Bound by Fire Read online

Page 11


  He leaned over her. “No, you’re not going to argue with me, or no, you’re not going to answer the question?”

  She bit her lip and shrugged, laying her hands on his knees. “I’m not going to answer the question.”

  She waited until he tried to strike again, but when he did, she was too quick for him and managed to sit up and grab his waist, turning the tables on him. She knew he was beyond shocked because he lost his balance and she ended up on top of him, digging her fingertips into his sides and eliciting a howl of laughter from him.

  “How the hell did you do that?”

  “Honestly?” Pepper giggled. “I have no idea.”

  She wasn’t there for long. Connall pulled her on top of his chest and rolled her under him. He kissed her well past the point of common sense. Pepper slipped her hands under his shirt and stroked his back. He swore and rolled away from her, digging his fingers into his head.

  Pepper groaned in protest. “Why did you stop?”

  “Because I had to.” He sat up. “You’re killing me, sweetheart.”

  She sat up too and wrapped her arms around his waist. “I’m sorry.”

  “Sure you are.” He laughed and kissed the crown of her head. “Go change. It’s going to be hard enough to sleep with you all night and keep my hands off you.”

  Pepper reluctantly left him, but returned quickly.

  * * *

  The next day, Connall watched Pepper as she sat in the Moore’s living room and stared out the window. Mario was going to have to have surgery to fix his leg, which weighed heavily on her. For the most part, she was able to give the appearance that although she might be going through something difficult, she had it under control. However, her panic and heartache screamed at him and had they been alone, he would have taken her in his arms and held her in an effort to ease her worries. For now, he’d have to settle with holding her hand or some other subtle touch.

  They were leaving in two days and Connall wasn’t sure that was enough time to do what he needed to. Pepper still insisted on purchasing her own luggage from this place called Walmart, and as much as he had tried to distract her from that plan, she wouldn’t let it drop.

  Before he could make his way to her side, he heard Dalton ask, “Whiskey?” He turned to find Dalton holding out a glass. He took it and smiled. “Thank you.”

  “What do you think of our little town?” Dalton asked.

  Connall couldn’t stop looking at Pepper. “I think it’s magnificent.”

  Dalton followed his gaze and a frown flickered over his face. “Yeah. She is. Be careful with her.”

  Connall bristled. “Pardon?”

  “I’m man enough to admit when I’ve lost, but you hurt her and I’ll hunt you down.”

  Connall gave him a curt nod and set the full glass on the side table. He had no problem with Dalton being protective, as long as he kept his relationship with Pepper platonic. His phone buzzed and he checked the text. “Excuse me. I have a meeting.”

  He made his way to Pepper and she smiled up at him. “Hi.”

  He squatted beside the sofa. “I have to leave for a bit.”

  “Everything okay?” she asked. “Is Mario okay?”

  “Mario’s fine, love. I just have an errand to run.”

  “Do you want some company?” she asked.

  “Typically, I’d love some, however, I need to take care of this alone.”

  “Oh, okay.”

  He smiled. “I’ll be back before dinner and you and I will spend some time together.”

  She cocked her head. “And if that’s not convenient for me?”

  “I’ll steal you away to my castle and lock you in my tower.”

  “Promises, promises.”

  “Stay close to my brothers,” he ordered.

  She gave him a salute. “Yes sir.”

  He grinned and kissed her quickly and then he slipped out the front door and into the waiting car. His phone buzzed again. “Hi, Kade.”

  “Hey, you okay?”

  “Yeah. Just have an errand. I’ll be back before dinner. Are we meeting at the hotel?”

  “Aye,” Kade said. “Six. Don’t be late.”

  Connall chuckled. “Tell my new sister-in-law that I will be there at five-fifty-five and then give her a kiss from me.”

  Kade laughed. “Did you hear that?”

  “I heard it,” Sam said in the background. “He’s lucky he’s cute.”

  “Sam,” Kade admonished.

  Connall didn’t hear her response, but he guessed it had something to do with Kade objecting to her thinking him cute.

  “Gotta go, Kade.” He hung up and entered the address into the GPS.


  LESS THAN FIFTEEN minutes later, Connall pulled through the large gates of Whispering Willows and drove up to a quintessential red-and-white American barn. A woman in her fifties, dressed neatly, but not extravagantly, stood with a girl in her teens who was dressed to the nines in show attire, ready to showcase a few of the horses Connall had come to “look at.”

  Connall slid out of the car and headed toward the welcoming party. “Ladies. I’m Connall Gunnach.”

  “Oh, Dr. Gunnach,” the older woman gushed. “Your reputation needs no introduction. I’m Maggie Fontaine, and this is Britney. She’s one of our best riders and she’s agreed to help today.”

  “I appreciate your time, lass.”

  “It’s my pleasure,” Britney said breathlessly in her thick southern accent.

  “I have three horses ready for Britney to show you,” Maggie said. “Shall we?”

  Connall waved his hand. “After you.”

  He followed the ladies to the covered arena, passing several stalls as they made their way through the barn. He did a quick scan of the names on the outside of the stalls, finding what he was looking for, third stall in.


  A piece of paper underneath Jonesy’s nameplate seemed to glare at Connall. He leaned forward to get a better look. Predictable. His new name was Magnifico.

  “We’ve ordered a new nameplate for him,” Britney said. “Jonesy was just so, I don’t know, trashy.”

  Connall tried not to snort in derision. Despite his wealth, he detested spoiled little rich girls almost as much as spoiled big rich girls. “Oh, I don’t know. I quite like Jonesy.”

  Jonesy started to crib bite and Connall frowned. “Why are there no guards on the stall?”

  Britney rushed to the stall and smacked the horse on its muzzle. “Magnifico. Stop that.” She giggled nervously. “He just started doing that yesterday. I asked the Mex—I mean, our Hispanic worker, to install the metal, but he hasn’t gotten around to it.”

  “You realize it could be an indication of a larger issue?” Connall asked.

  “I’m sure he’s fine,” Britney said.

  Maggie nodded. “Britney’s father just purchased the horse a month ago and the girl who sold him took great care with him.”

  “Have you had him checked by a vet?” Connall asked.

  Britney frowned and shook her head.

  He smiled. “Well, I’d be happy to have a look at him before I leave, if you’d like.”

  “Oh, yes, please,” Britney said.

  Connall dug in his pocket and pulled out a peppermint, holding his palm out for Jonesy. The horse lapped it up and threw his head up and down as he ate it. Connall couldn’t help but smile. Pepper had described her pet perfectly. He ran a hand over Jonesy’s neck and whispered to him, calming him instantly. “Right, ladies. Shall we?”

  “This way,” Maggie said.

  They arrived at the arena to find a small audience. A tall man, with salt-and-pepper hair and wearing something much more conducive to sailing than riding, approached with a much younger woman. Connall instantly felt leery of him and made a mental note to watch him closely.

  The woman was aflutter with either nervousness or something akin to a seizure as she reached out to shake Conna
ll’s hand. The amount of jewels adorning her hands, ears, and neck rivaled the queen. She wore a cream jacket with matching cream slacks and shoes that really belonged in a ballroom rather than a barn, and her hair was teased so high, it added another four inches to her height.

  “Well, hi there,” she drawled. “My name is Mercedes. I’m Britney’s mama, and this is my husband, Beau.”

  Connall smiled politely and shook their hands. “Connall Gunnach.”

  “I understand you’re lookin’ for some horses,” Beau said.

  “Yes. I’m extending my business to the States and rather than export, I’d rather build my stables in-house, so to speak,” Connall lied.

  Mercedes sighed loudly. “Oh, my. That accent. It’s just divine. Isn’t it divine, Beau?”

  Her husband ignored her and pointed toward the three horses tacked up outside the arena. “Which one would you like my daughter to show you first?”

  “First, I’d like you to put the mare in the middle back in her stall.”

  “But she’s a champion. Worth over a hundred grand,” Beau argued.

  Connall faced the man. “I take it you own her?”


  “Well, you’ve done a piss-poor job of taking care of her feet, and if I had the time and energy, I’d fix her and beat you with the horseshoe currently hanging halfway off her hoof.”

  Mercedes gasped and waved her hand in front of her face. “Oh, my.”

  Beau’s eyes shot to the horse and he reddened. “Those damn Mexican idiots! Maggie, I want them fired.”

  Maggie coughed, obviously trying to hide her pleasure at Beau’s discomfort. “Since Rio’s recovering, I’ll have a talk with José. I apologize.”

  “What you should do, is fire the lot of them and hire Americans—”

  “Miss Fontaine.” Connall interrupted Beau’s tirade. “I’d appreciate some information on the other two, if you don’t mind.”

  “Of course.”

  Connall followed her to the small pack, but before she could say anything, he approached the mare and slid his hand over her neck. “Hello, lassie. How’s the good girl today, hm? I’m just going to make you a wee bit more comfortable. All right?”

  The horse nuzzled his shoulder and Connall lifted her back hoof and pulled off the ill-fitting shoe. He straightened and the horse lowered her foot, letting out a grunt of relief.

  “Do you have a farrier onsite?” he asked Maggie.

  She nodded, her cheeks pinkening. “We do. But Mr. Anders refuses to use him, choosing his ‘economical’ route instead.”

  “Will you please have him take care of the mare? Send me the bill.”

  “I will. Thank you, Dr. Gunnach.”

  He smiled and then went about looking at the other horses. Both looked sound, so he nodded for Britney to show him the chestnut gelding. She led it into the arena and put him through several paces. Connall took the opportunity to find out whose side Maggie Fontaine was on. “The horse…ah…Magnifico, is it?”

  “Worst name ever! His name is Jonesy,” she snapped, although her voice was quiet. “Sorry.”

  “No need.” Connall smiled and pretended to be watching Britney. “What was his previous owner like?”

  “Pepper? Oh, she’s an absolute doll!” Maggie exclaimed. “She was with Jonesy’s mama when he was born and stayed with him night and day, even though we thought for sure he was a goner.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “The mare died mid-birth, and we weren’t sure we’d be able to save the foal. The vet was stuck on the entry road—there’d been a nasty accident and he couldn’t get to us—but Pepper was determined. The vet talked her through how to get the foal out and she did it beautifully. She sang and cooed and coaxed that baby up on his feet and the two have been inseparable ever since. The mare was mine. She was a good horse…” Maggie wiped her eyes and shook her head. “Anyway, Jonesy formed an attachment with Pepper and I just couldn’t separate them. I let her work to pay for him and she did. Even worked an extra year for free.”

  “Why did she sell him?”

  “I have no idea. It’s real strange, to be honest. Especially who she sold him to. Britney’s not the sharpest tool in the shed. She’s a good rider and she’s nicer to horses than to people…not that that’s saying much…particularly when it comes to women. But, she’s also spoiled and when a horse doesn’t do what she wants it to do, she makes daddy buy her another one. She’s been coveting Jonesy for years.” Maggie chuckled. “I think Beau’s ready to get rid of him, though.”

  “Oh? Why?”

  “Jonesy’s depressed. He misses Pepper, you know? He won’t do anything. Just mopes. Britney’s convinced she’s good enough to get him to do what Pepper did, but what she doesn’t understand is that she will never have the bond with him Pepper did.”

  “Has Pepper come to visit?”

  Maggie shook her head. “No. She won’t. I think it would be too hard.”

  “What’s Pepper like?” he asked.

  “She’s a real good girl. Miracle, really.”

  “How so?”

  “Her mama’s a mess. She drinks and has a new man every week. Pepper’s had a few bruises that she said were from doors and such, but I think they were from her mama’s boyfriends. Things got better for her when she was living with her friend. But then Sam moved and Pepper went back with her mom. Then, about two months ago, Pepper started to change. She got real jumpy and quiet. We started finding notes taped to Jonesy’s stall, and I assumed they were from a secret admirer, but she didn’t seem happy to receive them. Then a month ago, she just up and sold him to Brit. She hasn’t been back since.”

  Connall tried not to show his anger. He appreciated the woman’s candor, but it also meant there was even more of an urgency to protect Pepper.

  He focused back on Britney and waved her over. “Thanks, lass. I’ll see the other one, please.”

  “Sure, Mr. Gunnach,” she said, and dismounted.

  “Dr. Gunnach, Britney,” Maggie corrected.

  “Oh, sorry.”

  He gave her a smile and then turned to Maggie. “I like this one. I’ll do a more thorough check, but he looks good.”

  “He is. This one’s nice too. But he might be better suited to your children’s charity.”

  Connall cocked his head. “You’ve done your homework.”

  Maggie smiled. “I won’t sell to just anyone, Dr. Gunnach.”

  He liked her more and more. “I want Jonesy.”

  “I figured.” Maggie chuckled. “I take it you’ve met Pepper.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “Because, Dr. Gunnach, I prayed she’d find a champion. That girl needs a win. I’ll help you. We just gotta come up with a strategy, ’cause Beau Anders is no dummy and he’ll see right through anything that won’t benefit him.”

  “I’d appreciate any help you’re willing to give.”

  Maggie grinned. “In that case, I have a couple other horses to show you.”

  Connall laughed. “Lead the way.”

  As they headed back to the barn, his phone rang and Ali’s number came up on the screen. “Excuse me, Maggie. I need to take this.” He answered the call. “Hey.”

  “I’ve got a name for you.”


  “Beau Anders.”

  “Shite!” Connall snapped. “He’s the one harassing her?”


  He hung up without another word and glared at Maggie. “Where’s Beau Anders?”

  “I’d imagine he’s getting ready to head out of here. He doesn’t typically stay long,” she said nervously.

  Connall handed her his phone. “Call Dalton Moore and tell him we found Pepper’s stalker.” He heard her gasp as he jogged back to the arena.

  He saw Beau walking toward the parking lot. “Hey, Beau. Wait up, will you?”

  Beau turned and waited.

  As soon as Connall caught up to him, he grabbed Beau’s shirt and fisted it
in his hands. “You bloody bastard!” Connall hissed.

  “What the hell?” The man shoved Connall, but couldn’t break his hold.

  “You piece of shite!”

  “Screw you. It’s a damn horse.”

  “I’m not talking about the horse, ya dobber. You come near her again, and I’ll kill you.”



  “Pepper? She’s nothin’ more than trailer trash,” Beau spouted as he continued to try to break free.

  Connall’s Cauld Ane abilities were far more powerful than Beau’s human strength. He grabbed the older man’s neck and lifted him off the ground. “You ever call her that again, and you’ll find yourself so bloody messed up, your wife won’t recognize you. You’re going to sign Pepper’s horse back over to her and you’re never to call her again. If so much as one of her acquaintances receives a hangnail because of you, I will hunt you down and finish this. Understand?”

  Beau struggled to get air as his wife screamed behind them. Connall released him and he fell in a heap to the ground. “Get me a lead,” he snapped at anyone who would obey him.

  A young Hispanic boy handed him one from the horse he was leading. Connall flipped Beau onto his stomach and tied his hands behind his back.

  “I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about!” Beau bellowed. “You’ll pay for this!”

  “We’ll see, you bastard.” Connall pulled him back to his feet. “You’re lucky there are witnesses and the authorities are on their way. If we were alone, no one would find you.”

  Con? What’s wrong? Pepper asked.

  We found him, love.

  You found who?

  Your stalker.

  Her gasp sounded in his mind. Who is it?

  I’ll tell you when I get back to the hotel.


  Connall waited until Dalton arrived with the local sheriff. Before they hauled Beau away, he made him sign Jonesy back to Pepper.

  * * *

  Connall entered the hotel and a blur of blonde flew into his arms. He pulled her close and breathed in her sweet peach scent. “Hey. We got him. He’s off to jail. He can’t hurt you anymore.”

  “Who is it?”

  He stroked her cheek. “Beau Anders.”

  “Britney’s dad?”