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Bound by Dreams (Cauld Ane Series) Page 24

  “I made your favorite, Charlie,” Grace said, and handed the bowl to Max, who carried it to the table.

  “Thanks,” Charlotte said. “What can I help with?”

  “If you want to grab drinks from the fridge that would be great. We’re pretty much done here.”

  Niall followed Charlotte and took a couple of beers for him and his brother, then the foursome took their seats at the table.

  “Okay, so now that I’ve waited patiently,” Charlotte began, “What the heck is going on?”

  Grace relayed the incident the day before, and Charlotte grabbed for Niall’s hand. He gave her a gentle squeeze as she processed the information.

  “So, is this man trying to say that Pepper’s his daughter?” Charlotte asked.

  “Looks that way,” Grace said.

  “What does she say about that?”

  “Connall’s investigating his claims, including a DNA test,” Max said. “He’s not happy.”

  Charlotte frowned. “If the DNA results come back positive, what is Pepper going to do?”

  “That’s something we’re going to talk about tonight at dinner. They have invited Ari, although he’s staying at a hotel at the moment,” Max said.

  “He’s not staying with them?” Charlotte asked.

  “Why would he?” Niall challenged.

  “Why wouldn’t he?”

  “Because there’s something off with him, Charlotte,” Max said. “Connall doesn’t trust him, and quite frankly, I wouldn’t either. Lucky for them, Ari offered to stay in the hotel, promising not to intrude. Let’s hope he keeps his word.”

  “Maybe he just wants to connect,” Charlotte pointed out. “Ari, I mean.”

  “And if that isn’t his motive?” Niall asked.

  “What else could his motive be? He hasn’t hurt me, quite the opposite in fact. Did he hurt Pepper?”

  “No,” Grace responded, earning a scowl from her husband. She popped a bit of chicken in her mouth and smiled as she chewed.

  “You can’t honestly expect you’re going into this with a big family reunion in mind, do you?” Niall asked.

  “Why not?” Charlotte asked. “Maybe we can give this guy the benefit of the doubt.”

  “Bloody hell,” Max snapped.

  Charlotte scowled. “What’s with the judgy face, Max?”

  “I hope you’re not serious.”

  “Max,” Niall warned.

  “I can fight my own battles, thank you very much,” Charlotte said, and focused back on Max. “Why wouldn’t I give him the benefit of the doubt?”

  Niall noticed the temperature in the room drop.

  Grace raised an eyebrow. “Well, for one, because it’s not you.”

  “Maybe I’ve changed.”

  Grace snorted. “You’ve suddenly decided you’re going to trust a man you don’t know?”

  “Maybe I feel like I should at least try to open up a little.”

  “And maybe you just want to get a rise out of Max,” Grace challenged.

  “Maybe I don’t appreciate being told what I can and cannot do.”

  “He wasn’t telling you what to do,” Grace snapped.

  Charlotte jabbed her fork toward Grace. “Oh, he wasn’t saying it in so many words, but his disapproving face said everything he wanted me to hear.”

  Niall could see Charlotte and Grace’s breath as they argued now.

  Grace rolled her eyes. “So much for giving people the benefit of the doubt.”

  “Are you seriously trying to tell me that wasn’t a Judgy McJudgerson expression?”

  “Oh, my word, Charlotte!” Grace ground out. “What the hell is your problem? Max is just looking out for you. Stop being such a cow.”

  “You know what, Grace…you can suck it.” Charlotte pushed back from the table and stormed out of the kitchen.

  As soon as Charlotte left, the temperature returned to normal. Niall sat in stunned disbelief as Grace sagged in her chair.

  “What was that?” Grace said, bursting into tears. “Holy crap, why am I crying?”

  “Sort this out, Niall,” Max demanded, and pulled Grace from her chair and out of the kitchen.

  With a heavy heart Niall cleared the table and headed to his room. He had no idea what was going on, but his mate had the ability to literally change the temperature in the room.

  He pushed open the door to find Charlotte curled up in one of the chairs by the window, staring despondently out at nothing. “Charlotte?”

  “What?” she muttered.

  He sat in the seat across from her, leaning forward, his elbows on his knees. “What happened?”

  “Oh, other than acting the shrew to my best friend, nothing much.”

  “You made her cry.”

  “What?” She turned to face him. “I did?”

  “Aye, lass. I don’t tell you that to make you feel worse, I’m just trying to sort everything out.”

  “We have never, and I mean never, fought like that before.” Charlotte blinked back tears. “I was so mad at her, Nye. For no reason.”

  “I know, love.” He stood and pulled her up and into his arms. “I think you were able to make her emotional as well.”

  She dropped her head onto his chest. “I need to apologize.”

  “Give her some time, eh? We need to find out what’s going on with you. You lowered the temperature in the room.”

  She looked up at him. “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, you literally changed the temperature in the room. We need to figure out how you’re doing it so we can work to control it.”

  A knock at the door brought Grace, still in tears, with an irritated Max following. “I’m so sorry, Charlie.”

  Charlotte pulled away from Niall. “No, I’m sorry. I was being defensive when all you wanted to do was make sure I was safe.”

  Grace wrapped her arms around her. “I shouldn’t have pushed you. It’s your life.”

  “Yes, you should. It’s part of your job description.”

  As the girls went about apologizing, Niall pulled Max aside. “Stow the anger, big brother. It’s not all Charlotte’s fault.”

  Max raised an eyebrow.

  “It’s no’,” Niall pressed. “Did you notice the temperature in the room drop?”

  “Aye. I did, actually.”

  “Her gift has something to do with ice, brother. If we don’t figure out what it is, Charlotte will never know how to control it.”

  Max pinched the bridge of his nose. “If Pepper’s her sister—”

  “You guessed that as well?”

  “Aye, brother. And if Pepper has the fire gift, then with Charlotte having the ice gift, there has to be a third.”


  “There’s always a third. Fire, ice, and control of the earth.” Max tapped his finger against his lips in thought. “But I always thought the gifts were given to descendants of the same parents, so I must be wrong, since Charlotte and Pepper have different mothers.”

  “I thought that was folklore,” Niall said.

  Max crossed his arms. “It was. But I’d say we’ve moved from folklore to reality. This man claims to be Ari Baldursson, the second son of the oldest family in Iceland, right? If that is true, then Kade isn’t the rightful king. Whoever the Baldursson heir happens to be is.”

  “Kade’s still king here.”

  “Unless the Baldursson family wants to contest his reign.”

  “Shite,” Niall said.


  Niall rubbed his chin. “So, this is why Connall’s worried.”


  “What does Kade say?”

  “Nothing to me,” Max admitted.

  “But I’d imagine Connall’s taking the load.”

  “Aye, I’d imagine so.”

  “What the hell does this man want?”

  Max shook his head. “Time will tell, because he’s sure as hell no’ sharing. I don’t want Grace anywhere near him.”

understand. I wish Charlotte wouldn’t go anywhere near him,” Niall said. “As far as I’m concerned, both of you can stay out of it completely.”

  “Uh, no we can’t,” Grace countered.

  Niall hadn’t heard her approach. He faced the ladies, who now stood glaring at both of them.

  “You will, Grace,” Max said.

  “No. I. Won’t.”

  “It’s fine, Grace,” Charlotte countered. “It would probably be a good idea that you not get on his radar anyway. Maybe you can meet him when we know what he wants.”

  “Like hell I will. We’re sisters, Charlie. Sisters stand by each other even when it’s dangerous.”

  “Bloody hell, Grace,” Max snapped.

  “What? You’re not the boss of me.”

  Max raised an eyebrow. “We’ll discuss this privately.”

  “Oh, we will?” she asked, crossing her arms. “What makes you think ‘discussing’ it privately is going to make me change my mind?”

  “If you’ll excuse us.” Max grabbed Grace’s hand, forcing her arms down, and walked her out of the room.

  Niall locked the door behind them and leaned against it. “I don’t like this, Charlotte.”

  “I know you don’t, but what other choice do we have?”

  “Tell him you don’t want to see him.”

  “It sounds like that didn’t work out so well for Pepper, babe.” She ran her hands up his chest and slipped the top button. “And I kind of like the idea of seeing if I have another sister.” She slipped the next button. “Aren’t you even the teensiest bit curious?”

  “Not particularly, no.”

  She slipped another button, leaning forward to kiss the skin she’d bared. “Really? Not at all?” She slipped the final button and then slid her hands under the waistband of his jeans.

  Niall hissed through clenched teeth. Her hands were freezing, and it felt better than anything he’d ever experienced. Without further discussion about Charlotte’s predicament, he lifted her off her feet and took her to bed.

  An hour later, Charlotte kissed him quickly and slid from the mattress. “Time to get ready to go.”

  Niall ran his hands through his hair. “We’re really doing this?”

  “Yep,” she said, and headed to the bathroom.

  He sat in bed for several minutes, contemplating how he could possibly stop this meeting from happening.

  “You can’t,” Charlotte called. “Now come and join me.”

  Niall did as he was told, managing to delay the meeting with Ari, even if it was briefly. Once they were dressed, they headed downstairs and discovered Max pacing the foyer.

  Niall cocked his head. “You okay, brother?”

  “Where’s Grace?” Charlotte asked.

  “She’s coming. She just had to grab something for Pepper.” Max crossed his arms.

  “So, you’re coming with us then,” Niall observed.

  Max nodded with a frown. “Ground rules.”

  “Aye,” Niall said.

  “Even the glimmer of trouble and she’s out.”

  “They both are,” Niall agreed.

  “If he does anything I don’t like, she’s out of there.”

  “Aye, brother. As is Charlotte.”

  “What’s going on?” Grace asked as she descended the stairs.

  “Our husbands are making decisions for us,” Charlotte said.

  “Oh, how nice of them,” Grace droned.

  “Right?” Charlotte laid her hands on her chest. “I feel so much better knowing that they take the thought and guesswork out of my daily life. Can you imagine how difficult it would be if I had think for myself?”

  “Charlotte,” Niall said in irritation.

  “It’d be unbearable, I’d say,” Grace agreed, ignoring her brother-in-law. “We are just girls after all.”

  “And you know my opinion on women.”

  “I sure do, Charlie,” Grace said, as if in a really bad commercial.

  “All right, Grace, that’s enough,” Max said.

  “Oh, is it?” Grace asked. “Are you sure, my liege? Because I can keep going. But only if it entertains and pleases you.”

  “I can make you stay home, love,” Max threatened.

  “You can try to make me.”

  “Okay,” Charlotte cut in. “Let’s just see where this goes. I don’t want you guys to fight over something to do with me.”

  Max raised an eyebrow at Grace and she mirrored his expression. “I’m driving,” Max said, and pulled open the front door.

  Niall grasped Charlotte’s hand but she pulled away. He took a deep breath and followed her out to the car. Her hands were freezing, and he made the choice not to irritate her further.

  Hey, I love you.

  That’s debatable.

  I want you safe, love. If I’m being an overbearing sod, then I apologize, but you know that it’s motivated from a place of protection, right?

  She shrugged, but relaxed against him. He linked his fingers with hers, noting they were no longer ice cold.


  CHARLOTTE COULDN’T HIDE her feeling of awe as they pulled up in front of the Gunnachs’. The white Arts and Crafts home had a thatched roof and looked quintessentially English. Charlotte fell in love.

  Max parked the car in front of the house, and Niall slid from the backseat first and waited for Charlotte. She stepped out of the car and hung back until Grace slipped her arm through her own. “Ready?” Grace asked.

  “No clue,” Charlotte admitted.

  “Welcome.” The couples were greeted by an older gentleman and ushered into a giant foyer.

  “Good afternoon, Dick. How are you and Helen?” Max asked.

  “Very good, sir. Thank you for asking.”

  Charlotte took in the space as the men spoke with the butler. Staircases flanked the walls and created a balcony above them. She forced herself not to ooh and aah at the grandness of the mansion.

  “Hi, everyone,” Pepper said, as she walked into the foyer. She hugged Max, Niall, and Grace and then turned to Charlotte. “You must be Charlotte.”

  Charlotte smiled. “Guilty as charged.”

  “Wow,” Pepper exclaimed.

  “I know, right?” Charlotte stared at her. They looked quite a bit alike, particularly in coloring.

  “Well, we’ll have plenty of time to catch up.” Pepper waved her hand beyond the foyer. “Come into the great room. It’s a little more comfortable.”

  Charlotte followed with everyone else and sighed quietly as she entered the great room. The décor was far more Montana lodge than what she’d imagined a Scottish home would look like. The room was vaulted and dark wooden beams were exposed in the ceiling, with a large picture window that revealed a view of trees that seemed to go for miles, despite the gray day.

  Large, overstuffed furniture was positioned in front of a fireplace that was as tall as she was, and a flat-screen television was hung above the mantle.

  “This is gorgeous.”

  “Thanks,” Pepper said. “I practically live in this room. It’s my favorite.”

  A blond man, taller than Niall, rose to his feet and greeted everyone. Niall laid his hand possessively on Charlotte’s lower back and smiled. “Sweetheart, this is Connall.”

  Connall surprised her by pulling her in for a brotherly hug. “It’s lovely to meet you, lass.”

  “You too,” she said, heat creeping up her neck.

  Connall greeted the rest of the group and then indicated for them to sit and relax.

  “Where’s everyone else?” Grace asked.

  “They’ll be here in a while. I wanted to give Charlotte some time to adjust to all of this before the masses descend upon her,” Pepper said as she sat beside Connall. “I’ve had a bit more time to process, so I asked that everyone come a little later.”

  “Thank you,” Charlotte said.

  Niall pulled her down beside him, wrapping an arm around her and pulling her against his side.

/>   “What do you know?” Max asked.

  “Not much more than we’ve already told you,” Connall admitted.

  “So, no results on the DNA yet?” Niall asked.

  Connall shook his head and checked his watch. “Not yet, but Payton and Brodie will be arriving in an hour or so, and they promised they’d bring them if they were ready.”

  “The testing is being done at Gunnach Pharmaceutical Labs,” Niall explained to Charlotte. “They’re in Edinburgh, not far from us.”

  Charlotte nodded, shifting closer to him for comfort.

  Are you okay, love?

  I’m a little overwhelmed.

  He kissed her temple. I’ve got you.

  “Your highness?”

  Charlotte turned to see the older gentleman who’d let them in standing in the doorway. A maid stood beside him.

  Connall turned to him. “Did you need something, Dick?”

  “His majesty’s on the house phone.”

  Connall frowned as he stood. “Excuse me, please.”

  “Can I get anyone anything?” Pepper asked. “Dinner won’t be served for a couple of hours, so I have a few nibbles if anyone’s interested.”

  “I’ll take a beer,” Max said.

  “Water for me,” Grace added.

  “Me as well,” Charlotte said.

  “Nye?” Pepper prompted.

  “Water as well, lass, please.”

  She nodded toward the maid, who left them, and conversation returned to the issue at hand. Within just a few minutes, Pepper frowned and rose to her feet. “I’m sorry, excuse me.”

  Charlotte’s heart raced and she squeezed her eyes shut.

  Niall grasped her hand. You okay?

  “Charlie?” Grace asked. “You okay?”

  “Yep,” she rasped. “Give me a second.”

  She took several deep breaths, relaxing against Niall as her heart calmed.

  “What happened, love?” he asked.

  “Just a moment of panic,” Charlotte whispered. “I’m okay now.”

  Connall and Pepper walked back into the room, hand-in-hand, as if to present a united front. “We have news,” Pepper said.

  Niall shifted and Charlotte felt his trepidation.

  “The DNA results are back,” Connall said as he sat in one of the chairs facing the sofa that Niall and Charlotte sat on.