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Bound by Dreams (Cauld Ane Series) Page 7

  “Apparently.” Charlotte shuddered. “Which doesn’t make sense, since he had no interest in driving me home to take advantage of me. I think heading to his house might have been on the table, but in the end, he probably figured I’d be too heavy to carry once I passed out.”

  “So, he’s a lazy bastard.” Tarah sighed. “I’m sorry. Did he just leave you?”

  She nodded. “Yeah, he did. After he stuck his tongue down my throat and left a hefty bill.”

  “Ew, gross. Total asshat!”

  Charlotte nodded. “Most definitely.”

  “Well, don’t sweat it. Kris and I drove together. Kris can drive you home in your car if you like and I’ll follow.”

  “Um, that might actually work.”

  “In the meantime”—Tarah smiled gently—“come back to the table and we’ll get you sobered up.”

  “Give me a few.” Charlotte gripped the sink. “I’m okay. I just need to make sure I’m not going to be sick again…or pass out.”

  “I’m happy to wait.”

  “No, it’s fine.” She faced her friend and grimaced. “Actually, would you please order me a Sprite or something? Oh, and coffee. I need to wake up. I’ll be right there.”

  “Of course,” Tarah said. “If you’re not out in ten minutes, though, I’m coming to get you.”

  “Yes, Mom.”

  Tarah left and Charlotte washed her face again. Drying herself off, she grabbed a piece of gum from her pocket, popped it into her mouth, and moved slowly toward the door. Never again. Stupid, stupid girl.

  She pulled open the door and slammed into a wall of granite. She looked up and her mouth gaped open. “Am I dreaming?”

  The object of her dreams smiled down at her. “Yes.”

  * * *

  Niall caught Charlotte as she passed out, lifting her in his arms and cradling her to his chest. Instead of heading out the front, he carried her out the back and into the alley, climbing into the black Town Car Bruce stood beside. “Please make sure her bill is settled and then we’ll head back to the hotel. Find out if the bastard put something in her drink, too—her breathing’s not right.”

  “Aye, sir,” Bruce said, and closed the door.

  Niall studied his mate, smiling as her quiet snore filled the interior of the car. She was beautiful. Far more stunning than he could have imagined his mate to be. Her long blonde hair fell like waves of satiny ribbons and her porcelain skin showed no hint of blemish or discoloration, except for the faint darkness under her eyes indicating lack of sleep. Her dark lashes fanned her cheeks and her full lips begged to be kissed. He took her hand, willing her breathing to even out.

  I’m dreaming again, aren’t I?

  “Aye, lass, you are.”

  Ooh, that sounded like it was in stereo.

  Niall chuckled.

  Charlotte frowned. I really don’t feel well.

  Niall anticipated what that meant in record time by pulling her from the car just as she emptied her stomach again onto the pavement. He pulled her hair away from her face and held her gently as she leaned against the car.

  “Okay, love, just go slow,” he said, as she tried to straighten up.

  “Where am I?”

  Niall handed her his handkerchief. “Outside the bar.”

  “What?” She looked up at him and frowned. “Am I still in a dream?”

  He shook his head.

  “Are you sure?”

  Niall smiled. “I’m sure.”

  She laid her hands on his face, squeezing his cheeks and then patting his mouth. “You feel real.”

  Niall chuckled. “That’s because I am.”

  “Holy crap, you’re real!” Charlotte gasped. “Why are you real? What are you doing here? Am I dying? I’m dying…I knew I was dying. No, wait. I’m dead. Alcohol poisoning is real! I shouldn’t have dismissed that afterschool special and I shouldn’t have drunk so much.” She turned and threw up again, groaning as she stumbled toward the back of the car. “I can’t believe I just puked my guts out in front of Niall MacMillan.”

  “Don’t worry about it, love.” Niall retrieved a bottle of water from the car and handed it to her. “Drink this slowly.”

  She groaned again. “I’m in hell, right? I’ve died and gone to hell.”

  “Drink the water, Charlotte. You’ll feel better.”

  “Right. I’m hysterical. No time for hysterics when I’m publicly puking. Hysterics and vomit do not make a good combination.” She opened the water and took a tentative sip. Niall laid his hand on her back and went about healing her. She took a deep breath and sighed. “You’re right. The water’s amazing.”

  Niall smiled and continued to rub her back.

  “Thank you,” she said.

  “Everything’s sorted, sir,” Bruce said as he returned, handing Charlotte her purse.

  “Charlotte, this is Bruce,” Niall said.

  Charlotte narrowed her eyes. “You look familiar.”

  Bruce nodded and smiled. “I usually work for Mr. and Mrs. MacMillan.”

  “Grace. Of course.”

  “Aye,” Bruce said, and then turned to Niall. “Miss Whitmore brought her car. I’ll drive it back to the hotel if you’d like to follow me.”

  Charlotte shook her head. “I’m okay. My friends will worry. I’ll just wait a bit and then drive home.”

  Niall smiled down at her. “Charlotte, I’d really like to drive you somewhere I can keep an eye on you. I’m happy to take you home.”

  She rubbed her forehead. “No, I don’t want to go home.”

  “Will you come with me, then?” Niall asked. “Just until you feel better and are well enough to drive.”

  “Um.” Charlotte bit her lip. “Just a second, okay?”

  Niall nodded and watched as she grabbed her phone from her purse and appeared to text someone. Niall picked the information from her mind. She was asking Grace if he was “safe.” Her phone rang within seconds and Charlotte answered. “Hi. Hmm-mm. Yes. I’m fine. I had a little too much to drink. I’m assuming you’re the reason he’s here. Yep. Really? Okay. Yes, but if I’m found dead in an alley somewhere, be sure to let the police know it’s your fault.” Charlotte smiled. “You too, Gary. Okay, ’bye.” She hung up and slipped her phone into her jeans pocket. “Grace says to go with you.”

  Niall smiled and held the car door open. “Shall we?”

  She nodded, handing her car keys to Bruce. Niall wrapped an arm around her waist when she faltered. “Easy, love.”

  “I feel really dizzy,” she admitted.

  “I’m not surprised.”

  “Charlotte? Hey, who are you and what are you doing?” Tarah snapped as she rushed toward the small group. “Get your hands off her!”

  “It’s all right, ma’am,” Bruce said as he stepped in front of Charlotte. “We’re going to take her home.”

  “No you’re not. I’m taking her home,” Tarah countered, stepping around him.

  “Iss okay, Tarah,” Charlotte slurred. “This is Niall.” At least, that’s what she thought she said. Her mind was mush.

  “Niall, Niall?” Tarah asked in suspicion.

  “Yep. Dwummer,” she managed, and then black.


  CHARLOTTE WOKE IN stages. She dreamt she had a killer headache and willed it to stop, realized quite disappointedly that it wasn’t a dream, and then tried to force herself back to sleep. Just as she drifted, she felt like she was sucking on sandpaper. With a determination she didn’t really feel, she blinked her eyes open and glanced around an unfamiliar room, trying to determine where she was.

  You’re in my hotel, lass.

  She let out a quiet squeak and sat up. “Are you here? Wait. Where am I and why am I talking to you?” She let out a nervous giggle. “I’m an idiot. Now I’m answering you when I’m awake.”

  I’m in the next room. Do you need assistance?

  “No, I’m good. Well, crazy but alive, I guess. Am I alive? Wait, am I dead?”

No, love, you’re safe and very much among the living.

  She took in her surroundings, sighing in relief to see a bottled water on the nightstand, then quickly frowning. Hotel water was expensive. Could she afford to drink a thirty-two dollar bottle of water after her big spend last night?

  I doubt it’s quite so dear, lass. I’ll take care of the cost. Drink away.

  She unscrewed the cap and took a swig, wondering if water had ever tasted so good before. Throwing the covers back, she slid from the mattress and headed to the bathroom. She was still dressed, although her shoes and socks had been removed.

  She groaned as she caught her reflection in the mirror. Mascara was caked to her face and her lips were dry and chapped. Her hair was a mass of tangles, and she had no idea where her purse was.

  Your purse is at the end of the bed, love, and there are a few private things in the bag on the bathroom counter.

  She really was alive…and very much awake, even if she looked like the walking dead. “You’re freaking me out here. Are you watching me?”

  No. I can just read your mind.

  “Oh, ’cause that’s so much better,” she grumbled.

  Charlotte peered into the bag and found her favorite makeup remover and moisturizer, along with deodorant, toothpaste, and a toothbrush. There was also a brand-new brush and hair-bands. “You called Grace, didn’t you?” she grumbled.


  Charlotte started a little at the fact he answered her, but couldn’t help but smile at his thoughtfulness as she washed her face, brushed her teeth, and tamed her hair into something less rat nesty. Once she felt human again, she stepped back into the bedroom and located her purse. She heard the buzz of her cell phone as she approached. She checked the caller ID and grimaced.

  “Alec. Hi.”

  “Damn it, Charlotte! I’ve been worried sick. You never called me back.”

  “I know.” She sank down onto the edge of the bed. “I just realized that. I’m so sorry. I kind of passed out.”

  “You kind of passed out,” he repeated…slowly, as if attempting patience.

  “Look, Alec, seriously, I’m really sorry if I worried you, but I’m fine. My friends were with me and made sure I was okay.”

  “What happened?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Why were you drunk?” he demanded.

  “Well, not that it’s any of your business, but I guess my date thought he’d try to get lucky.”

  “You had a date?” he snapped.

  “Yes, why?”

  “Because I thought perhaps you and I were going to get to know one another. I hadn’t really planned on that involving other people.”

  “Oh, hell no.” Charlotte frowned. “You haven’t called me in almost a week, then when you do, you think you own me? You’re messing with the wrong person, bub.”

  Alec let out a loud sigh. “You’re right. I’m sorry. I totally didn’t mean to sound like a jealous boyfriend. I guess I was just so worried after you didn’t call me back last night. And as far as me not calling you, I had a family emergency which took me home for a bit, and then my phone ended up in the kitchen sink and last night was the first time I was able to power it up. Note to self: talking on the phone and doing dishes is a really bad combination. It took two days and two boxes of rice to dry it out.”

  “Oh, no.” Charlotte bit her lip. “Is everything okay?”

  “No, but it will be. Thanks for asking,” he said. “I really am sorry. Will you forgive me?”

  “Of course I will. Sometimes shit happens. I get it.”

  He groaned. “You have no idea. Can I start again?”

  “Um, sure.”

  “I have tickets to the new Portland Center Stage show. One of my buddies is a lead. I wondered if you’d like to go with me. It’s on Tuesday, which I know is not the best date night, but I thought I’d try anyway.”

  Charlotte smiled. “Why is Tuesday not the best date night?”

  He chuckled. “I have no idea. It’s not as sexy as the weekend, I guess.”

  Charlotte giggled. “Less chance of getting into trouble.”

  “Good point.”

  “Is it that Lizzie rock thing?” she asked.

  “It is.”

  “That sounds really cool.” She glanced at the bedroom door. “Tuesday would be great.”


  “Yeah. Why not? We’re friends, right?”

  “Exactly,” he said. “Do you want to get an early dinner beforehand?”

  “Sure, that would be perfect.”

  “Text me your address and I’ll pick you up at five if that works.”

  “That works great,” she said.

  “I really am sorry, Charlotte.”

  “I appreciate that, Alec. Thanks.”

  “See you Tuesday,” he said.

  Charlotte nodded. “I’m looking forward to it.”

  He hung up and Charlotte took a second to send him her address before dropping her phone back in her purse.

  When you’re done, lass, come into the living room.

  “This is a suite?”


  She opened the door opposite the bathroom and found Niall standing by the window. He turned, his smile warm and open, and Charlotte’s heart stuttered. His dark hair was a perfect mess and it looked as though he hadn’t shaved in a few days. He wore dark jeans and a black T-shirt that appeared to have been painted on. Gorgeous didn’t seem adequate to describe him.


  She licked her lips. “It’s really you.”

  He chuckled. “Aye. It’s really me. How do you feel?”

  “Better than I probably should. Thank you for rescuing me.”

  “’Twas my pleasure, lass.”

  “Where’s my car?”

  “It’s downstairs in the lot,” he said, and handed her her keys. “Bruce parked it close to the entrance.”

  “Thank you.” Charlotte checked her watch. “Wow, it’s almost two. I can’t believe I slept this long.”

  “You needed to sleep off the drink.”

  She felt the heat creep up her neck. “Not my finest hour, to be sure.”

  “Also not your fault.” He frowned. “Your date put a little extra something in your drinks, which is the reason you were so dizzy.”

  “Really? How do you know that?”

  “I had Bruce test one of your glasses. The bastard had crushed up valium and slipped it into your drink…or drinks. Not sure how much he gave you, but it was certainly more than someone your size would be able to tolerate.”

  “That’s what the gritty taste was. I thought it was maybe chocolate shavings or something.”

  Niall shook his head. “You could have been much worse off had you not managed to purge your system of most everything.”

  “Yay for puking.” She grimaced and nodded toward the bedroom door. “Did you… ah… sleep… in there?”

  “With you?” He smiled. “No. I took the couch.”

  “Oh, thank you. How did you get me away from Tarah?”

  He smiled again. Lord, he had a nice smile.

  “I had to call Grace and have her talk to her. Tarah wasn’t going to let you out of her sight.”

  Charlotte nodded. “She’s good that way.”

  “It would seem so. Are you hungry?” Niall waved to the table laden with covered dishes. “I ordered a little bit of everything, breakfast items as well as burgers.”

  Charlotte’s stomach rumbled in response. “I am hungry, actually. Thank you.”

  Niall led her to the food and held a chair for her. She sat down and waited for him to do the same. She filled her plate, her appetite back in droves, and took a bite, sighing with pleasure. “Wow. I didn’t realize just how hungry I was.”

  He grinned and picked up a piece of bacon. “Me neither.”

  “So, what brings you to this neck of the woods?” she asked.

  “I’m here to see you.”

  “What? You are?” She b
lushed as she lowered her head. “Why?”

  “You don’t know why?”

  She met his eyes, albeit briefly. “No, why would I know why?”

  * * *

  Niall watched Charlotte closely, attempting to get a read on her emotions. He wasn’t sure she was ready to hear the truth, but he also wasn’t willing to keep anything from her.

  “It’s you, isn’t it? The one who’s been talking to me?” she whispered, drawing him from his thoughts.

  He nodded.

  “How is that possible?”

  He studied her for several seconds. “How much do you want to know?”

  “All of it,” she answered immediately. “I know there’s something going on…something I don’t understand and probably can’t grasp, but I want to know all of it anyway.”

  He nodded, laying his hand over hers. “I am from an ancient race of Vikings. The Cauld Ane. I am an empath and a healer, which is why you and I can speak telepathically.”

  “Is that why I saw you when I dreamed?”

  Niall shook his head. “Actually, I’m not entirely certain what that gift is. I’ve never heard of it before and certainly don’t know anyone with it. The dreaming in real time, I mean. It’s something incredibly unique. When you were asking about the guitar and running your fingers over it, the strings moved. Like a ghost was playing it.”

  “No way, really?”

  Niall nodded. “I have asked my friend, Fiona, to do some research for me about it.”

  “What does Cauld Ane mean?”

  “Cold one.”

  Charlotte cocked her head. “Is it because you’re always cold?”

  “Quite the opposite, we run hot,” he said. “We’re unable to survive in temperatures over sixty-eight degrees Fahrenheit.”



  “What happens if you go out in the middle of summer?” she asked as she poured syrup on her pancakes.

  “We typically don’t, but if we are caught unawares, each degree over sixty-eight produces different reactions…none of them pleasant…and then eventual death.”

  Charlotte gasped. “Does that happen often?”

  “Not in several hundred years. We’re very careful.”

  “You mentioned gifts. Are they like spiritual gifts?”

  Niall ran his finger over the table. “Yes and no. My friend Payton, the one who was in your dream, can touch someone or something and be given a vision. Her psychometry gift has come in handy on occasion, and now that she’s bound to Brodie, she has received his telekinesis abilities.”