Bound by Tears (Cauld Ane Book 6) Read online

Page 22

  In the end, they’d each said their piece, and spent the rest of the evening making up the way they enjoyed best, which meant she was now naked and burrowed into him.

  Kaspar shifted again and Jesska groaned, but didn’t fully awaken. “Kaz here.”

  “It’s Kade. We have a problem.”

  Kaspar frowned. “What kind of problem?”

  “We know who the threat is.”

  He sat up. “Who?”

  “Not over the phone,” Kade said. “We’re on our way to Edinburgh. We’ll be there in a few hours.”

  “Where do you want to meet?”

  “We’ll meet you at Connall’s place. Niall has the address. Dinner.”

  “Okay,” Kaspar said, and hung up.

  “Who was that?” Jesska asked sleepily.

  “No one, baby. Go back to sleep.”

  She curled her hand around his belly and sighed, her even breathing sounding within minutes. Kaspar’s thoughts ran rampant with what Kade could possibly tell him. With their less than cordial relationship, Kaspar had a feeling it must be pretty extreme if Kade thought it was important to have a face-to-face meeting.

  “What’s extreme, baby?” Jesska asked, stroking his neck.

  He sighed, rolling her gently to her back and kissing her neck. “Nothing.”

  She moved her head away from him and frowned. “Huh-uh. We don’t play that game, Kaz. Something’s wrong.”

  Kaspar shifted onto his back again and dragged his hands down his face. “Kade is on his way from Inverness. They know who the threat is.”

  Jesska gasped, sitting up on her knees. “Who?”

  “He wouldn’t tell me over the phone.” He settled a hand on her hip. “We have to meet up with Niall at some point today, and he will direct us to Connall’s home.”

  “Why Connall’s home?”

  “Probably because he’s Kade’s brother.”

  “Are you worried?”

  He stared up at his mate, totally uninhibited in her nakedness, her hair falling around her shoulders, her face tight with concern. “I’m not sure what I am.”

  “Do you think we’re in danger?”

  “I wouldn’t worry about that, baby. You will never be in danger.”

  “But will you?”

  “I don’t know,” he said, honestly.

  Jesska ran her hand across his abdomen. “But we’re safe right now.”


  She smiled and straddled him, leaning down to kiss him. “Then a distraction is in order. We can worry when we need to worry.”

  Kaspar allowed her to distract him, resigning himself to worrying later.


  THREE HOURS LATER, Kaspar ushered Jesska into Austri’s car and stamped down his concern as they drove to Connall’s home.

  Jesska squeezed his knee. “It’s going to be okay.”

  “You shouldn’t be here.”

  “Why not?” She faced him. “Babe, it’s going to be fine. Austri and Jóvin are with us, as are all the men I’m sure the Gunnachs have around them. No one can touch me.”

  He forced a smile and kissed her palm.

  When they arrived at the grand historical flat, Connall opened the door and welcomed the small group inside. Kaspar kept hold of Jesska’s hand as they walked into the living room where Kade and Samantha waited with Pepper. Pepper held Cody, but he reached for Samantha so she took him onto her lap.

  Ari, Megan, and Sophia sat on one of the sofas, while Niall, Charlotte, Max, and Grace were in chairs grouped close together. Gunnar stood by the window, staring out to the street. Kade and Kaspar hadn’t officially met, so they took the time to greet one another and then Kade introduced Kaspar and Jesska to Brodie, Kade and Connall’s brother, and Brodie’s wife, Payton.

  Pepper stood and gave them a small smile. “Can I get you something to drink? Food?”

  “We’re fine for now,” Kaspar said.

  Pepper returned to her seat and curled into Connall.

  “So what do we know?” Kaspar asked.

  “We recently exiled our mother to Pohnpei for reasons we don’t need to get into presently,” Kade began. “However, we are finding that she set up some dominoes, and they’re still falling, so to speak.”

  “Meaning?” Kaspar urged.

  “We believe that she may have had something to do with the threats against your family and the kidnapping of Charlotte and Pepper.”

  Jesska squeezed Kaspar’s hand.

  “How so?”

  “That we’re unclear about,” Kade admitted. “Alice, that’s our mother, told me recently that the reason our clan sailed to Scotland was because of her indiscretion.”

  “Which is not true,” Kaspar said.

  “I figured as much,” Kade said.

  “What’s the real reason?” Samantha asked.

  “The final straw,” Kaspar said, looking at Brodie, “was that your father bound a human.”

  “The final straw?” Brodie asked.

  Kaspar nodded. “He bound a human woman, which was seen as an immoral act because our lore says it’s impossible.” He smiled at Jesska. “We know now that it’s not. But it was when he attempted a coup, that my father took such severe action. Erik was stopped before he managed to get enough people together. Those people who had been part of the planning were sent with him to Scotland.”

  “What do you mean, immoral act?” Pepper asked.

  “It was a different time, and my father was defending himself against people who were hell-bent on destroying his allies at the time. When your father-in-law rose up against our clan, my father was done.”

  “As king, shouldn’t Kade’s father have had immunity or something?” Samantha asked.

  “He wasn’t king,” Kaspar answered.

  Samantha gasped and looked at Kade. “What does that mean?”

  “Honestly, it doesn’t mean much now,” Kaspar said. “The Gunnachs are royalty in Scotland, regardless of what happened in Iceland centuries ago. What it meant at the time, however, was that my father, who was king, exiled him. When he arrived in Scotland, he changed his name from Gunnar to Erik Gunnach, made himself king, and started his own empire, made up of the people who were exiled with him.”

  “Tangled web,” Samantha said.

  “Aye, love,” Kade agreed.

  Kaspar nodded to Kade. “What I’m unclear about is how your mother fits in this. She would have had no motive to steal Ari’s children. Also, there’s no evidence she was in Iceland at the time.”

  “She has reach,” Kade said. “But you’re right, there’s no glaring motive.”

  The doorbell pealed, and Connall frowned. “Are we expecting anyone else?”

  Jesska gasped. “Something’s wrong.”

  “Babe?” Kaspar said, turning to her.

  “Don’t answer the door,” she said. “Something’s not right.”

  Kaspar pulled his phone from his pocket and texted Austri and Jóvin. There was no response. “My men aren’t answering.”

  “Shite,” Kade snapped, and rose to his feet.

  “Upstairs,” Connall demanded Pepper.

  She took Cody from Samantha with a nod. “Ladies, if you’ll come with me.”

  “Maybe we should stay,” Charlotte said. “The three of us together are impossible to beat.” She looked at Ari. “Right?”

  Ari nodded. “Já, elskan, but—”

  “Hell no,” Niall snapped. “You’re going upstairs where it’s safe.”

  “But the three of us together are stronger than all of you, Nye,” Charlotte said.

  “No,” Connall stressed. “I’m with Niall on this.”

  “As am I,” Ari said.

  “But you said we were strong, Papa,” Sophia challenged.

  Ari gave Megan a look of controlled irritation and she grabbed Sophia’s hand and rose to her feet. “Come on, baby. If Papa says he wants us where we’re safe, then we go where we’re safe.”

  “But that’
s so…so lame,” Sophia complained.

  Without warning, Jesska couldn’t catch her breath, her panic was so intense. She grabbed for Kaspar.

  “Baby, what?”

  She shook her head. She was suffocating.

  “Skít,” he snapped, forcing her down onto the sofa and rolling her onto her side.

  Jesska, talk to me.

  I can’t breathe.

  “Upstairs!” Connall snapped. “All of you, now.”

  Kaspar laid his hand on Jesska’s chest. “You can calm this, baby. Try. Take a breath.”

  I can’t.

  “You can, sweetheart. I’m here. No one can hurt you. Breathe, baby.”

  Jesska shook her head, her panic overwhelming her.

  “Breathe, baby.”

  She sucked in a short breath.

  “That’s it. Again,” Kaspar encouraged.

  Jesska took another breath, then another, until she was able to take in a deep one and let out a sigh of relief.

  “Good, baby.”

  “What was that?” she whispered.

  “You have the gift of prophetic empathy, elskan,” Kaspar explained. “You can feel physically what will happen in the future.”

  “Then it’s gonna be bad.”

  “That’s how it seems.” He stroked her hair. “Can you sit up?”

  She nodded and pushed up from the couch. The doorbell pealed again.

  “I need you to go upstairs, baby,” Kaspar said.

  Jesska nodded and rose to her feet. She headed out of the front room towards the stairs, but didn’t quite make it. The front door exploded around her and she was dragged into the arms of someone incredibly strong. She let out a scream, but it was cut off by an arm around her neck. She was choking and gasping for breath as Kaspar ran toward her.

  “I will kill her,” the man snarled at Kaspar.

  “Holy shite!” Kade snapped.

  Kaspar focused on the man and swore.

  “Father?” Kade asked.

  “You’re supposed to be dead,” Brodie said.

  Their father smiled. “Boys. It’s wonderful to see you.”

  “Please let Jesska go,” Connall said.

  “No, Con. I need something from Kaspar, and she’s going to help me get it.”


  It’s okay, baby. I’ve got you.

  Technically, he’s got me.

  “Release her,” Kaspar demanded.

  “What are you doing here?” Kade asked. “Where have you been for the last hundred and fifty years?”

  “I will explain,” Erik Gunnach said. “But for now, I need the girls.”

  “You will not get anywhere near my girls,” Ari said with a scowl.

  “I had them once,” he said. “Alice stole them from me.”

  A feminine gasp was heard from upstairs, and then the temperature in the room dropped. Erik’s arms were pried from Jesska’s throat, and he was thrown to the ground. Jesska didn’t take any time to be shocked or wonder what had just happened; she rushed for Kaspar. He pulled her into his arms and held her.

  Erik writhed on the ground, his hands stretched out and his face turning red.

  “Girls!” Ari bellowed up the stairs. “Enough!”

  “How are they doing that?” Jesska asked.

  “When they are together, they can do things we can’t even fathom. This is apparently a quick and easy one.”

  Kade’s head of security, Alasdair, rushed from the back of the house, Austri and Jóvin following, and secured Erik with handcuffs, sitting him in a metal chair Alasdair had dragged in from outside.

  “Those won’t hold, Ali,” Kade said.

  Alasdair held up his gloved hands. “They are covered in Red Fang.”

  “Good thinking.”

  Alasdair gave Kade a “ya think?” look as he carefully removed the gloves and pulled a syringe out of his pocket. “Backup if we need more.”

  Sophia came running down the stairs.

  “Sophia, get back here,” Megan called.

  Sophia ignored her mother and rushed to Ari. “Did it work, Papa?”

  He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her close, kissing the top of her head. “We’ll discuss this later, elskan.”

  “But it worked, huh?” she pressed.

  “Já, baby, it worked, but that doesn’t mean you should have done it.”

  She ignored him, clapping her hands. “That’s so awesome.”

  “Sophia,” Megan hissed as she joined them. “Not cool.”

  The rest of the women filed in and Connall threw his hands up in frustration. “I did not say it was safe for you to come down!”

  Pepper smiled, pushing up on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek, Cody firmly in her arms. “We just saved Jesska from possible death without even being in the room. No one’s gonna be able to touch us if we’re all together.”

  Connall scowled at his mate, and Jesska could see they were having some form of internal dialogue. Connall’s face reddened as they continued to stare at each other. Finally, Pepper grinned and handed Cody to him. “Give your son a kiss.”

  “Austri, take Jesska back to the hotel,” Kaspar directed.

  “What? No. I want to stay here.”

  “We have work to do,” he said. “And I want you safe.”

  Jesska pushed away from him. “I’m safer here with everyone.”

  “Kaspar, we’ll take my father to our facility,” Kade said. “You may come if you like.”

  Kaspar nodded. “Very well.”

  “I’d like some answers as well,” Ari said.

  Kade studied Ari for a few tense seconds before nodding.

  “We’ll load him,” Alasdair said, and Kade nodded again.

  “How long will you be gone?” Samantha asked Kade.

  “I don’t know, baby,” he said and laid his hand on her expanding belly. “I’ll come back as soon as I can.”

  She nodded and raised her head for a kiss.

  After it was determined that Max, Niall, and Gunnar would stay behind, the rest of the men followed Kade from the house. Jóvin worked with one of Brodie’s men to board up the broken front door.

  Jesska sat with Megan and Sophia, while Pepper, Grace, Charlotte, and Samantha went about preparing food for the masses. Payton looked a little peaked, so with Brodie gone, Niall took on the role of fussing over her.

  “Pay?” Niall said, and all focus turned to the pretty redhead.

  She groaned and doubled over in pain.

  “Contraction?” Fiona asked.

  Payton nodded.

  “Okay, love, let’s get you upstairs,” Fiona said. “Nye, can you take her?”

  “What’s wrong?” Sophia asked.

  “She’s in labor, honey,” Megan said.

  Niall helped Payton stand. “My water just broke,” Payton said.

  “Charlotte,” he called, and scooped Payton into his arms and moved to the stairs.

  “What’s wrong?” Charlotte asked as she rushed from the kitchen.

  “Payton’s water broke. I’m going to get her comfortable, but I would imagine Brodie will be back shortly.” He shifted Payton when she groaned. “Boil water and get towels or something.”

  Charlotte giggled. “Okay, babe, I’ll get right on that.”

  “Nye, you jostlin’ me is worse than walking. Put me down, Nye,” Payton demanded.

  “No. I’m carrying you.”

  Payton groaned again and Fiona laid her hand on Niall’s back, giving him a push up the stairs.

  “Ladies, please let your mates know what’s happening, and if Sam and Pepper could join me upstairs, that would be appreciated,” Fiona said.

  The threesome continued upstairs, and Pepper and Samantha followed shortly afterwards with ice sheets and towels.

  “I feel like we’re intruding,” Jesska said.

  “Don’t worry,” Grace assured her. “Seriously. You’re part of the family. It’s totally okay.”

  “What can we do to help?” />
  Grace rose to her feet. “Why don’t we finish up with the food and watch for Brodie. He’s going to be frantic when he can’t get in the front door.”

  Grace wasn’t kidding about Brodie. Jesska heard his yell all the way from the street and then he slammed the back door open, his face contorted in panic. “Where?” he bellowed.

  “Upstairs, Brodie,” Grace answered calmly. “Second door on the right.”

  Jesska had never seen a man move so quickly. She heard his footsteps pounding all the way up the stairs.

  * * *

  Brodie shoved the door open and he rushed to Payton’s side. “Baby.”

  Payton smiled up at him. “I’m okay, love.”

  “You’re in pain.”

  “I’m in labor, sweetheart. This is all normal.”

  He set his forehead against hers and stroked her cheek. Payton dropped her head back and whimpered as a contraction shot through her.

  “Shite,” he said.

  “Brodie, we need to get her undressed,” Pepper said. “But don’t let go of her hand. You’ll be able to help with the pain, okay?”

  “I’ll be outside,” Niall said, and let himself out of the room, closing the door behind him.

  Payton squeezed Brodie’s hand when the contraction calmed. “Brodie, love. Listen to Pepper.”

  He nodded and focused on Pepper.

  “Okay, brother, we’re going to get her undressed, okay?” Pepper said.

  Brodie nodded and slipped Payton’s shirt off over her head and then removed her bra, grasping her hand again as Samantha and Pepper took care of the rest.

  “Let’s get these pads under her,” Samantha said, and Brodie helped lift her.

  “We should get you to the hospital,” Brodie said.

  “She won’t make it,” Samantha said. “I’ve called Gillian, but if she doesn’t make it in time, I’m quite capable to deliver the baby, hon. Don’t worry.”

  Gillian was Payton’s sister and one of the best OB/GYNs in the country.

  Payton cried out again and Brodie scowled. “Do something! She’s in pain!”

  Pepper smiled. “Brodie, she’s in labor. She’s okay. Samantha’s monitoring her. The baby’s heartbeat is fine, right, Sam?”

  Samantha slid her stethoscope back around her neck and nodded. “Perfect, Brod. They’re both perfect.”