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Bound by Dreams (Cauld Ane Series) Page 27

  “Only the best for my family,” Max quipped. “Let’s go, eh?”

  Charlotte couldn’t remember the last time she’d been on a horse, but she had loved it as a kid and couldn’t wait to explore the land. She followed the group out the front door and hummed at the sight of four of the most beautiful horses she’d ever seen. Niall had mentioned Max’s award-winning Friesians, and three of them were as black as black could be. But one of them was a stunning palomino with a white mane and tail, and Charlotte couldn’t stop herself from approaching him.

  “Well, hi there, beautiful,” she crooned, and giggled when the horse whinnied quietly and nudged her. “So you’re a flirt, are you?” She stroked his muzzle and handed him a peppermint she had hidden in her pocket.

  “He’s going to be your friend for life, if you keep doing that,” Max said with a chuckle.

  “What’s his name?” Charlotte asked.

  “His name’s Repasado.”

  “As in the tequila?”

  Max laughed. “Aye, lass. You know your tequila, apparently.”

  Charlotte giggled. “I found out the hard way that I could only tolerate the really good stuff.”

  “His sire is Patrón, so it fit perfectly when we saw his color.”

  “He is perfect. Aren’t you, boy?” she said.

  The horse nudged her again and Charlotte smiled.

  “He’s yours for the day, lass,” Max said.

  “I’m not taking him away from anyone?”

  “Nope. Niall picked him for you.”

  She glanced at her husband. “You did?”

  Niall grinned. “Aye, lass. I had a feeling you two would get on.”

  I love you. You know that right?

  He leaned down and kissed her quickly. I love you more.

  “Okay, help me on,” she demanded, and gathered up the reins.

  Niall gave her a leg up and checked the girth before mounting his own horse, a lovely gelding named Onyx. Max was riding Knight, and Grace was on a smaller mare by the name of Duchess. Charlotte felt quite regal on the horse whose mane and tail matched her hair color almost perfectly.

  They rode for about thirty minutes before coming arriving at their destination. Max and Niall pulled their horses to a stop and sat side-by-side for a few minutes.

  You okay?

  Aye, lass. Just memories.

  The house looked like something out of Robin Hood, or perhaps Shakespeare. The white-washed siding had dark stained cross beams and a thatched roof. The vast amount of windows had historic wavy glass windows that Charlotte had always thought were beautiful, and the property appeared to be in almost pristine condition.

  “I thought the house was uninhabitable,” Charlotte said.

  Grace nodded. “Yeah, it kind of is. In the sense that it doesn’t have modern plumbing, lighting, or insulation.”

  “Oh, wow, so it’s pretty much as it was when it was built?”

  “That’s what I understand.” Grace smiled. “Max hasn’t been out here since he finished our house.”

  “Really?” Charlotte raised an eyebrow. “That’s over a hundred years.”

  Grace nodded and reached over to squeeze her hand. “Thanks for doing this. I wondered if I’d ever get to see it.”

  “Hey, you married him,” Charlotte pointed out. “You’re his inspiration.”

  “I love that we’re sisters.”

  “Me too, Gracie.”

  “Are you done with acting?” Grace asked.

  Charlotte shrugged. “I don’t know. I don’t think so. I haven’t talked to Niall about it, so it really depends on what he thinks.”

  “I’m close, personal friends with Thane Allen, sweetheart, if you want to be in a movie, you can be in a movie,” Niall said, kissing the back of her neck.

  Charlotte shook her head. She hadn’t even heard him approach. “First, I would never want anything unless I deserved it, so I think I need to pay my dues a bit first, okay?”

  Niall raised an eyebrow. “What makes you think you don’t deserve it?”

  “I didn’t say that I didn’t,” Charlotte said. “Just that I need to pay my dues first.”

  Niall chuckled. “Fair enough. Ready for the tour?”

  “Yes,” the girls replied in stereo.

  Niall assisted Charlotte from her horse’s back and linked his fingers with hers, leading her into the house.

  As they stepped inside, they were transported back in time, and Charlotte smiled as they walked through each room, Niall and Max sharing happy childhood memories. A peace washed over her and she sent up a silent prayer, thanking God for giving her the desires of her heart.

  Even with the uncertainty of whether or not another sister existed, Charlotte knew Niall would do everything in his power to find her.

  Surrounded by her new family, and loved by the only man that mattered, Charlotte’s dreams had all come true.

  * * *

  I was born and raised in New Zealand. With an American father, Scottish grandmother, and Kiwi mother, it’s no doubt I have a unique personality.

  After pursuing my American roots and disappearing into my time travel series, The Civil War Brides, I thought I’d explore the Scottish side of my family. I have loved delving into the Cauld Ane’s and all their abilities… I hope you do too.

  I’ve been happily married and gooey in love with my husband for nineteen years. We live in the Pacific Northwest with our two sons.

  I hope you’ve enjoyed Bound by Dreams

  For other titles in the Cauld Ane Series,

  or to learn about The Civil War Brides Series, please visit:

  Find me on Facebook, too!


  If you’d like to see “Niall and Charlotte” in action, head on over to Dustin Ruth’s video for “Honey.”

  If you like what you hear, you can order the song, or the whole album here.