking up on that. Come on. Connall bought three other horses today and has promised me a ride. I say we go on an old-fashioned trail ride.”

  “You’re on your honeymoon,” Pepper countered.

  Sam glanced at Kade and then smiled back at Pepper. “Yep. And right now, I’d like to go on a trail ride with my best friend. Maybe to the beach?”

  “Twist my arm.”

  “Yay,” Sam said, and clapped. “I’ll get our stuff. Be right back.”

  She and Kade made their way to the car and Pepper was left with Connall. She was less upset, but she still felt like she had to stick with her decision.

  “Max texted while you were talking with Sam,” Connall said.


  “We have the okay to bring Jonesy in anytime we want to. The plane can be here day after tomorrow and we can all travel together.”

  “I can’t.”

  “Yes, you can.”

  “I can’t pay the price, Con.” She didn’t just mean financially.

  “Pepper, the price has already been paid. You don’t owe anyone anything. How can I prove that?”

  “What happens when you feel you’ve paid too much?”

  He pinched the bridge of his nose. “What are you talking about?”