Bound by Dreams (Cauld Ane Series) Read online

Page 10

  “One of Blake’s security guards intervened before Blake could do anything worse than he did, and got her to the hospital. I think he may have been the reason Blake didn’t bother her again.”

  “That doesn’t make it okay, Grace.”

  “I’m not saying it is. Just giving you the facts.”

  He took a deep breath in an effort to calm himself. “Why aren’t you supposed to know?”

  “She made Donnie promise not to tell me. Charlotte has this intense need to do everything on her own, plus her father had threatened to drag her home if anything happened to her. He hated the idea of her moving to L.A. He wanted her safe, and apparently, the only reason Donnie knew anything was because they wouldn’t let her leave the hospital without someone to drive her home. Donnie knew how close she and I were, so he called me, albeit a few days later, but we’ve never even told Charlotte we talked.”

  “Bloody hell.”

  “Look, it was a long time ago, Niall. She’s never said a word about it, and I’ve just kind of let it go. It’s done…well, it’s kind of done. She has some lingering trust issues, but I know you’ll work those out.”

  “That’s the plan,” he said. “What do you suggest?”

  “Be her friend. Show her you’re not going anywhere. Her attraction to Alec will die out, Nye, I promise. She’ll kill me for telling you this, but she’s not really even attracted to him anymore. She’s going out with him on Tuesday only because she said she would and because she’s scared you’ll break her heart. But the more you’re there, the more she’ll compare you two. He won’t win. He couldn’t if he tried.”

  Niall closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “Perhaps you’re right.”

  Grace chuckled. “Oh, I’m right…you can take that to the bank.”

  “Grace!” Max called in the background.

  “Be right there, babe,” she called back. “I should go, but if you need me, I’m here, okay?”

  “Aye, lass. Thanks.”

  “Anytime. ’Bye.”

  Grace hung up and Niall thought about what she’d said. “Bruce? Let’s skip the bar. You can take me back to the hotel.”

  “Very good, sir.”

  As Bruce drove, Niall made a phone call.


  “Thane, it’s Niall MacMillan.”

  Thane Allen was one of the Scotland’s most popular actors. Truth be told, he was one of the world’s favorite actors. He was tall, blond, Scottish, and Cauld Ane. These attributes drove women, human and Cauld Ane alike, to swarm his homes and movie sets, if they got past security, and the paparazzi stalked him daily. Thane’s per-movie paycheck was in the hundreds of millions; however, he was far more honorable than the American.

  “Hey, brother, long time no hear.”

  “Aye. Sorry about that. We just got off tour and I’m back in America for the moment.” Niall stared out at the passing city. “Hey, do you know Blake Harris?”

  “Aye, I’m afraid I do. Why?”

  “I have a little favor to ask.”

  * * *

  Charlotte woke the next morning to the sound of her cell phone. She felt for the metal and answered the call. “Hello?”

  “Charlotte, it’s Genevieve.”

  “Hi,” she said, and rubbed her eyes, hoping she didn’t sound like she’d just woken up. “Good morning.”

  “Sorry to call you on a Sunday, but I figured you’d want to know the news right away. You got the part.”

  “What?” Charlotte sat up. “Really?”

  “Yes. Congratulations. Shooting starts in a week.”

  “Wow, Genevieve. That’s…well, amazing.” She slipped her hair from her face. “Thank you so much for everything.”

  “My pleasure, hun. I’ll e-mail you the schedules and salary details.”

  “Before you go, do you know who’ll be playing my husband?”

  “Oh, yes, hold just a second.” Charlotte heard rustling in the background. “Alec Donovan. You read with him, correct?”

  “Yes. Thank you. That’s great.”

  “Good. Okay, I’ll talk to you soon. Gotta run.”

  “Thanks again, Genevieve,” Charlotte said, and hung up as she flopped back onto her pillow. She was grateful that this part would pay enough to last her a couple of months. She glanced at her clock. Nine a.m. If she got up now, she’d have time to make it to one of the services. Maybe church was exactly what she needed right now. She fired off a quick text to Tarah and then climbed in the shower.

  Once dressed, she headed downstairs for coffee, arriving in the foyer just as the doorbell rang. She opened the door to find a delivery man with a huge bouquet of flowers. “Delivery for Charlotte Whitmore.”

  “That’s me,” she said, and took the vase, setting it on the foyer table.

  “Sign here, miss.”

  “What kind of flowers are these? Do you know?” she asked as she signed the delivery sheet.

  “The white ones are Acacia Blossom and the red are Camellia.” The delivery man smiled. “Someone’s sending you quite the message. Those flowers are almost impossible to find.”

  “Oh?” She glanced back at the arrangement. “What kind of message?”

  “One of love and longing.”

  Charlotte felt the heat in her cheeks.

  “Have a good day, miss,” he said, and tipped his hat before heading to his van.

  “Thanks,” she said, and closed the door. She located the card and opened it, blinking back tears as she read Niall’s note.

  Charlotte – you are a rare beauty and I’m honored to call you my friend. Please forgive me for being an arse last night. Yours always, N.

  Charlotte pulled out her cell phone and looked up the meaning of each of the flowers. Acacia meant “chaste love,” and the red Camellia meant “you’re a flame in my heart.” She sighed and closed her eyes. Thank you for the flowers. They’re beautiful.

  I’m glad they made it. Do you forgive me?

  There’s nothing to forgive.

  That’s gracious, love. Thank you. What are your plans today?

  I’m going to church. What about you?

  Would you mind if I joined you?

  You want to go to my church?

  Why? Is that weird? I like your church.

  She shook her head. No, I guess not.

  I’d be happy to pick you up.

  Charlotte took a slow, steely breath. She shouldn’t. She really shouldn’t. Okay, that would be great, she answered before she could stop herself. Her cell phone rang and she saw Alec was calling. Gotta go.

  I’ll see you soon, love.

  “Hi,” she said as she answered the phone. “Did you get the call?”

  “I did,” Alec said. “I get to kiss you again.”

  “Yes, you do,” Charlotte said. “And I don’t have to find another job for a little while.”

  Charlotte felt rage flood her mind…not hers, but it was gone just as quickly as it appeared.

  “Bonus,” he said. “Do you have plans today?”

  “I’m heading to church, actually. What about you?”

  “You go to church?”

  “I do.” Charlotte bit back a retort. Why was everyone so surprised?

  “I thought I’d invite you on a hike.”

  She wrinkled her nose. “Thanks, but I can’t today.”

  “You never skip church?”

  “The problem is I skip it more than I should,” she admitted.

  “No worries. We still on for Tuesday?”

  “Yep.” Charlotte forced a smile. “I’m looking forward to it.”

  “Me too,” he said. “Well, I’ll let you go. See you Tuesday.”

  “Sounds good. ’Bye.”

  Guilt settled over her like a wet blanket. If she was being honest, she wanted to blow off Tuesday, but she’d given her word, and she always did what she said she was going to do. Unfortunately, it would seem one kind word—and flowers—from Niall MacMillan, and she was ready to tell Alec to take
a hike. She needed to be stronger. She needed to keep her heart in the safe, shallow waters of mediocrity. Feeling deeply for anyone, especially someone as perfect as Niall MacMillan, wasn’t wise.

  With a sigh, she dialed Niall’s phone. Speaking with him in her mind just felt far too intimate at the moment.

  “Charlotte? Are you all right, lass?”

  Oh, my lord, that voice.

  She cleared her throat. “Yes, everything’s fine. I think I should go to church alone.”

  “You do?”

  She shook her head and squeezed her eyes shut. “Yes. Thank you for the offer, though.”

  “I understand, lass. I’ll talk to you later, eh?”

  “Okay, ’bye,” she managed to squeak out.

  Charlotte groaned and dropped her forehead against the wall.

  “That doesn’t sound good,” her mother said as she came down the stairs. “Oh, what lovely flowers. Are those for you?”

  Charlotte nodded. “Niall sent them.”

  “Rich and thoughtful,” she said as she smelled the bouquet. “I’m sure it goes without saying, but try not to screw this one up, huh?”

  “That’s helpful, Mom,” Charlotte droned. “Thanks.”

  “Oh, lighten up, honey.” Her mother smiled and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “Are you off to church?”

  “That’s the plan,” Charlotte said.

  “You’re such a good girl, Charlie. It’s one of the things I love the most about you.”

  “Thanks.” Charlotte checked her watch. “Well, I better go. I’m meeting Tarah.”

  “Have a good time.”

  “I will, thanks.” Charlotte climbed into her car and headed onto I-205. She smiled at the misty day, happy to be have been given a reprieve from the perfection of Niall MacMillan. She could focus on things she should be focusing on…not obsessing over him…which she was doing now.

  “Crap,” she snapped, and turned on the radio. She found the country station Grace loved, and suffered through it, confident that at least there would be no way she’d hear a Fallen Crown song.


  THE ELEVEN O’CLOCK service at Loving Faith Church was always packed, so Charlotte drove around to where the musicians generally parked and walked back to where she’d planned to meet her friend in the front.

  Tarah saw her and grinned. “Hey, you’re early.”

  Charlotte laughed. “Alert the media.”

  Tarah hugged her. “How are you?”

  “Good. You?”

  “Excellent.” She stared over Charlotte’s shoulder and gasped.

  “What?” Charlotte asked and followed her line of sight. “Crap,” she whispered.

  Niall strode toward them, his jeans painted on his perfect body, and a black button-up that he’d opened at the throat and rolled up at the sleeves.

  “He is just so darn pretty,” Tarah said, her voice breathy.

  Charlotte swallowed, unable to form a coherent sentence.

  Niall smiled, stopping in front of them. “Ladies. You look lovely.”

  “Thank you,” Tarah said.

  Charlotte, on the other hand, still couldn’t speak.

  “Would you like to sit with us?” Tarah asked.

  Charlotte looked at her and frowned. Tarah raised an eyebrow, then smiled sweetly and focused back on Niall.

  “I’d love to,” Niall said. “Shall we?”

  Charlotte bit her lip as Niall laid his hand on her lower back and guided her into the building right behind Tarah.

  “I thought you weren’t coming,” she said as they weeded their way through the greeters.

  “I never said that,” he countered. His hand slid down her arm and he squeezed her fingers. “Would you like me to leave, love?”

  She pressed her lips together and shook her head. “You have every right to be here.”

  “Charlotte Whitmore!”

  Charlotte followed the sound of her name and smiled as Kristen Armstrong rushed toward her.

  “Hi, Kris.” Charlotte hugged her friend and then introduced her to Niall.

  “Yes, we pseudo met when you were here to see Grace,” Kris said. “You were at the bar the other night as well, right?”

  “Aye, I was,” Niall said. “It’s nice to see you again.”

  “You too,” she said, and focused back on Charlotte. “I’m so glad you’re back. Has Davis hit you up to sing yet?”

  “At the bar.” Charlotte laughed. “That was so last week.”

  “Awesome. I can’t wait to sing with you again.” Kris checked her watch. “Oops, gotta go. Try to find me after.”

  “I will,” Charlotte promised, and watched her friend jog behind the stage. She snuck a glance at Niall, who had been pulled aside by a couple of young women Charlotte didn’t recognize. They were ridiculously cute, and Charlotte couldn’t stop the jealousy that rose up inside of her. Niall smiled and nodded and looked totally at ease as the women giggled and kept touching him.

  I swear to Buddha if those bitches don’t stop touching him…

  He turned toward her and raised an eyebrow. Charlotte scowled, grabbed Tarah’s arm, and dragged her into the bathroom.

  “Oh, okay, I guess we’re going this way,” Tarah grumbled. “You okay?”

  Charlotte didn’t answer as she made sure there was no one in any of the stalls.

  “Hey, what’s going on with you?”

  Charlotte paced the floor. “I have no freakin’ idea.”

  “Do you want to leave?”

  “I don’t know. No.”

  Tarah leaned against one of the sinks. “Are you guys dating?”

  “Me and Niall?”

  “Um, duh. Yes.”

  Charlotte shook her head. “No.”

  “Why the heck not?”

  Charlotte groaned. “Because I’m kind of seeing someone else.”

  “You are not.”

  “I am.”

  “Seriously?” Tarah crossed her arms. “Who? And when did it happen?”

  “A week or so ago. His name’s Alec, and I met him the day of my audition. I got the part, by the way.”

  “Congratulations. Now, stop deflecting. Tell me about Alec.”

  “There’s not really much to tell. We hit it off and he invited me to lunch and then we had dinner, and he’s invited me out to a show on Tuesday.”

  “So, what’s the problem?”

  “Him.” She jabbed a finger toward the door. “He’s the problem. Alec is the guy I should be focusing on. I should date him. Not Niall MacMillan.”

  “Is that an option?”

  “Yes. Niall says he wants to date me.” Charlotte squeezed her eyes shut. “And I want to. I want to so bad, I think I might puke.”

  “Then date him.”

  “I can’t!”

  “Why not?”


  “Oh, that’s such a great answer.” Tarah sighed.

  “I don’t want to date two guys at once. It would feel like cheating. I don’t want to go back on my word.”

  Tarah raised an eyebrow. “Why do I get the feeling this is more than about you going back on your word?”

  “Why would you say that?”

  “Because you’re not married, Charlie. You’re not even engaged. You have all the power in the world to call this Alec guy up and break it off. Or go out on a couple of dates with each of them, provided they both know.”

  “The problem is, Alec and I are filming together in a week, and we have to kiss. Can you imagine how awkward that would be if I dump him before we’ve even started anything?”

  Tarah gasped. “This doesn’t have anything to do with that Blake guy, does it?”

  “Why would you say that?”

  “Because you’ve dated some of the ugliest and most boring men on the planet ever since he…well, did what he did.”

  “I have not.”

  Tarah only knew about the cheating part of her breakup with Blake. No one but Don knew the full story,
and Charlotte would take that information to her grave.

  “You have so,” Tarah argued. “Is this Alec guy ugly?”

  “No. I mean, his ears are a little weird, I guess,” she admitted.

  Tarah laughed. “You are a ridiculous person. You know that, right?”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “Because even though you date these men who are so far down on the ‘looks’ scale, you pick them apart the whole time you’re doing it.”

  “I know I do. I’m probably going to hell for it.” Charlotte sighed. “The bottom line is that I cannot…and I mean, cannot, date the likes of Niall freaking MacMillan.”

  Tarah chuckled. “Charlotte.”

  Charlotte scowled. “Don’t you use that tone of voice with me, missy.”

  “The one that tames the feral animals?”

  Charlotte nodded. “Exactly.”

  “I’m using it because you haven’t given me one valid reason why you can’t date Niall.”

  Before Charlotte could respond, the ladies that had draped themselves all over Niall walked into the bathroom. Charlotte tried for a sincere smile, but figured it was probably more of a sneer. “Let’s find some seats, huh?”

  Tarah shook her head in exasperation. “This conversation is on the shelf, Charlie, got it? It’s not over.”

  “Yeah, yeah.” Charlotte led the way out of the restroom and bumped into Niall.

  He grabbed her arms to steady her. “Where’s the fire, love?”

  “The countdown clock’s on, I just want to find a seat.”

  He waved his hand toward the sanctuary. “After you.”

  Charlotte moved toward the seats and once again, his hand landed on her lower back, managing to both calm and frustrate her. They took their seats, and Charlotte appreciated that the program required the building to be dark…she could process without worrying about hiding her emotions.

  * * *

  Niall slid his arm over the back of Charlotte’s seat in an effort to be close to her without crowding her. He stayed hidden in the recesses of her mind, both fascinated and somewhat concerned about her thoughts.

  He hadn’t realized the level of her panic before. She really did believe he was out of her league; it wasn’t just lip-service. Once again, he felt like an arse. She needed space, not pressure. She was a strong, confident woman who had something happen in her past that made it difficult to trust men.