Bound by Fire Read online

Page 9

  Do you want me to whisper to you until you fall asleep?

  Hmm. I take it, getting Max to sing to me is out of the question?

  Even if he was here, there’d be no way in hell…

  Pepper giggled. In that case, I’d love it if you’d lull me to sleep. I just have to get out of these jeans. They’re cutting off my circulation.

  She heard Connall’s low growl in her mind.

  Oh, please. You had no issues checking out my butt every chance you got.

  So did every other man, except Kade.

  Pepper smiled. Which is odd, since these are Sam’s jeans.


  Why do you think they’re so tight? She’s a full size smaller than me. I also had to wear my hooker boots with them, otherwise, I’d trip. It’s hard when your best friend’s an Amazon.

  You could have rolled up the cuffs, love.

  I could have, true. But you didn’t seem to mind I was another four inches taller.

  Sam’s not the only with an evil streak.

  Pepper grinned. Who do you think I learned it from?

  Have you “gotten me back” to your satisfaction?

  She grunted as she attempted to peel the jeans from her hips. I’d say yes, but trying to get these damn pants off is causing me to hyperventilate.

  She heard his chuckle. If I were there, I’d help.

  Ha! Then I’d be pregnant and really wouldn’t be able to get out of the jeans.

  Pregnant, eh?

  Honestly, I’m beyond surprised I’m not already. I can’t seem to keep my hands off you. They’re already itching to touch you.

  I’ll be right there.

  Pepper groaned, partly in relief as she finally got the jeans off. You’re funny.

  All right, love. Go to bed.

  What about my story?

  When you’re tucked in, I’ll talk dirty to you.

  Promises, promises. Okay. I’ll let you know when I’m in bed.

  She got ready for bed, and once she added an extra blanket, snuggled under the covers. As promised, Connall whispered her to sleep, but in Icelandic, so she no idea what he was saying to her.

  Her dreams were frustratingly sexy, keeping her from a satisfying rest…and being satisfied another way as well.


  THE NEXT DAY, Pepper sat at the head wedding table with Connall, Payton, and Brodie. The ceremony had been perfect and they were now at the tail end of the reception. The DJ had just started Samantha’s favorite song, “Love Gone,” a ballad by Rayne Green, a singer who had disappeared a few years ago. Her music was more popular than ever, perhaps because of the mystery surrounding her life.

  Pepper understood the appeal, because the woman was talented, but her own musical tastes were more on the rock side than pop. Her only acquiescence was a duet Rayne Green had done with Max several years ago. “Heavy is the Heart” was the one song both she and Sam loved and had listened to ad nauseum.

  Connall leaned over and whispered, “Dance with me, lass.”

  He stood and held his hand out to her. She took it and let him lead her to the dance floor. The second she was in his arms, her world came into focus. She’d taken a few ballroom dance lessons in high school just for fun, but dancing with high school boys often resulted in bruised toes. Connall, on the other hand, danced as though he’d been doing it since birth and she felt graceful…something out of the ordinary for her.

  “Have I told you how beautiful you are?” he asked.

  “A few times.” She smiled. “But I kind of like it.”

  Sam had stayed true to form and picked her favorite color for the bridesmaids’ dresses. They were a beautiful light green that complemented each of her attendants. Strapless and falling just below the knee, the chiffon dress felt like a breeze against Pepper’s skin.

  “More beautiful than the bride,” he said.

  Pepper let out a quiet snort. “Not possible. She’s stunning.”

  She glanced over at Sam laughing with one of their mutual friends. Samantha’s strapless mermaid dress hugged her model figure and the diamond necklace and matching earrings Kade had given her added to the ethereal effect. Pepper couldn’t have been happier for her. Even if it meant she’d more than likely stay in Scotland forever.

  “Do you want a big wedding?” Con asked.


  He leaned back. “Really?”

  “Really. I am not a romantic,” she admitted. “Why? Are you asking?”

  He grinned. “Not yet.”

  She shook her head. “You’re crazier than I am.”

  “Which makes us perfect for each other.”

  She stroked the nape of his neck. “It would seem so.”

  “I love you, crazy girl.”

  She wasn’t quite ready to make a public admission, but there was comfort in knowing he understood. He gave her a gentle squeeze and Pepper allowed the music to settle over her. The effect of being in Connall’s arms and dancing to a beautiful song was heady.

  Þú verður að vera minn að eilífu.

  The words floated into Pepper’s mind, and even though she didn’t know what they meant, she felt the weight of emotion behind them. She closed her eyes, wishing she could stay right where she was forever. Unfortunately, the song ended and her moment was officially over.

  “The bride and groom will be leaving shortly,” Dalton announced over the P.A. “Please say your final good-byes and wish them well.”

  Kade was taking Sam somewhere private for the night, but the group planned to meet up the next evening for dinner. Pepper hugged Sam, and once the couple was gone, grabbed her purse. She realized she hadn’t checked her phone in hours and scrambled to pull it from her purse. Crap. Thirty-two missed calls.

  She checked the messages, all from him, and all more threatening than the next. A call came through as she was in the middle of one of his rants. “Hello?”

  “Where the hell have you been?”

  “It’s my friend’s wedding. I was maid of honor.”

  “Yes. I remember now, my love.” He took several deep breaths. “I’m very glad you answered your phone. I was beginning to imagine all sorts of terrible things I might have to do.”

  “Well, I’m helping with the gifts, so I need to go.”

  “I want you to go home tonight. Alone. Don’t think I haven’t noticed those other folks hanging around. I’m assuming they’re your friend’s new family. There are a lot of large men, but I am not one to be trifled with. You better lose them. Got it?”

  “I don’t think they’re ones to be trifled with either.”

  “I wonder what would happen to Mario if he could no longer train. What would happen to his kids, do you think?”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” she asked, her heart racing.

  “Do as I say, Pepper, or I’ll make his life a living hell.”

  “Don’t you dare hurt him.”

  “Then obey me.”

  “And if I don’t?”

  “Do you really want to make his wife a widow?”

  Pepper pulled her keys from her purse and headed for her car. “If I go home alone, you have to promise not to hurt him.”

  “I always keep my word, my love.”

  Footsteps over the gravel of the parking lot drew her eyes to Connall, who was striding purposefully toward her.

  “Someone’s coming,” she said. “I need to go.”

  “Get rid of them. I’ll call you in ten minutes.”

  Pepper hung up.

  “Where are you going, lass?” Connall asked. “We’re going back to the hotel for drinks.”

  “I’m actually really tired. Rain check?”

  “Are you going back to the Moores’?”

  “No. Home. I have the house to myself for the first time in a while. I’m going to take advantage of it.”

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea. Come back to the hotel.”

  “No. I want to go home.”

  “I’ll come
with you, if you like,” he offered.

  She took a deep breath. “Some other time, okay?”

  “Pepper.” Connall frowned and took her hand. “Talk to me. I can help.”

  “I’m good.” She pulled out of his grip and tried to surreptitiously take in her surroundings. She was afraid they were being watched. “I just need a break, Con. This is too much. Please.”

  He dragged his hands down his face.

  “I’ll call you later. Maybe you can come over then. I just need a little while alone, but I promise, I’ll let you know if anything happens, okay?” she pleaded.

  He shook his head. “No. I’m putting my foot down on this one.”

  Pepper raised an eyebrow. “Oh…a foot. Well, that’s very serious then.”

  She tried to make light of his demand, but if she didn’t get rid of him, Mario would be in trouble.

  “Come back inside,” he said.

  “Fine.” Pepper sighed. “Could we go to the beach instead of back to the hotel?”

  “Of course.”

  “Why don’t you run in and make sure no one needs you,” she suggested. “Then we’ll go.”

  “Why don’t you come with me?”

  “I’ll just grab my coat and wait for you here. I don’t really want to go back inside.”

  “Pepper,” he admonished.

  She unlocked her trunk and pulled out her coat, then held out her keys. “Here. I can’t go anywhere without keys.”

  He took the key ring from her and stared at her for a few seconds before nodding and walking inside.

  Pepper waited until the door closed on him and reached under the wheel well for her spare. She climbed into her car and took off. She needed to get distance between them before her resolve completely failed her.

  * * *

  Connall heard the sound of a car starting up and his stomach dropped. He threw open the door just in time to see Pepper peel out of the driveway. He swore as he slammed his fist into the wall, causing some of the brick on the side of the building to crumble.

  Pepper Brooks, you and I are going to have a serious conversation!

  Please don’t be mad, Con.

  Connall turned when he heard footsteps and saw Dalton rushing out of the reception hall, his face frantic with worry.

  “Where’s Pepper?” he asked.

  “She went home,” Connall said.

  “To my parents’?”

  Connall shook his head. “No. Pretty sure she’s heading to her house. She said she wanted to be alone.”

  “Damn it!” Dalton ran his hands through his hair. “Why the hell did you let her go?”

  “Not exactly how I’d put it,” Connall said and held up Pepper’s keys.

  “What about the spare she has under her wheel well?”

  Connall said a few four-letter words in an effort to relieve himself of the sudden need to wrap his hand around the neck of Sam’s grinning brother.

  Dalton pulled out his phone and punched in a number. “Damn it!”

  Connall scowled. “What?”

  “She’s not picking up.”

  “What aren’t you telling me, Dalton?”

  “Nothing. I’ll take care of it.”

  “What will you take care of, exactly?”

  “Nothing. I’ll head over to her place and talk to her in person.”

  “How about I head over to her place, pick her up, and take her back to your parents’,” Connall suggested. “Can you give me her address?”

  “If she didn’t give it to you, then I don’t feel comfortable going behind her back.” Dalton smirked. “We’re all good. I’ve got her back and she trusts me. You don’t need to concern yourself with her. Come on. We should make sure the gifts get loaded.”

  Connall watched Dalton disappear back inside the building and scowled.



  Sweetheart, please answer me. I need to know you’re all right.

  He waited, his irritation and concern rising with each passing second.

  Con, I’m fine. I just need to be alone.

  He took a deep breath and forced himself to relax. Pepper.

  Connall, she mimicked. Calm down, baby. You’ll give yourself a coronary.

  He couldn’t help but smile at her endearment. He figured she probably didn’t realize she’d thought it. Pepper, just give me your address. I’ll leave you to your thoughts, but I’ll feel much better knowing how to get to you if you need me.

  I won’t need you.


  Nothing…again. He stood in the middle of the parking lot and waited, making numerous attempts to contact her. She had effectively blocked him out, or was doing a damn good job of ignoring him.

  Connall made his way back inside, an idea forming and a plan already mapped out. He located Max in the crowd talking to a stunning young woman, and shook his head. Max was the epitome of tall, dark, and handsome and used it to his advantage. With his black hair, ice-blue eyes, and athletic physique, women gravitated to him. Connall couldn’t remember a time when Max didn’t have a woman hanging on him. He wondered what would happen when Max finally found his mate. Connall shook his head and chuckled to himself. He hoped she gave him hell.

  “Excuse me, would you?” Connall smiled at the pretty brunette and pulled Max aside. “I need you to do something for me.”

  Max raised an eyebrow. “This sounds ominous.”

  “I need Pepper’s address. You’ll have to get it from Dalton since Sam’s gone.”

  “I take it you already asked him?”


  Max frowned. “Bloody idiot.”


  He raised an eyebrow. “Pepper wasn’t forthcoming, eh?”

  “Max.” Connall narrowed his eyes. “I’m not in the mood.”

  He raised his hands in defeat. “Okay. Give me a sec.”

  He headed toward Dalton, returning within minutes, a scrap of paper in his hand. “That was too easy.”

  “Thanks.” Connall grabbed the paper and headed toward his car. He was once again grateful his closest friend had the power to make people tell him things.

  Connall climbed into the rental car, entered the destination information on the GPS, and sped off toward Pepper’s home. He pressed harder on the gas pedal when he felt her sudden panic, hoping he’d make it in time. Pulling up in front of the dilapidated brick house, he saw Pepper’s beat-up VW Rabbit sitting in the driveway.

  He slid out of the car and made a run for the house, hearing Pepper’s angry voice filter through the open door. “Get off me!”

  “I just want a little kiss.” A deep voice slurred.

  Pepper said something Connall couldn’t quite hear and then a slap sounded. “You bitch! You’ll pay for this.”

  Before Connall could react, he heard a groan and something crashed to the floor. Pepper came flying down the hall and nearly slammed into him. He caught her firmly, not fully prepared for her reaction. She screamed and slammed her fist into his cheek.

  “Pepper! It’s me. Shh. Sweetheart, I’ve got you.”

  “Connall?” she asked, her breath coming in short pants. She scowled at him. “You’re not supposed to be here!”

  “You’re not the boss of me,” he retorted. “Is it safe to let you go?”

  “Oh, yes.” She stepped away from him and laid her fingers over her mouth. “I’m so sorry. I’ll get you some ice.”

  He reached for her again. “Pepper, wait. What’s going on? Who were you yelling at?”

  “Nothing. No one. Everything’s fine. You should go.”

  A grunt from the other room indicated all was not fine.

  “Who the hell is that?” he demanded.

  She shook her head. “No one.”

  “I want you to wait outside,” Connall said.


  He narrowed his eyes. “Pepper. Please wait outside.”

  She hesitated, then sidled out the front door. Connall went looki
ng for the person attached to the groaning. He rounded the corner and found a scruffy-headed man with several tattoos covering his neck and arms, writhing on the floor with his hands between his legs.

  “Did you catch that little bitch?” he snapped.

  Connall leaned over him. “And who are you?”

  “I’m the boyfriend, who the hell are you?”

  “The mother’s boyfriend, correct? Not Pepper’s.”

  He swallowed. “Don’t matter. Her mama don’t care. Besides, I just wanted a kiss. She should want to keep me happy. I make her mama happy…at least I did till she left me here with her bitch of a daughter.”

  Connall reached down, wrapped his hand around the man’s neck, and lifted him from the floor. The man got a scream out before his windpipe began to close. “I would suggest you leave. Never come back. If you ever touch Pepper again, I will kill you. Do you understand?”

  The boyfriend’s face was turning red, but he managed to nod.

  “If you look at her again, I will kill you. Do you understand?”

  He nodded again as he tore at Connall’s arm.

  Connall cocked his head. “If you try to contact her in any way, I will kill you. Do you understand?”

  Another desperate nod.

  “If you speak her name, I will hear it, and I will find you and kill you. Do you understand?”

  Connall released his hold and the man slid to the ground, taking in large gasps of air. Connall strode outside to find Pepper pacing the driveway.

  “Where’s your mother’s cat?” he snapped.

  “Next door, why?” Pepper said.

  “Do you have anything inside you care about?”

  “What?” she asked in confusion.

  “You have ten minutes to pack anything of value. You are never coming back here.”

  “What? Why?”

  Connall calmed his anger and laid a hand on her shoulder. “I would very much appreciate it if you’d pack up anything that might be important to you. If it’s more than what you can carry, I will return with Brodie tomorrow and we’ll take care of it, but you are never coming back here.”

  “He warned me to make you stay away.” Her eyes swept the surroundings. “He could be watching, Con. It’s not safe.”

  “Let me worry about that.”

  She bit her lip. “What about my mom? This is her house—I should watch it for her.”