Bound by Fire Read online

Page 3

Dalton pulled her back to sit on the bed. “Let’s figure out what to do going forward. I want to get this creep. It’s your birthday in three days, and I’d like to present him on a platter as your gift.”

  * * *

  Pepper sat in Dalton’s office at the Mercedes store and pretended to read a magazine. She turned the page, frowning at the sight of her shaking hands. Dalton had insisted she wait for him here, because it had a panic room right off the office. He was drawing her stalker out and he wanted her somewhere safe. She really just wanted to hop on a plane and escape, but she knew she needed to see this through. If she didn’t, she’d always be looking over her shoulder.

  She swung her leg up and down in irritation. Dalton had closed the dealership almost an hour ago and she still sat by herself in the windowless room with no idea what was happening outside. Without warning, she heard what sounded like firecrackers and her heart raced.

  Then, just as quickly, the office door flew open and she was being dragged into the panic room. The door shut and she heard the lock before Dalton collapsed next to her. She let out a squeak and knelt next to him. “Dalt?”

  He let out a hiss of pain when she tried to move his arm. She noticed red seeping through his shirt. “You’re bleeding.”

  He squeezed his eyes tight and took a deep breath. “I think my shoulder’s dislocated.”

  “That wouldn’t explain the blood, Dalt.”

  “He got a shot off. Damn it. He’s fast.”

  “Did you see him?”

  “Nope. He wore a mask.”

  Pepper ripped his shirt open and tried to ignore his perfectly formed chest. She pressed her palm to the gunshot wound on his bicep. “Too much? Are you okay?”

  He set his lips into a tight line. “Yep.”

  “I need to call 9-1-1…as soon as I get the bleeding under control.”

  “Just lift the phone, it’ll go straight through.” He nodded behind him. “And then you need to get out of here, Pepper.”

  “How? I’m kind of stuck in this room with you.”

  “There’s a hidden exit. If they find you, there’ll be more questions than answers and I’ll have to explain what you’re doing here.” He shifted with a grimace. “In my right pocket are keys to a green Mercedes right outside the door. You can drive it to my place and leave your car here. I’m hoping the jackwad will be watching for your car…throw him off the scent.”

  “I can’t leave you here alone. What if you bleed to death?”

  “I’m not that badly hurt.”

  “Hero to the nth degree, I see.” Pepper scowled. “But I’m not leaving you.”

  “You’re the most stubborn woman alive.”

  “And your point is?” she challenged.

  “Fine.” He sighed. “You can wait until we hear the sirens.”

  She grinned. “Thank you.”

  “I guess it’s officially your birthday.”

  Pepper glanced at the clock on the wall. Just after midnight. “A whole quarter of a century.”

  He chuckled and then groaned. “Ow.”

  “Just stay still. They’ll be here soon.”

  “I owe you dinner.”

  “Are you ruled by anything other than food, Dalton Moore?”

  He gave her a lascivious grin. “Just one.”

  Pepper felt the heat creep up her neck. “Okay, Romeo.”

  “Mr. Moore?” The muffled shout of a woman floated through the door.

  Dalton nodded toward the back wall. “Hit the tile just below the switch. The hidden door will open. Be quick, it closes again in seconds.”

  Pepper did as he instructed and a hidden panel popped open.

  “Go, babe.”

  “Are you sure?” she whispered.

  “Yes. Go!”

  As the paramedics banged on the panic room door again, she slipped through the panel and made her escape, heading to the safety of Dalton’s apartment. She found a bottle of wine and sat down in front of Dalton’s ridiculously big screen television to keep her company.

  Sam called to wish her a happy birthday, and keeping the news about her brother from her was the hardest thing Pepper had ever done.

  Pepper managed one night in his apartment alone but was forced back to her mother’s house with a threat from her stalker to hurt Rio if he couldn’t find her. There was some comfort in knowing that he obviously had no idea where Dalton lived, but her relief was short-lived when she was told Sam would be arriving to check on her brother. Another person to worry about would just about send her over the edge.

  * * *

  Sam’s father had insisted he pick Pepper up on his way to get Dalton from the hospital and she didn’t have a good enough reason to argue, especially since her car was dying faster than she would have liked. Dalton offered to loan her his car for a few days, since he wouldn’t be driving, which solved one problem at least.

  She was nervous about seeing Sam, worried about the fact that she was even in town. Pepper’s stalker had called just before Sam’s dad picked her up and reminded her not to say anything to Sam. How he knew Sam would be in town, Pepper couldn’t begin to guess. Mr. Moore pulled into the driveway and Pepper forced a smile when she saw Sam standing on the front porch.

  “Let the fun begin,” Dalton murmured as he opened the back door.

  Pepper slid out of the front seat and held her arms open for Sam. A flicker of concern flashed over Sam’s face, but Pepper hugged her in an effort to ignore it. Sam loved hugs. Pepper hoped this simple act would distract her from trying to find out what was really going on.

  Once Sam reluctantly let her go, focus was pulled to Kade. He was as gorgeous as Sam had described and far better looking in person than on Skype. Tall with dark blond hair, long in a country music star kind of way, he exuded sex-appeal. His smile appeared to be quick and genuine, and the love on his face when he looked at Sam was priceless. He shook Pepper’s hand and then took a moment to greet Dalton.

  As they made their way into the house, Pepper tried to keep the conversation moving away from her, avoiding several of Sam’s more pointed questions. Thinking she’d dodged a bullet, she started to relax, but then Sam finagled a way to get her alone, insisting they pick up burgers for everyone, and Pepper was on edge again.

  She reluctantly followed Sam out to the car.

  As Sam pulled her dad’s BMW out of the driveway, she glanced at Pepper. “You’re quiet.”

  Pepper sighed. “Sorry. Just tired.”

  “I’m glad we get a little time alone.”

  Pepper nodded. “Me too. I’m so glad you could get a flight.”

  Sam chuckled. “You could say that.”

  “What?” Pepper asked.

  “Let’s just say he owns his own plane.”

  “Shut the front door!” Pepper retorted. “And you got on it?”

  “He has amazing powers of persuasion.”

  Pepper laughed. “I noticed that the moment you walked into the room.”


  Pepper nodded. “He adores you.”

  Sam grinned. “The feeling’s mutual.”

  Pepper shifted in her seat. “Your brother looks good, huh?”

  “Yeah. Typical Dalton…he gets shot and manages to come out with a flesh wound, minor bruise, and his hair still perfectly coiffed.”

  Pepper rolled her eyes. “Totally.”

  Once at the restaurant, Sam ordered the food and they sat in a booth at the bar to wait for their order.

  “I think we have time for a beer,” Pepper said.

  “You’re reading my mind.”

  “How’s Scotland?”

  “It’s amazing. I can’t wait for you to see everything.”

  “Me too.”

  A server stopped by their table and they took a few minutes to order.

  “What about you? Hmm? What’s going on with you?” Sam asked.

  Pepper forced a smile. “Nothing. Just counting the days until I leave.”

  Sam frowned. “Pepper
, what’s really going on? You don’t look like you’re sleeping…or eating enough.”

  “I’m fine, really. Normal stress, you know? Trying to finish up a few classes so I don’t have to retake them. And then, working full time just happens to be tiring.” Pepper played with the napkin in front of her. “Then your brother.”

  Sam reached over and squeezed her hand. “Thank you for being here, Pepper. Sometimes I really feel like you’re the glue, you know?”

  “Crazy glue, maybe.”

  Sam laughed. “I have missed you! I can’t wait until you see the apartment. It’s gorgeous.”

  “I can’t wait to be there in person. The tour with your laptop made me feel a bit motion sick.”

  “Well, Kade says you don’t have to find a different place. You’re welcome to stay as long as you want. And we’ll be just down the hall, so you won’t be alone.”

  “This guy really sounds too good to be true sometimes.”

  Sam nodded. “I know. If I didn’t know him, know him, I think I’d wonder.”


  “Have you been riding much?”

  Pepper shook her head. “Ah. No. Not really.”

  “Were you able to get someone to look after Jonesy while you’re gone?”

  Pepper bit her lip and stared at the table.


  “I sold him.”

  “What?” Sam gasped. “When? Why?”

  “Three weeks ago. He needs someone who can really take care of him.”

  “Who did you sell him to?”


  Sam frowned. “Rich bitch Brit?”

  Pepper nodded.

  “You can’t stand her. She’s vapid and spoiled and only has horses because her parents buy her whatever the heck she wants.”

  “I know that, Sam,” Pepper snapped. “Just drop it.”

  The server returned with their beers and Sam smiled her thanks. Focusing back on Pepper, she asked, “Honey, what’s going on?”

  Pepper tried to keep her irritation in check. Sam could push her like no one else, and although Pepper knew it was out of concern, Sam could also be known to peck Pepper to death like a mother hen.

  “Nothing. I’m sorry.” Pepper sat back. “How do you know someone, Sam?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “How do you know if someone’s telling you the truth?”

  Sam shrugged. “I guess it’s a gut feeling. I know when people are lying to me because I never lie to myself. I don’t try to explain away the flags…be they green, yellow, or red.”

  Pepper sipped her beer. “I know. I just wish I knew how to do that.”

  “Pepper, what is going on?”

  “Nothing, Sam. It’s nothing.”

  Sam grasped Pepper’s arm. “You’re lying to me. Now, tell me what the hell is wrong.”

  “You have enough on your plate right now.”

  “Samantha, your order’s ready,” a voice crackled over the loudspeaker.

  “This isn’t done, Pep,” Sam warned. “You and I are going to sit down and have a serious conversation tonight. Got it?”

  “I have to work.”

  “Then after work.”

  Pepper shrugged. “Let’s get dinner back to the masses. I’m sure they’re hungry.”

  She was glad Sam didn’t press and when she finished her dinner, she made her escape, insisting she had to get to work. Anything to avoid the truth.


  Present Day

  PEPPER STOOD IN Samantha’s childhood bedroom and waited while Sam fussed with her hair. Kade was on his way back to the airport to pick up his brothers who were arriving from Scotland within the hour. Sam had surprised Pepper with the news that she and Kade would be married in Savannah instead of trying to plan something from overseas. The family was all meeting in Savannah for the wedding. Kade’s sister, Fiona, and Fiona’s close friend, Payton, were sitting on the bed reading a gossip rag while Pepper sat at Sam’s desk. Sam released several curse words as she tried to “fix” perfection.

  “Kade just left you ten minutes ago,” Pepper said.

  Sam scowled at her in the mirror. “Your point?”

  Pepper crossed her arms and rolled her eyes. “My point, strange one, is that you can’t look any better than you already do, and your fiancé wouldn’t care if you shaved your head. He’d still look at you like you’re the only woman on the planet.”

  “I agree,” Payton piped in.

  “Are you suggesting I shave my head?” Sam retorted.

  Pepper giggled. “Oh, I’m not suggesting, Sammi…I’m saying.”

  Sam smiled and opened her mouth to say something just as Pepper’s cell phone rang. Seeing her mother’s name pop up on the screen, Pepper ignored it.

  “Your mom?” Sam asked.

  Pepper nodded.

  The phone pealed again and Pepper let out a frustrated groan.

  “Just answer it, Pep. She’ll keep calling, especially if she’s drunk.”

  Pepper nodded and answered the call. “Hi Mom.”

  “Persephone Moonbeam Brooks, where’s Morris?” her mother slurred.

  Pepper cringed at the ridiculous middle name her mother had adopted. She shouldn’t, she knew it was a joke…her real middle name was Esther…but the memory of many embarrassing moments came flooding back whenever her mother used it.

  “I don’t know where your cat is, Mom. He’s probably roaming.”

  “Uh-uh. I’s got a note here…is says you know.”

  Pepper’s blood went cold. “What do you mean?” she asked as she stepped out of the room.

  “Ith says, Morris is gone. Ask Pepper why,” her mother relayed.

  Pepper walked down the hallway. “Mom, are you alone in the house?”

  “Yeth, why?”

  “Are the doors locked?”

  “Of course they are. I’m not stupid.”

  “Okay. Just stay there. I’ll be home in a few.” Pepper hung up and would have left right away, but her purse was still in Sam’s room. She made her way back inside. “Hey. I need to take care of something. Can you do without me for a bit?”

  Sam nodded. “Sure. Everything okay?”

  “Yeah. Mom’s melting down. I’ll be back by dinner.”

  “Can we do anything?” Fiona asked.

  “No. She does this a lot,” Pepper said.

  Sam hugged her. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  “Yes.” Pepper forced a smile and disengaged from Sam. “Now, enjoy your man. I’ll see you later.”

  She made her way downstairs and into her VW Rabbit. She did her best not to speed home, but she was terrified that Morris might have received the same fate as Rover.

  * * *

  Connall Gunnach sat with his brother Brodie in the family jet and waited for the plane to taxi to their gate. His brother-in-law, Angus, snored in the seat in front of them. They’d spent the last week in Iceland and Scotland dealing with family issues, and were now free to celebrate the “wedding” of Kade and Samantha. The couple had already bonded in the way of their people, so the ceremony would be performed for the benefit of Samantha’s family and friends.

  He and Brodie were discussing the events of the next few days when irritation and then panic hit him square in the chest. “Shite.”

  “Con?” Brodie asked. “You okay?”

  Connall shook his head and tried to breathe. Something was wrong. Something was very, very wrong. He quieted his mind and tried to listen as he took a series of deep breaths and just as quickly, his panic eased. “Damn it.”


  Connall raised his hand in an effort to get Brodie to quit talking. He needed to focus.

  “Do I need to call Kade?”

  Panic hit him again. “Brod! Haud yer wheesht!”

  Brodie said something Connall didn’t catch, although, he figured it wasn’t complimentary.

  “It’s my mate. She’s close.” Connall rubbed his forehead. “A
nd in trouble.”

  * * *

  Pepper parked in the driveway and rushed into the house. She found her mother unconscious on the kitchen floor, a nasty bruise forming on her cheek. She knelt beside her and felt her pulse. It seemed steady, but she couldn’t wake her. Grabbing the house phone, she tried to dial 9-1-1, but realized quickly that the phone was dead. Stupidly, she’d left her cell phone in her car and she couldn’t find her mother’s.

  She grabbed the biggest knife in the knife block and headed toward the front door. Before she reached it, however, it flew open and a dark figure stood in the doorway. With a scream of determination, Pepper made a run for the person standing in the doorway.

  She didn’t get far.


  Her wrist was grasped and her arm pulled behind her. The knife clattered to the ground before she could do any damage and she couldn’t stop a whimper, knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt she was dead.

  “Shhh. It’s Dalton.”

  Pepper squeezed her eyes shut.

  “I’m going to let go now. Don’t kill me,” he whispered.

  She fell against him when he released her arm and turned her to face him. His dark hair was swept away from his face and his deep-set chocolate brown eyes showed concern as he stroked her face. “Take a deep breath.”

  Pepper focused on him as she tried to steady her heart. Despite her attempts, she couldn’t stop her attraction to him. The man was gorgeous to a fault. His chiseled jaw and tall physique captured the epitome of the all-American hero. “Mom’s unconscious, Dalt. She’s in the kitchen.”

  He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer. “Okay, we’ve got help on the way.” She tried to push him away, but he squeezed tighter and shook his head. “Just let me hold you for a minute.”

  “I’m good, Dalt.” Pepper pushed harder. She hated to be hugged.

  He dropped his arms and frowned. “Are you sure?”

  She nodded. “Yep.”

  Awkward silence reigned as they stood in the foyer and several agents swarmed her house. Pepper crossed her arms and leaned against the wall.

  What’s happening? Where are you?

  Pepper glanced at Dalton. “What?”

  He smiled. “What, what?”

  “You just asked me a question…in a weird accent.”

  Dalton shook his head. “Babe, I haven’t said a word in almost five minutes. Rare for me, I know, but still the truth.”