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Bound by Light Page 4

  “Seriously? Why?” Sydney bit her lip. “Am I in danger?”

  “We don’t think so. Right now, it’s a precaution.”

  “A precaution?” she challenged. “Uncle Cary, tell me. Did something happen?”

  “Nothing I can talk about at the moment. Will you trust me? At least for a little while?”

  “Um...I guess.” Sydney had no reason not to trust him and it wasn’t like this never happened. She remembered Lucy complaining about tightened security a few years ago when her dad was making a big merger. There’d been death threats and Uncle Cary had hired bodyguards for both Lucy and Anson.

  He gave her a bolstering smile. “I know it’s a pain, but you’ll find you forget they’re even there.”

  Sydney rolled her eyes. “I’m not so sure about that.”

  “Humor an old man, eh?”

  “Do you think it’ll be a permanent thing?”

  “No, love, I don’t. But it’s permanent for now,” he admitted.

  Sydney sighed. “What if I meet some dashing Brit who sweeps me off my feet? I can’t have some strange man following me on dates.”

  Uncle Cary chuckled. “We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it.”

  “Okay.” She smiled, begrudgingly. “Thank you for everything, Uncle Cary. I really appreciate it.” Sydney wasn’t sure that was sincere, but since she was in her uncle’s home, she would trust him.

  “Don’t mention it, sweetheart. You know you’ve always been like another daughter to me. You are the very best of my sister, you know. You remind me so much of her.”

  Sydney blinked back tears. “Thanks. I often wished Anson and Lucy were really my brother and sister. You guys were always so close and I wanted that.”

  “We were close, but you feel free to torture Anson just as much as your mother tortured me. Lucy’s far too nice to him.”

  Sydney giggled. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  “Good.” He rose to his feet. “Lucy mentioned something about a Thane Allen movie premiere tomorrow night?”

  “She did?” Sydney began to think of ways to commit cousin-cide as she stood. “What did she say?”

  “Just that she wanted to go.” Her uncle cocked his head. “Why?”

  Sydney relaxed. “Oh, nothing.”

  He hummed in suspicion. “Anyway, I’ve wrangled a few tickets if you’d like to go.”

  “Oh, wow, that sounds fun.”

  “We’ll make it a family outing.” Uncle Cary grinned. “Dinner first?”


  “Good. I’ll have my assistant set everything up.”

  “Can’t wait.”

  Sydney hugged her uncle again and then went to look for Lucy.

  * * *

  The next evening, the house was awash with excitement. Sydney had never been to a movie premiere before and felt her stomach flutter with nerves as she and Lucy dressed in cocktail dresses and their favorite heels.

  The premiere was being held at the Empire Cinema in Leicester Square and the family had the choice to walk the red carpet with the celebrities or enter before they descended. A resounding agreement was reached to skip the circus and sneak in early, so they had to be out the door in less than an hour.

  “I wonder if he’ll ask you out again,” Lucy mused.

  Sydney ignored the shiver that thought created. “I doubt we’ll even see him.”

  “It’s very possible we’ll sit quite close to him.”

  “No!” Sydney gasped. “Really?”

  Lucy giggled. “Really. It’s an intimate event on celebrity event scales.”

  “Why did you do this, Luce? Maybe I should just stay home.”

  “No way. Look at it as a nice family outing and if we see the famous and gorgeous Thane Allen, then it’s a bonus.” She raised an eyebrow. “Besides, you’re probably right. We probably won’t see him...but if we do, I doubt we’ll interact with him.”

  “Exactly.” Sydney took a deep breath and nodded. “Okay. Cool.”

  Lucy laughed. “Why do you get so nervous around boys, Sid?”

  “Um, hello, he’s not just a boy, Luce. He’s Thane Allen, and I was kind of rude before, so I’m half expecting him to shun me and tell the world what a cow I am.”

  “You’re ridiculous.”

  Sydney shrugged. “Hopefully, if he sees me, he’ll just ignore me.”

  “There’s the spirit.” Lucy grinned.

  “What about you? No Zach tonight?”

  Lucy and Zach had been exclusive for just over a week now and she was still basking in the new love glow. Sydney had yet to meet him, mostly because he wanted to wait to meet Lucy’s family until they were “more secure.” Sydney couldn’t quite decide if she liked that or not, but figured Lucy would make it happen when she wanted it to happen.

  “Dad could only get tickets for the five of us,” Lucy said.

  “He can have mine,” Sydney offered.

  “Nice try.” Lucy giggled. “Shall we?”

  Sydney shook off her nervousness and grabbed her jacket and purse. She followed Lucy downstairs and into the waiting car with the rest of the family.


  THANE ADJUSTED HIS bowtie and smoothed down his jacket. He was surprisingly excited about the event tonight, even with the weight of success on his shoulders. He’d financed the majority of this project and if it failed, he’d take the hit.

  Pam arrived with Niall and Charlotte in tow. Charlotte wore a corseted modernized version of one of the gowns she’d worn in the film. It had been her favorite and the deep blue matched her eyes perfectly.

  Thane kissed her cheek. “You look beautiful, Charlotte.”

  “Thank you.” She sighed with a grin. “I feel like a princess.”

  Niall pulled her close and kissed her temple.

  “Where are Max and Grace?” Thane asked.

  “They’re going with the band,” Niall said. “I offered to go with them as well—”

  “But I need you with me,” Charlotte rushed to say.

  “Which is why I’m here.” Niall chuckled. “So, breathe...”

  She took a deep breath. “Thank you, honey.”

  “Where’s the baby?” Thane asked.

  “With Megan,” Charlotte said.

  “Some lovely grandmother, granddaughter time, then.”


  “Car’s downstairs,” Pam said as she walked back into the room.

  “Ready?” Thane asked.

  Charlotte clapped her hands. “Yes. I’m nervous and excited all at the same time.”

  Thane grinned. “I am as well, lass.”

  He and Niall stepped back and let Charlotte precede them out of the hotel. It took a few minutes to get her and her dress loaded into the limo, but they made it and headed to the theater.

  * * *

  “Mmm, champagne and popcorn,” Sydney murmured somewhat sarcastically. “My favorite.”

  “Champagne with just about anything works for me,” Lucy added, and took a sip. “Especially when it’s good.”

  Lucy’s parents and brother were on the opposite side of the cinema lobby speaking with an acquaintance of her father’s, so Lucy had pulled Sydney over to the refreshments. Neither of them were particularly interested in the fascinating conversation of finance and the world economy.

  “When do we get to sit down?” Sydney stepped from one foot to the other. “My feet are starting to scream at me.”

  “Mine as well. I can’t imagine it will be long now. It’s almost seven.”

  Before Lucy could get the words completely out of her mouth, the roar of the crowd outside grew and Sydney figured the stars were arriving. They’d gone through thirty minutes of the lesser known actors of the film, but now was the moment the crowd outside had been waiting for. “Let’s go somewhere else,” Sydney whispered.


  “It doesn’t matter. We can join your parents. I just don’t necessarily want to be in the way.”

  Lucy shook her head. “We have a chance to be within spitting distance of both Fallen Crown and Thane Allen. I’d very much like to be in the way.”

  “I had no idea you had llama tendencies.”

  Lucy giggled. “Nice.”

  Sydney smiled and stepped behind Lucy in an effort to hide... hard to do when she was almost two inches taller than her cousin. Her hands were shaking, so she set her drink down on the counter and linked her fingers together in front of her.

  She couldn’t help but get caught up in the excitement as the band members filed in, and when Max MacMillan arrived, she felt her heart race and found herself star struck. He had one of the most amazing voices in the world and was drop-dead gorgeous to boot. His wife was stunning as well with her dark hair swept into an ornate up-do. Although he took time to sign autographs and speak with fans inside, he was never far from her. It was very sweet.

  Lucy giggled and craned her head to look at Sydney. “Here comes Thane.”

  Sydney bent her knees and peeked over Lucy’s shoulder, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible, but was still unable to stop herself from watching him walk in. Truly, the man was beautiful with the soft stubble over his jaw and his thick, dark strawberry-blond hair. She wanted to run her hands through it.

  He was speaking with his costar, Charlotte, and her husband, Niall, the drummer for Fallen Crown, and Sydney felt the sudden need to escape.

  “I’m going to the restroom,” she whispered, and dashed away from the crowd. Lucy followed and they spent a few minutes pretending to fix their already perfect makeup. Sydney hoped it was long enough in order to sneak in just before the movie started.

  Lucy checked her watch. “Two minutes, love. We should really get in there.”

  Sydney nodded and squared her shoulders, leading Lucy from the bathroom. They walked toward the theater and as they stepped through the door, Sydney stalled.

  “I wondered if I’d see you again,” Thane whispered. He was standing just inside, leaning against the wall. He pushed away with a smile. “You’re difficult to find, Sydney Warren.”

  Sydney chewed on her bottom lip, dumbstruck.

  “I’m Lucy.” Lucy stuck her hand out and Thane shook it.

  “You’re the cousin?” Thane asked.

  “I am,” she said. “It’s lovely to meet you.”

  “Lovely to meet you too, lass.”

  Sydney stood frozen to her spot on the carpet, unable to form a coherent sentence as her cousin and crush carried on a pleasant conversation.

  “Sid?” Lucy squeezed her arm.

  “Hmmm?” she mumbled.

  “I’m going to find the fam. I’m sure Thane can make sure you find a seat?” Lucy made it both a statement and a question, which didn’t really help Sydney’s nerves.

  “I’d be happy to,” Thane said.

  “I should come with you,” Sydney managed to say.

  “No, love, you stay,” Lucy argued. “I’ll save you a seat.”

  “But the movie’s going to start.”

  “It won’t start until I sit down,” Thane said.

  “Have a little fun, cuz,” Lucy whispered, and kissed her cheek before walking away and out of her sight.

  Sydney bit her lip again and stared at the movie star. Good Lord, he was gorgeous, especially up close.

  “Hi,” he said, and smiled.

  “Hi.” She took a deep breath. “How did you know I’d be here?”

  “I didn’t,” he said. “But I saw you rush away when I came in, so I waited. Will you sit with me tonight?”

  “What?” She let out a quiet gasp. “I couldn’t.”

  “Why not?” he challenged.

  “Because you’re the star of the movie and I’m a nobody. What will people think?”

  He chuckled. “I’ve never much cared about what other people think, lass. It’s served me well in life. At least so far.”

  “I’m here with my family, though. It would be rude.”

  “How about you introduce me and I’ll ask them directly?”

  Sydney narrowed her eyes. “Do you ever take ‘no’ for an answer?”

  “Not when I’m in the strange position of having to convince a beautiful woman to sit with me in a movie theater.”

  Sydney shivered. Lordy, he was sexy. “Aren’t they waiting on you to start?”

  “Aye, lass they are, but we can stand here all night if you’d like to.”

  He gave her another sexy little grin that caused her to blush. “Oh, for the love and glory be. Come on, I’ll introduce you to my family.”

  “Excellent idea.” Thane held his arm out and she slid her hand around it.

  They walked into the large theater. All eyes were suddenly on them and Sydney instantly wanted to run away. Thane laid his free hand over hers and gave it a squeeze as he led her to a very official looking woman, headphone and microphone on. As they got closer, Sydney recognized her from the hotel, complete with impressive glare aimed at Thane.

  Before the woman could say anything, he raised a hand. “I know, Pam. Just give me one more minute and I’ll be ready.”

  She sighed and nodded as Sydney found her family in the crowd.

  “Ready, love?” he whispered.

  Sydney nodded and led him up the stairs. Her aunt was aflutter as Thane introduced himself, and Sydney felt a little embarrassed by all the attention.

  “I do hope you won’t mind if I steal Sydney for the rest of the evening,” Thane said, still holding her aunt’s hand.

  “Of course not,” she said. “She’s all yours.”

  Sydney noticed he waited to release Aunt Clara’s hand until Uncle Cary nodded his approval.

  “Thank you.” Thane faced Sydney and smiled. “Shall we?”

  “Um, sure.”

  He linked his fingers with hers, guiding her to his seats in the front. Sydney thought she might die of nervousness right then and there. Next to Thane sat Niall MacMillan, then Niall’s wife and Thane’s costar, Charlotte, then Max MacMillan’s wife, Grace, then Max. Oliver Bardsley, the bass player from Fallen Crown was next to him. Henry Keys, the keyboardist, and his wife and older children sat in the row in front.

  She noticed the men stood as she sidled to her seat and was surprised to be pulled into a warm hug by Charlotte. “Hi Sydney. Thane hasn’t been able to shut up about you.”

  “You’re American.”

  Stupid, stupid, stupid thing to say!

  Sydney felt heat creep up her neck. “Sorry, that was dumb.”

  “Not at all.” Charlotte giggled. “Portland, Oregon. Until this one swept me off my feet.” She pointed to Niall, who shook Sydney’s hand.

  “Lovely to meet you lass,” Niall said.

  “You too,” Sydney said, and smiled at Charlotte. “I love Portland.”

  “It’s a gorgeous city, for sure,” Charlotte agreed, and after she’d introduced Sydney to Max and Grace, took her seat.

  Sydney did the same and once everyone was seated, the lights dimmed and the movie began. She was surprised to find that she liked... no, loved... the way Thane held her hand throughout the film. And what a film it was. She had to admit, it was very surreal watching intense love scenes while sitting in between the two who were acting out said love scenes. If she didn’t know better, she’d swear these two would give their lives for each other. Their chemistry was off the charts.

  Thane’s character, Jamie Ford, knelt at the empty bed of his missing wife and whispered, “Where is she? Where is my wife?” and thus began the emotional roller coaster that Sydney was strapped into for the next two hours and four minutes.

  She was completely swept up in the story of the couple sent back to the Civil War as they miraculously find their way back to each other. She found herself gripping the armrest or gasping aloud, especially when Richard Madden tried to take advantage of his friendship with Sophie. Then when Sophie saw Jamie and he didn’t recognize her, Sydney was devastated. She was a little embarrassed when Thane offered her his han
dkerchief. “Thank you,” she sniffed.

  He gave her hand a squeeze, lifting it to his lips after she dabbed at her eyes, trying to avoid smearing her makeup.

  Throughout the rest of the movie, she barely managed to keep her emotions at bay. Luckily, she kept her sobbing to a very quiet internal struggle; the copious amount of tears pouring down her face were the only indication she was moved. As the credits rolled, she took advantage of the dark and pulled herself together.

  The lights came up and the crowd gave a rousing round of applause. Thane leaned close and asked, “Will you stay here?”

  Sydney nodded and he rose to his feet, helped Charlotte to her feet, and guided her down to the front.

  Thane raised his hands and waited for the din to quiet down. “Thank you so much for joining Charlotte and me for the premiere. We are grateful you came and would love to hear your thoughts... unless they’re negative, of course.”

  The group responded with laughter and more clapping.

  “My assistant is probably going to kill me because we have a reception to get to, but does anyone have any questions?” he continued.

  An older gentleman stood. “Thane, what did you like the most about your character, Jamie Ford?”

  “I liked his absolute devotion to Sophie. Even when he didn’t remember her, he still felt committed to her in his heart. He was sensitive, but didn’t lose his sense of being a man.”

  “So you liked that he wasn’t whipped,” the man said.

  Thane chuckled. “Exactly.”

  A young woman stood and smiled. “This question is for both of you. Do you feel a connection with the character you played? And was there anything you didn’t like about your characters?”

  “You first, lass,” Thane said.

  “Hmmm.” Charlotte hummed in thought. “I definitely felt a deep connection with Sophie. This is a woman who was thrown back in time and, although she was passionate about that period in history, she was without the only man she’d ever loved. I’ve only been married to my husband for a couple of years and I couldn’t imagine losing him even after a hundred years together, so I could feel her pain on a deep level. There wasn’t much I didn’t like about her, really. Except that at times I felt she forgot where she was and spoke a little more plainly than might have been wise.” She smiled at Thane. “Your turn.”