Bound by Dreams (Cauld Ane Series) Read online

Page 11

  He didn’t know how he was going to handle knowing she would be kissing another man in a few days, even if it wasn’t real, but as hard as it would be, he made a commitment to go slow. He’d love her unconditionally, without expecting her to do the same for him.

  Just as the worship band came up for their final set, Niall received a call, and he slipped outside to take it. “Fiona? How are you?”

  “I’m well, Nye. How are you?”


  She chuckled. “I bet you are. I don’t really have anything definitive to tell you. The dream gift isn’t something the Cauld Ane have experienced. It’s Kalt Einn.”

  The Kalt Einn were an extinct race of people much, much older than the Cauld Ane and were the original race that the Cauld Ane stemmed from. Kade’s father had conspired to kill whoever defied him, and because of that, there were no Kalt Einn left.

  “Are you sure there’s no record of our people having that gift?”

  “I’m sure, but that doesn’t mean anything, because there’s been no record of any of us having the gift of fire, and Pepper has it. So maybe it’s something that happens when the Cauld Ane men bind human women.”

  Niall rubbed his chin as he processed the information. “But neither Grace nor Sam received gifts we’ve never seen before. This is so very strange, lass.”

  “Aye, ’tis. I’m going back down into the tunnels next week, so will let you know what I find then, eh?”

  Niall frowned. “Is that safe, Fi?”

  “Oh, don’t you start as well.”


  The private rooms below Edinburgh were known to very few people and housed many of the secrets and historical information passed down from generation to generation of Scots. The only way in and out was through hidden passages and tunnels that were often a good ten to twenty degrees warmer than the outside temperatures. Dangerous for the Cauld Ane.

  “The tunnels are well below our threshold at the moment, Nye. Don’t worry, Angus has already given me the lecture and had one of Dalton’s men go down and run temperature tests.”

  “In that case, I can’t wait to find out what you discover.”

  “Me as well, love. All right, we’re off to Inverness. Some big news of some kind.”


  “Aye. I hope it’s that Samantha’s pregnant. I want another wee nephew.”

  Niall chuckled. “Will you let me know if you can?”

  “Of course I will, although I think Payton might get to you first.”

  “There is that.”

  “Talk soon.”

  “’Bye.” Niall hung up and rejoined Charlotte and Tarah just as the pastor dismissed the congregation.

  He laid his hand on Charlotte’s back in an effort to stay in contact with her and was encouraged when she didn’t pull away. In the end, he managed to convince her to join him for lunch, which happened to include Tarah, but he didn’t mind. They were both fascinating women to spend time with.

  * * *

  Tuesday afternoon arrived and Charlotte dressed without much focus. She was no longer looking as forward to her date with Alec as she had the week before, especially after the day spent with Niall on Sunday. After church, he’d taken her and Tarah out to lunch and was the consummate gentleman and conversationalist, showing as much interest in Tarah as he did in Charlotte, effectively making Tarah fall in love with him as well.

  Monday, he’d left Charlotte alone. Not a text, not a phone call, not even a private conversation, if you didn’t count the dreams she’d had the past two nights. She’d been revisited by her childhood nightmare, only this time, Niall was with her, calming her.

  She checked her phone…again. Still no text from him. Her heart broke, but she berated herself for her melancholy. She didn’t really know him, and she had no reason to be sad.

  Her phone rang just as she pulled her shirt over her head. “Hello?” she said, hoping it might be Niall.

  “Turn on your television,” Tarah demanded.


  “Your TV. Now!” Tarah repeated. “Channel four. Now, Charlie.”

  “Okay, okay, just a second.” Charlotte located her remote and did as Tarah demanded.

  “Late breaking entertainment news, folks,” Deborah Miller, the local anchor said. “Blake Harris is being held at Scotland Yard in London. The action and romantic comedy star who demands upwards of ten million dollars a movie has been arrested for domestic violence. Here’s Christine Beach with the story.”

  “Thanks, Deb. Hi, everyone. It was announced today that Blake Harris was arrested in London after an altercation with his current girlfriend, Misty Jones. She contends that he has hit her several times over the past few months and that she has endured almost a year of verbal and physical abuse. The arrest came after a night out with another star, Thane Allen. Blake was in negotiations with Allen to co-star in an upcoming action trilogy. Allen allegedly rendered Blake Harris unconscious, and he is in an Edinburgh hospital, where they are trying to determine the extent of his injuries.” Christine glanced at the paper she was holding. “Let’s go to the statement recorded earlier today in London.”

  The frame shifted and Thane Allen stood at a podium, a battered woman standing beside him. Charlotte recognized her as Misty Jones. She was barely acquainted with the woman, but knew she could be quite nasty. She had a reputation for sleeping her way into roles, and Charlotte had never really cared for her. But as she watched Misty, with her head down and the bruises on her neck and face, she suddenly felt a kinship with her. She remembered how brutal Blake could be.

  “I wanted to speak to you today so that my words would not be misconstrued,” Thane said to the camera. “I had the misfortune to witness the abuse Ms. Jones suffered at the hands of Blake Harris, and I won’t stand for it. Ms. Jones has insisted she tell you her story today, so I will give her the floor.”

  Thane laid his hands on Misty’s shoulders and appeared to have a private conversation with the actress. She nodded, and he released her so she could step up to the microphones.

  “Hi, everyone. Thank you for coming. At first I was really embarrassed, but after talking with my good friend, Thane Allen, I wanted to take this opportunity to stand up for what’s right. If I can help just one woman survive a violent relationship, it will be worth it.” She took a deep breath. “I will act again, and can’t wait to do so with Mr. Allen.”

  Charlotte tried not to roll her eyes. Misty had obviously been battered, but she also didn’t miss the opportunity to capitalize on her relationship with her “good friend,” Thane, which just rubbed Charlotte the wrong way. She shook her head. Maybe she was being ungracious.

  Thane stepped back up to the podium. “Blake Harris is a bastard and a scourge on society, and I am going on the record to say that I will never make a movie with him and will not associate with any studio that will. Thank you.”

  Thane stepped away from the podium and wrapped an arm around Misty, guiding her from the reporters and into a large black SUV.

  Charlotte stood stunned as the screen went back to Christine. She lowered herself onto the bed and continued to watch.

  “Back to you, Deb,” Christine said.

  “Thanks, Christine. Those are some pretty heavy ultimatums Thane threw out there. Do you think this will affect Blake’s career?”

  Christine nodded. “Our source confirms that Mr. Harris had been trying to negotiate something with Mr. Allen for several years, so when Mr. Allen invited him to London to discuss options, he didn’t hesitate. Of course, time will tell how and if this will affect Blake’s career, but Thane Allen is currently the biggest movie star in the world, having edged Blake out from the Oscar last year, so it’s interesting that he’s taking this kind of a stand.”

  “Yes it is,” Deborah said. “And how is Misty doing, really? Her injuries look quite severe.”

  “They were, Deb, but she was very lucky that Mr. Allen intervened when he did. Nothing was broken, although we’
ve been told outside of the cuts and bruises you can see, she has a few bruised ribs that will take a little while to heal.”

  “Thanks, Christine. We’ll keep everyone apprised as more details come to light. Now for weather…John?”

  Charlotte flipped off the television.

  “You still there?” Tarah asked.

  “Yep. I’m here.”

  “Isn’t that awesome? Not that that Misty girl got hurt, but that Blake totally got what he had coming to him.”

  Charlotte nodded. “Yes. It’s taken a long time for it to happen.”

  “I personally think he should pay just for the cheating, even if he hadn’t abused her,” Tarah continued. Then she gasped. “Charlie, you didn’t deal with physical abuse, did you?”

  Charlotte carefully formed her response. “I didn’t deal with what Misty dealt with, Tarah.”

  “Thank God,” Tarah said with a sigh. “Anyway, I thought you’d want to see that. I have to run. Are you okay?”

  “I’m good, Tarah. Thanks. I’ll talk to you later.”

  Charlotte hung up and finished dressing. She didn’t know quite how she felt about the Blake situation, but she figured she’d process everything after her date. Shooting for her Grimm part was scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday, with Friday as an optional shoot day if needed, which meant she’d see Alec more than usual. Tonight she wanted to enjoy herself and focus on forgetting about Niall MacMillan.


  WEDNESDAY MORNING, CHARLOTTE crawled out of bed at the ungodly hour of five a.m. Luckily, she only had to shower, as hair and makeup would be taken care of for her, but shooting started at nine a.m. sharp, so she was expected to be on set at seven.

  She’d left enough time to pace herself, as the weather man had predicted rain. By the sound of water hitting her house, the forecast had been an understatement.

  Walking out of the house as quietly as possible, she stalled on the porch when she saw the car sitting in her driveway. Bruce slipped from the driver’s side and opened an umbrella as he walked toward her. “Miss Whitmore, good morning.”

  “Um, hi. What are you doing here?”

  “Mr. MacMillan asked that I drive you to and from your shoot. It’s today and tomorrow, correct?”

  Charlotte buttoned her coat. “Ah, yeah. It is, but I’m quite capable of driving myself. You don’t really need to go to any trouble.”

  “It’s no trouble, miss. Please.” He held out the umbrella. “Allow me to take you.”

  Really, Niall? I’m quite capable of driving myself.

  I know that, love, but I thought you might like the time to read your script or meditate, or perhaps even eat…breakfast awaits you in the car.

  She smiled. His thoughtfulness was endearing. Did you get the information about my schedule from my mind?

  I probably shouldn’t answer that question truthfully.

  No, it’s probably not a good idea.

  He chuckled. Enjoy yourself today, love.

  Thanks. I will.

  Charlotte smiled at Bruce and allowed him to guide her to the car, open the door for her, and wait with the umbrella as she slid inside. She saw a white paper bag and travel cup sitting on the seat beside her and took a minute to peek inside. A fresh blueberry muffin and non-fat latte made just the way she liked it. She buckled her seatbelt and ate as Bruce drove her into Portland, thinking how quickly she could get used to this.

  Her thoughts turned to the events of the last couple of days. The Blake Harris story was the number one trending topic on every news and tabloid avenue. He’d made a public statement about how sorry he was and that he would be heading into rehab for a drinking addiction and to deal with emotional and anger issues.

  Charlotte wondered how much of that was made up by his publicist. Blake wasn’t one to apologize out of the goodness of his heart, but if he thought he might lose a job or a paycheck, well, he’d grovel till the cows came home.

  She sighed and sipped her latte. She wondered if Niall knew Thane Allen and if any of this was coincidence, or if Niall had intervened. She shook her head. No one but Donnie knew about her experience with Blake.

  Bruce pulled into the shooting site and Charlotte handed her I.D. to the security guard, her contemplations distracted for the rest of the day. She focused on her part and did her best to stay “in the moment,” in an effort to enjoy herself.

  * * *

  “And, cut,” the director yelled. “That’s a wrap, people.”

  Alec grabbed Charlotte and hugged her, lifting her off her feet. “Damn, girl. You’re amazing.”

  Charlotte giggled and hugged him back. “You’re not so bad yourself.”

  “Are you coming to the wrap party?”

  She nodded. “Wouldn’t miss it.”

  “Do you want to come with me and I’ll bring you back to your car later?”

  She smiled. “Actually, I got a ride today, so do you mind taking me now and then dropping me home later?”

  “Not at all,” he said.

  “Perfect. I’ll just grab my stuff.” Charlotte headed back toward the trailer and called Bruce on the way.

  “Miss Whitmore. Are you ready?”

  “Hi, Bruce. I actually don’t need a ride home. I’m heading to a bar with some of the cast, and a friend will drive me home later.”

  “I’m happy to drive you to the bar and pick you up.”

  “No, that’s very sweet, but not necessary,” she reiterated.

  “Let me run that by Mr. MacMillan.”

  “He doesn’t really have a say in it, Bruce.” She forced herself to stay patient. “Look, I know you’re just doing your job, but if Niall gives you any grief, send him directly to me.”

  “Aye, lass. I’ll tell him exactly that.”

  “Thanks. And thank you for shuttling me around these past two days. It’s been so nice not to have to worry about driving in the downpour.”

  “’Twas my pleasure,” Bruce said, and Charlotte hung up.

  She changed into her own clothes, grabbed her purse and coat from the closet, and headed back to the group. Just in time to see Alec running his fingers through one of the extra’s hair. He must have seen her out of the corner of his eye, because he stepped back quickly, a guilty look on his face.

  “Hey.” He closed the distance between them. “That is not what it looked like.”

  Charlotte tried to hide her relief. Now she didn’t have to have a difficult conversation with him. “Whatever, Alec. I honestly don’t care. None of my business.”

  “Well, I’d like it to be…your business, that is.”

  Charlotte shook her head. “No, thanks.”

  “Come on, Charlie. She had something in her hair.”

  “Yeah. Your fingers.” He laid his hands on her arms but she pulled away. “It’s fine, Alec. Really.”

  “Are you still coming to the bar?”

  “Of course I am.” She wasn’t going to let him ruin her celebration.

  He smiled. “Awesome.”

  She wished she hadn’t dismissed Bruce so quickly now, but she’d sort out a ride home when she got to the party. She was relieved to discover Alec was driving other cast members as well and jumped into the back seat in an effort to put distance between them. Alec frowned, but shrugged it off and climbed into the car with everyone else.

  Charlotte joined in the group conversation, letting the elation of a job well done shake her out of her mood. Alec scored a parking space quite close to the bar, so the group arrived at their destination quickly.

  Everyone grabbed tables as close together as possible, and Charlotte found herself drawn to the television on the wall opposite her. Images of Thane Allen flashed on the screen, and she smiled. He was gorgeous, sure, but it was the way he’d stood up and defended Misty that really moved her. Men like that were rare.

  As drinks were ordered and delivered, an image of Thane with a man who looked somewhat familiar to her drew her attention back to the television. Why did he look s
o familiar?

  “Charlie?” Tabitha asked.


  “Do you want food?”

  “Oh, right. Yes, please. I think I’m only going to have one drink tonight, though. I really would like to head home early.”

  The pretty brunette shrugged. “Whatever floats your boat.”

  Alec made his way to her table and leaned against it. “Hey, can we talk?”


  “Seriously, Charlotte. It’s not what you think.”

  She sighed. “Honestly, it doesn’t really matter. I was going to tell you I’d like to leave off as friends. I’m not really interested in dating anyone right now, so please feel free to date whoever you like. I’m not mad, okay?”

  He frowned, but she was grateful he didn’t argue with her. He gave her a charming smile and went back to his group.

  Her eye was directed back to the television again and she gasped. She knew exactly who the man with Thane Allen was. None of this had been random. Charlotte herself was being defended and vindicated and she hadn’t even realized it. She was done fighting the inevitable.

  “You okay?” Tabitha asked.

  “Yeah. Sorry, I have to go. It was great working with you.” She dropped a twenty on the table.

  “Hey, that’s too much.”

  “That’s okay,” she said as she pulled on her coat and grabbed her purse. “Put it toward your bill.”

  “Thanks, Charlie.”

  Charlotte waved and headed outside to call a cab. She didn’t need to. The familiar black Town Car sat outside. She wasn’t sure if she should be happy or irritated, but right now, she chose relieved.

  Instead of Bruce greeting her, however, the back door opened and Niall stepped out. Charlotte bit her lip to keep from sighing. He gave her a slight smile, and she couldn’t help herself from rushing to him and throwing her arms around his neck.

  “Hey, are you all right?” he asked as he gave her a gentle squeeze.

  She nodded.

  “Are you sure?”

  She nodded again and then stepped back. “You did that, didn’t you?”

  “Did what, lass?”