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Bound by Song (Cauld Ane Series) Page 26

  By the time she had a decent excuse to escape to her room, she was exhausted and fell into a fitful sleep, waking early the next morning with the headache from hell. She decided to stay in bed and wallow, rather than ask Max to heal her. She needed a break.

  Grace? Don’t be a martyr. I can feel your headache.

  I’ll take a pill.

  She squeezed her eyes shut and burrowed further under the covers.

  “Grace,” Max said as he entered her room.

  “Go away,” she grumbled.

  She scowled when he laid his hand on her head, even though her headache disappeared immediately. He leaned down and kissed her cheek. “What’s the matter?”

  “Oh, jeez, I don’t know. My boyfriend refuses to talk to me and I’m homesick,” she said, and rolled away from him.

  “I’ve told you I don’t want to subject you to the business with my family. It’s for your protection.”

  “Yep. I heard you the first fifty times you told me.”

  “Fine, Grace. I’m not having this conversation with you again. If you want to stay in bed, stay in bed.”

  * * *

  Max left Grace and headed toward the conservatory for breakfast. They had three hours before the coronation and then another six before dinner and the ball. He hoped Grace would snap out of her bad mood before then, or he’d be forced to attend without her.

  He arrived in the conservatory to find Connall, Pepper, Brodie, Payton, and Niall. Pepper sat in the corner, discreetly feeding Cody, while the rest of the group sat at one of the tables by the window.

  “’Morning Max,” Payton said with a smile. “Where’s Grace?”

  “She’s not feeling well,” Max answered.

  “So heal her.” Niall said.

  “Leave it, Nim.”

  Niall raised an eyebrow. “What did you do?”

  “Nothing.” Max scowled at his brother, but refrained from swearing with the ladies present. He made his way to the buffet and investigated the spread laid out for them.

  “Hi,” Pepper said from beside him.

  “Where did you come from?” he asked in shock.

  She giggled. “Wow, you’re distracted this morning. I handed Cody off to Connall to burp. I can’t believe you didn’t hear it.”

  Max forced a smile. “How are feeling as a new mum?”

  “I feel amazing,” she said. “Now, tell me what’s going on with Grace.”

  Max placed ham on his plate and then went for the eggs. “Like I said, she’s not feeling well. She has a migraine.”

  “Which you can heal.”

  “And I did.”

  “Okay, so why isn’t she here?”

  “Pepper,” he groaned.

  “I’ll ask her then, shall I?”

  Max glared at her. “Or you could mind yer business.”

  “You don’t scare me, you know,” she retorted.

  “Just leave it,” he snapped.

  “Max,” Connall said in warning behind him.

  “He’s fine, Con,” Pepper said. “I’m here if you need to talk, Max.”

  Max gave her a curt nod and took his food to the table.


  AFTER DRESSING IN sweats and a hoodie, Grace opened her laptop and pulled up her email. Nothing from her sister about results, and it was too early to call her.

  A knock at her door had her sighing. She doubted it was Max…he would have just walked in, so she opened it and forced a smile when she found Pepper standing there. “Hi, Grace.”

  “Hi,” Grace said. “How are you feeling?”

  “Really good, thanks. May I come in?”

  “Oh, yes, of course.” Grace stood aside and Pepper walked in and closed the door. “Where’s the baby? Is everything okay?”

  “Cody’s with Connall,” Pepper said. “I’m actually here to make sure you’re okay.”

  “Yes, I’m fine, why?”

  “Because Max is grumpy.”

  “Ah, I see,” Grace said. “I’m fine. We’re just at an impasse at the moment.”

  “Look, I know you don’t know me very well, but I’ve gotten to know Max quite well over the past few months, and I want you to know that if you ever need to talk, I’m a really good listener, and, outside of Con, everything you tell me’s in the vault.”

  Grace smiled. “Thanks. But honestly, I think I just need to go home.”

  “Wow, I didn’t realize you were that unhappy.”

  Grace wasn’t sure how much she could tell Pepper. She would love to talk to someone who truly understood, but she didn’t easily trust people, especially other women.

  You’re not going anywhere, Grace.

  Grace let out a quiet squeak.

  “You okay?” Pepper asked.

  Grace nodded.

  Pepper smiled. “Is Max butting into the conversation?”

  “Yes. I wish I knew how to block him the way he can block me.”

  Pepper chuckled. “You can. Want me to teach you?”

  Don’t you dare listen to her, Max warned.

  “Yes, please,” Grace said.


  “Envision a drape going up in your mind,” Pepper instructed. “The tricky part is keeping the curtain up at the same time as you’re speaking or thinking.”

  “And that really works?”

  “It will for you. Not so much for me.”

  “How come?” Grace asked.

  Pepper sighed. “Because I’m a firestarter, Connall can follow my emotion, so he has a way around any block I might put up.”

  “So you can start fires, I’m assuming?”

  Pepper nodded. “It’s a pain in the butt.”

  “Really? How come?”

  “Because if I’m really emotional, I can’t control myself. And the more I try to control myself, the more upset I get, so it’s a downward spiral. Con seems to think I’ll get better at it as time goes on, but I’m worried that I’ll burn down a few houses before then.”

  Grace frowned. “I can see how that would be kind of scary.”

  “There are some warning signs, which is helpful. My hair starts to darken. That’s when Con knows to start the calming process, because if it gets to red, we’re all screwed.”

  Before Grace could respond, her door flew open and Max walked in. “I swear to God, Pepper, you go too far,” he snapped.

  Pepper glanced at Grace. “I guess it worked.”

  “Seems like it,” Grace said, and smiled.

  “I’m very glad you’re both so bloody happy with yourselves, but I’ll thank you not to interfere in matters concerning me and my mate, Pepper. It’s none of your damn business.”

  “And I’ll thank you to remember to whom you’re speaking,” Pepper countered.

  Max scowled, but managed to bow his head.

  “Oh! That works?” she exclaimed.

  “I’m confused,” Grace said.

  “Well, technically, I’m a princess and that trumps laird, according to Niall, so when I pull the royal card Max…well, anyone, really…has to be nice to me.”

  Grace watched as Max muttered under his breath and she figured Niall should probably stay far away from his brother for a while.

  Pepper smiled. “I’ll leave you two to talk.”

  “Thanks, Pepper,” Grace said, and waited for her to leave before sitting back at her computer and actively ignoring Max.

  “Are we going to talk?” he asked.

  “Oh, do you know how to?” she retorted. “I haven’t seen much evidence of that lately.”

  He settled his hands on top of his head and paced the room. “Grace.”

  “Yes, dear?”

  He took a deep breath, then another. “Would you like to go for a ride before the coronation?”

  “No thanks.”

  “Is there anything you’d like to do before the ceremony?”

  “Yes. I’d very much like you to tell me about your sister.”

  Max shook his head. “I can’t, love.�

  “Okay, then,” she said with saccharin sweetness as she stood and pushed him toward the door. “I’d like to be alone, if you don’t mind.”

  “Grace,” he said in frustration.

  “No, Max. I’m done. I will attend the coronation and the ball tonight, but I’m going home tomorrow.”

  “And how exactly are you going to do that?” he snapped.

  “Gee, I don’t know. Have Bruce drive me to this really nifty thing called an airport, maybe?”

  “I’ll sack him if he takes you anywhere.”

  She bit her lip. “Would you really?”

  “Aye. I would.”

  “Then I’ll call a cab.”

  “I’ll no’ have me mate takin’ a cab,” he said.

  “Why not?” she challenged.

  “Because ’tis no’ safe.”

  “A cab is not safe? Really? Here?”

  “You’ll no’ get a cab, Grace,” he repeated.

  “Will you drive me to the airport, then?” she asked, knowing his answer.

  “Not unless I’m flying somewhere with you.”

  “So, what I’m hearing is that you consider me your prisoner.”

  Max scowled. “Don’t be so bloody dramatic.”

  Grace stared at him, dumbfounded, for several seconds before bursting into tears.

  Max shook his head and pulled her into his arms. “Baby, I’m sorry. Don’t cry. Och, love, I can’t stand to see you sad.”

  “I’m not sad! I’m mad at you,” she snapped. “I always cry when I’m really, really pissed off.”

  He rubbed her back and kissed the top of her head. “Well, whatever the reason, I’d rather you not cry.”

  “Well, you’re not the boss of me.”

  He lifted her chin and wiped her tears away with his thumbs. “I’m sorry, baby. Let’s not fight, okay? I love you.” He kissed her cheeks, then her lips. “Will you forgive me?”

  She sighed. “Yes.”

  He kissed her again. “Really?”

  She nodded, unable to resist him. He kissed her again and continued to kiss her until she could barely breathe. She fisted her hands in his shirt and broke the kiss, dropping her head to his chest. “Stop. We need to stop.”

  “Sorry, love.” He lifted her chin again. “If you’d just let me bind you, we wouldn’t have to stop.”

  “Not gonna happen.”


  “That depends on you,” she said. “Until you can be one-hundred percent transparent with me, Max, we’re not going any further than this.”

  “Damn it, Grace! You just said you forgive me.”

  “And I do, but that doesn’t mean you get a free ride to stomp all over me.”

  “Do you really feel as though I’m stomping all over you?” he asked.

  “Sometimes,” she said. “Look, I don’t want to fight. I’m too tired. Let’s just get through the day and we’ll sort everything else out later.”

  * * *

  Grace stood with Max and Niall in the church pew behind the family. Bagpipes sounded and everyone rose to their feet as Kade walked Samantha down the aisle. She looked beautiful in her white coronation gown and velvet robes.

  Max, I don’t understand. I thought there would be a lot more people.

  Typically, there would be, love, but Samantha wanted this to be small. Kade invited only the necessary clans and the Council.

  After the parson prayed, the guests resumed their seats, and Max linked his fingers with Grace’s. I love you, baby. You know that right?

  She nodded.

  Max shook his head as he squeezed her hand. Grace watched in fascination as Samantha was crowned. Sam smiled at the questions the parson asked, some too quiet for the crowd to hear. When the parson stepped away, Kade nodded to the congregation and Max rose to his feet, as did a dozen other men. Max wore a kilt in what he called his “old color” tartan—blues, reds, yellows and greens. He looked so handsome in his formalwear.

  The men sidled into the middle aisle and each one made their way to the front. One by one they knelt before Samantha, giving her their fealty as was the Scottish custom. Grace saw her grasp Kade’s hand briefly, and Kade smiled down at her, even though Sam’s eyes never wavered from the men. Grace wondered what it would be like to have a man give every part of himself to you.


  She jumped slightly at his growl, but when he didn’t turn from his place in line, she forced her “curtain” up and watched as he knelt before Samantha, hand fisted and arm across his chest, and then rose and made his way back to Grace.

  His face appeared perfectly pleasant, but his eyes told another story. She let him take her hand again, but kept her wall up for self-preservation. Before she knew it, the ceremony was over, and it was time to dress for the ball.

  As they filed out of the church and followed the crowd through the bailey and into the castle, Grace brooded. Unlike her, but she found she was doing a lot of things that were unlike her since meeting Max.

  “Come with me,” Max ordered, pulling her from the foyer into the solar they’d been in two days before. He kicked the door closed and crossed his arms. “Tell me.”

  “Tell you what?”

  “What has you so wound up,” he said.

  Grace sighed. “I’m sorry, Max. I don’t want to hamper your special day.”

  “’Tis no’ my special day. ’Tis Sam’s.”

  “Yours as well, though, right? You just pledged your loyalty to her. I think that’s really significant.”

  “’Spose so. But I didn’t need a ceremony to prove I’m loyal to her.”

  Grace smiled. “No, but it was lovely anyway.”

  Max nodded. “When will you let me bind you?”

  “I told you already.”

  He scowled, then slid his fingers into her hair, pulling her gently against him. Grace’s eyes widened at the unexpected assault. She wrapped her arms around his waist as he deepened the kiss and she wanted more, even knowing she shouldn’t. Max backed her against the wall, using it for leverage, running his lips down her neck. When his hand found its way to her breast, she forced herself to break the kiss and push him away. “Max.”

  “What?” He grinned and kissed her again.

  Grace broke the kiss again. “Stop.”

  Max swore, his cocky grin replaced with a scowl, and stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind him. Grace stood in the solar for several minutes in an effort to catch her breath and calm her roaring emotions. The door opened again, but it was Niall who entered the room this time.

  “Are you okay, lass?” he asked.

  Grace nodded.

  He frowned. “Are you sure?”

  She shook her head and burst into tears. Strong arms wrapped around her, pulling her close. “What’s happened, lass? What’s he done?”

  “Nothing, Nye. He’s just overwhelming.”

  “Say the word, Grace, and I’ll beat the shite out of him. I’ll no’ stand by and let him hurt you.”

  She grasped his arm. “I’m not afraid of him. Please don’t think anything bad. He would never hurt me…well, intentionally, anyway. I just need to get home where I’m on my own turf. I need my family.”

  “I know, lass. He adores you.” Niall smiled. “You know, I’m seeing some of my old brother come back, Grace. You’re chipping away at the wall he’s had in place for years and I thank you for that, but he’ll no’ go easy.”

  Grace rolled her eyes. “Oh, I know. I just wonder if I should go home. I can’t battle him and his demons at the same time. At least, not here.”

  “I’m going to be proud to call you sister.”