Bound by Song (Cauld Ane Series) Read online

Page 24


  Get out, Grace!

  With a surprising amount of focus and determination, Grace woke herself and sat up, her hand at her heart in an attempt to calm the racing. She sat for several minutes until she realized she’d been seeing what Max was dreaming. He was stuck in a nightmare and it had something to do with her sister.

  Pulling on sweatpants, Grace inched her door open. The hallway was clear, so she padded next door and let herself into Max’s room. His short bursts of breath and occasional groans were concerning and she wasn’t sure she should wake him, but when his breathing sped to the point of hyperventilation, she rushed to the side of the bed. Grace stalled at the sight of him without a shirt, the sheet slipping down his hips, revealing more than she was prepared to see quite yet.

  She shook off her admiration and laid her hand on his arm. “Max?”

  He shot straight up, shoving her to the floor. She grunted as the concrete connected with her bottom.


  She grimaced as she shoved her hair out of her face and glanced up at him. “Yes. It’s me.”

  “I’m so sorry, sweetheart.” He slid from the bed and Grace got an eyeful…a glorious eyeful. She forced herself to divert her eyes, dropping her face into her hands to keep herself from peeking. She let out a quiet squeak as strong arms lifted her and set her on the bed.

  “Max?” she whispered.


  “Um, you’re naked.” She squeezed her eyes shut again, this time a little tighter.

  “Right. Just a second.”

  Grace heard a drawer open and close as she sat on the bed, then Max’s arm slid around her waist and he kissed her temple. “Baby, I’m so sorry. Did I hurt you?”

  She shook her head. “Not really. My butt’s a little sore, but I’m okay.”

  He chuckled. “You can open your eyes, love. I’ve got trews on now.”

  She opened one eye and then the other when she saw that trews meant pants. Of course, he still wasn’t wearing a shirt and she bit the inside of her cheek to keep from sighing out loud. Good lord, he was perfect.

  “Thank you,” he said, and grinned.

  Grace groaned in frustration.

  Max smiled. “On yer tummy, love.”


  “Roll on your stomach. Let me help your bum.”

  Grace did as he asked, realizing she was a little stiffer than she thought. She settled her head in her arms and closed her eyes. Max laid his hands on her bottom and massaged the bruising and stiffness away. The feel of his hands on her bottom made her wish he’d touch her in other places.

  “I’d be happy to touch you anywhere you like, love, just say the word,” he whispered, before stretching out beside her, shifting her onto her back, and leaning down to kiss her.

  Grace pressed her chest against his and Max slid his hand under her shirt and cupped her breast. The sensation was so intense, Grace whimpered.

  “Am I hurting you?” he asked, and removed his hand.

  She squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head. Now that she had a second to catch her breath, she knew they couldn’t continue. “I don’t want to, but we need to stop.”

  He kissed her and then sat up. “You’re probably right, love.”

  Grace sat up as well and laid her head on his shoulder. “I’m sorry.”

  He kissed her temple. “How’s your bottom?”

  “Much better. Thank you.”

  He smiled. “Are you going to tell me now why you’re in my room?”

  “Oh, right! You were dreaming about my sister. What’s wrong with Maggie?”

  Max dragged his hands down his face. “I’m not entirely sure. I tried to determine the extent when she had the bloody nose, but it was elusive. It’s why I told her to go to the doctor.”

  Grace scowled at him. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Honestly, I was distracted with everything else going on at the time. What did the doctor say?”

  “I don’t even know if she went.” She slid off the bed. “I should call her.”

  He grasped her arm. “Baby, it’s the middle of the night.”

  “Not for Maggie, it isn’t.”

  “Where’s your phone?”

  Grace nodded at the wall. “In my room…I think.”

  Max sighed and grabbed his cell phone, handing it to her. “Here.”

  Grace dialed her sister’s number, letting Max pull her close.

  “Hello?” Maggie said.

  “Hey, Mags.”

  “Grace? What number are you calling from?” Maggie asked.

  “Max’s phone.”

  “Oh, my gah! I have Max’s number now?”

  “Maggie,” Grace said with a sigh.

  “Sorry. What time is it there?”

  “I don’t know, around three. How are you feeling?”

  “I feel a little better.”

  “Did you go to the doctor?” Grace asked.

  “Yep. They took a bunch of blood and we’re supposed to find out the results in a couple of days or so.”

  Grace bit her lip, leaning heavily against Max. “What do they think it might be?”

  “You know doctors, Gracie. They don’t know anything. It’s probably just a sinus infection or something.”

  “They don’t typically take blood for a sinus infection.”

  “They don’t? Hmm. That’s weird, then.”

  Grace frowned. “They didn’t give you any indication of what it could be?”

  “No, why?”

  Grace gritted her teeth in an effort not to squeal in frustration.

  Max held his hand out. “Give me the phone.”

  Grace handed it to him and looped her arm around his neck.

  “Maggie, lass. It’s Max. Aye.” He angled the phone so Grace could hear Maggie’s answers. “Did the doctor say what they would test for?”

  “They just said they were going to run the gamut,” Maggie said. “It’s totally fine, Max. Seriously. They gave me antibiotics, and I’m already feeling better.”

  “All right, lass. You’ll let Grace know when you get the results, right?”

  “Yeah, if she wants me to.”

  “I do,” Grace said loudly. “Right away, okay?”

  Maggie giggled. “Yeah, yeah. Aren’t you supposed to be sleeping, sissy?”

  Grace couldn’t stop a reluctant smile. “Yes.”

  “Then why are you with Max? Are you in his room, or is he in yours?”

  Grace groaned. “I’m in his. I had a nightmare. Nothing else is going on.”

  “Hm-mm, sure.”

  “I’m hanging up now.”

  Maggie laughed. “Good night, Gracie.”

  “Night,” Grace said, and Max hung up.

  He set his phone back on the nightstand and pulled her between his knees. Grace wrinkled her nose. “She’s such an ostrich. She’s more interested in what I’m doing with you than she is in her own health.”

  Max smiled gently. “Maybe she just doesn’t want to borrow trouble.”

  “Did you or did you not notice something more than a cold?” she challenged.


  “Then don’t patronize me.”

  Max patted her hips. “Fair enough, love.”

  “Thank you.” Grace pulled away, but Max held tight. “I should go back to my room.”

  He shook his head. “I think you need to stay here for a bit.”

  “I’m fine, baby.”

  “I’m not.”

  “Oh. That was a pretty intense nightmare.” She stroked his face. “Have you been watching too many horror films?”

  “I wish.” He shook his head, his face falling. “I’m so sorry, love.”

  “What for?”

  “That was my sister. In the dream.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Moira. She was murdered. I didn’t realize you’d be dragged into the nightmare with me.”

  Grace’s eyes filled with tears. “Max
. I had no idea.”

  “I know. I didn’t want this to touch you.”

  Grace pulled away, this time forcefully.

  “What?” Max asked.

  “You have to start talking to me,” Grace demanded. “It’s not fair that you bottle this stuff up, but expect me to bare my soul.”

  “I’ve already shared more with you than anyone else.”

  “Well done,” she droned.


  “What? This is huge, baby. It’s something that affects you so deeply…enough that you’re having nightmares. You don’t think I’d want to know about it? Take some of that burden from you?”

  “I don’t want to burden you with this!” he ground out.

  “Well, this is the part of the problem, isn’t it?”

  “What is?” he asked.

  “I want to shoulder the burden, Max.”

  “Well, it’s no’ going to happen.”

  “Then neither are we.”

  “What the hell is that supposed to mean?” he snapped.

  “Nothing, Max. I’m going back to bed.”

  Before she could sidle past him, he wrapped an around her waist, stopping her. “I’m sorry, Grace.”

  She kept her hands at her sides, forcing herself not to run her fingers over his perfectly formed chest.

  “Go ahead,” he said.

  She let out a groan and tried to pull away again. “Stop doing that.”

  He held her tight and nuzzled her neck. “Doing what?”

  “Reading my mind.” Grace bit her lip, unable to keep herself from wrapping her arms around his neck and responding to his kisses. Before she knew what hit her, she was stretched out on the bed, under Max, who was doing incredible things to her throat. He cupped her breast as he projected images of them making love in her mind. She whimpered at the pain pushing him away caused. “Wait. Max. Stop.”


  “Because I can’t think when you’re doing that.”

  He swore and rolled away from her, dragging his hands down his face.

  Grace sat up and took a deep breath. “I’m going back to bed.”

  “Okay,” Max said from behind his hands.

  She climbed off the mattress and walked to her room. She didn’t know how she was going to survive the next few days without going crazy. Her sister was sick and her boyfriend refused to talk to her.

  Refused is a bit harsh.

  Go away, Max.

  She let herself back in her room and sat in the chair by the window. She was exhausted, but her mind was whirling. She needed a diversion, so she grabbed a pair of headphones and her laptop and pulled up her church website, scrolling to the most recent service she missed, and pressed Play.

  The light from the hallway pulled her from her thoughts and she looked up to see Max standing in the doorway. He’d put on a shirt, which helped.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Catching up on church,” she said.

  “On your computer?”

  She nodded, giving him a reluctant smile. “All of our services are livefeeds. and they always save one of them so we can watch if we missed. What do you need?”

  He watched her for a few tense seconds before he knelt in front of her and laid his head on her lap. “I’m sorry, baby.”

  She slipped her fingers into his hair, his touch comforting her. She leaned over him and kissed his cheek. “At some point, you have to talk to me, Max. This won’t work otherwise. I don’t want to read your mind. I want you to tell me.”

  “I’m trying.”

  “Not very hard.”

  He sat up and frowned. “Grace.”

  “Max,” she mimicked, and gripped his chin. “I’m losing patience with you.”

  He gave her a slow smile. “No you’re not.”

  Grace stood, pushing him away from her. He stood and reached for her, but she shook her head and raised her hand. “Go back to bed, Max.”

  “At least let me help you fall asleep. I can feel your headache.”

  She crossed her arms. “How are you going to do that?”

  Max waved to the bed. “Climb in.”

  Grace wasn’t sure if this was another ploy, but she was exhausted, and any help would be appreciated. She slid under the covers and Max laid down beside her, staying on top of the comforter, and wrapping an arm around her waist.

  She smiled as her headache disappeared. “Spooning with you really feels like we were made for each other.”

  He chuckled and kissed her cheek. “I was just thinking the same thing. Close your eyes.”

  She did as he asked, scooting back to increase her contact with him. He whispered to her in several different languages, and she felt her body relaxing.

  * * *

  Max waited until he knew Grace was asleep before slipping out of her room and back to his. He knew he was mucking things up with her, but was at a loss as to how to fix it. The kicker of it was that he wanted to give her everything, but couldn’t seem to give her the only thing she asked for.

  His phone buzzed on the nightstand and he saw Niall’s number pop up. “Hey, Nye. Everything okay?”

  “Ah, no. You need to get dressed and come to the east wing. Pepper’s freaking out and Connall’s asking for you.”

  “Okay, I’ll be right there.”

  Max hung up and pulled on socks and boots, glad he was already dressed, and made a run for the royal apartments. If Pepper was in labor and freaking out, he had an inkling something was going on with Jonesy.

  He arrived at the private entrance and was granted access immediately. He heard Pepper yelling before he even got to their room. Niall, Brodie, and Mikko milled around in the hallway, each of them appearing as tired as he imagined Connall to be. “What’s going on?” Max asked.

  “We don’t know,” Niall said. “All I know is what I told you.”

  “Ekki snerta mig! Ég vil aldrei láta þig snerta mig aftur! Hvar í fjandanum er Max?” Pepper bellowed.

  Max grimaced. “I only caught part of that, something about me.”

  Brodie nodded. “Aye, she said, ‘Don’t touch me! I never want you to touch me again! Where the hell is Max?’”

  “Should I go in?” he asked in trepidation.

  Before anyone could answer, the door opened and Payton stepped outside, her face showing relief when she caught sight of Max. “Oh, good, you’re here. Something’s wrong with Jonesy. He’s freaking out and no one can calm him down. We’re trying to keep Pepper from burning down the house, but she’s worried about her horse, and her labor’s not going well.”

  “Is she all right?” Max asked. “It’s been a long time.”

  “Aye, she and the baby are fine; he’s just not quite ready to come out. She’s only been in hard labor for about two hours. Contractions are coming every three minutes now. Gillian and Kade have that part handled, but Connall can’t deal with Jonesy and keep her calm. Her hair’s darkening faster than it has in the past, and she’s switched to Icelandic, which is what happened after her conversion. It’s all quite fascinating, but Connall’s exhausted and worried.”

  Pepper screamed again and Max cringed.

  “Max er kominn, Pepper. Hann er að fara að gæta að Jonesy,” Payton called.

  “Hvað í fjandanum tók hann svo langan tíma? Ekki snerta mig!” Pepper snapped.

  Payton grimaced. “She wants to know what took you so long. The other part was for Connall.”

  “I’m going now, lass,” Max called through the door. “Jonesy will be fine.”

  “Hvað?” Pepper called.

  “Go,” Payton said. “I’ll translate.”

  Max nodded and took off.

  * * *

  After a quick kiss from Brodie, Payton let herself back into the room and made her way to the bed. “Max er farinn að gæta að Jonesy. Nú, þarftu bara beina athyglinni að syni þínum, allt í lagi?” Payton assured her. (Max has gone to take care of Jonesy. Now, just focus on your son, okay?)
