Bound by Dreams (Cauld Ane Series) Read online

Page 22

“Thank you.” Charlotte grinned. “It’s so beautiful. I love it.”

  Niall unlocked the front door and leaned down to lift her into his arms. She laughed and looped her arms around his neck.

  “Welcome home, Mrs. MacMillan.” Stepping into the spacious foyer, he kissed her, lowering her feet to the floor and pulling her close.

  Charlotte broke the kiss and squeezed his hand. “Show me around before I ravage you.”

  He chuckled. “On this floor is the kitchen, family room, a den, and bedroom with ensuite. Downstairs is the media room. We can host about fifty quite comfortably. The gym is next to it, along with another toilet, utility room, garage, cellar, and wine room.”

  “We have a wine room?” she asked excitedly.

  “Of course we have a wine room. We’re not animals.”

  Charlotte giggled.

  He tugged her up the stairs to the left. “On this level, we have a drawing room, our bedroom, dressing rooms, and ensuite. Do you want to see that now, or shall we see the rest before we’re sidetracked?”

  “Hmm, let me think.” She tapped her mouth with her finger and grinned. “Let’s get sidetracked.”

  He laughed and led her into the bedroom. A giant sleigh bed sat between two large windows overlooking the river. The comforter was a white goose-down duvet with navy blue accents. Celtic patterns covered the pillows with matching colors. “You’ve changed a few things since my first dream with you.”

  “Just a few,” he admitted. “I wanted you to feel at home. Do you like it?”

  “Oh, baby, it’s perfect. Did you know blue was my favorite color?”

  “I did know that. Does the fact I remembered make you love me more?”

  “Of course it does.” Charlotte giggled and unbuttoned his shirt. “You’re absolutely brilliant. Now, enough with the tour. I want you to show me the bed.”

  He shrugged the shirt off and Charlotte leaned forward to kiss his chest. Niall lifted her and set her on the mattress before painstakingly divesting her of her clothing and making love to her.

  They stayed in bed until well past dinnertime. Hunger was the only thing that dragged them from their sex-induced stupor.

  After donning shorts and a T-shirt, Niall waited for Charlotte to dress and then showed her upstairs to the fourth floor, which had four more bedrooms and five bathrooms, before walking her down to the kitchen to show her French doors that opened onto a spacious back patio and yard.

  As Charlotte surveyed their garden, Niall made his way to the fridge. “What would you like m’lady?”

  She stepped back inside. “Lobster with a medium-rare T-bone.”

  Niall laughed. “I do have both of those items, sweetheart.”

  “Shut up. Do you really?”

  “Aye. In the downstairs freezer.”

  “Oh, wow. Umm…” Charlotte leaned against the large kitchen island. “Let’s do something a little less time consuming.”

  “Sandwiches?” he asked.

  “Perfect.” She made her way to the sink and washed her hands. “Where’s your…ah…our bread?”

  His hands full of various lunch meat, cheese, and vegetables, Niall grinned as he nodded toward a door that opened to a pantry almost as big as Charlotte’s old bedroom.

  “If Scotland finds itself in a zombie apocalypse type situation, we’ll survive for years on just the food in this room, Nye,” she called. She heard him chuckle as she found organic wheat bread and pulled it from the shelf. She carried it to the kitchen and set it on the counter.

  “What would you like on your sandwich?” Niall asked.

  “Do you know how to make those cream cheese and cucumber sandwiches they serve at tea houses?”

  Niall rolled his eyes. “You’re asking me, a bona-fide, card-carrying Scotsman, if I know how to make tea sandwiches?”

  She grinned. “Yes. I am.”

  “No clue.”

  Charlotte giggled. “Oh, okay. I suppose you’ll force me to figure it out. And on our second day as bonded mates. I see how this is going to go.”

  He leaned over and kissed her cheek. “I’m a beast. It’s good you discover that fact now.”

  “I knew it! I totally fell for a bait and switch.”

  He chuckled. “You’ll need the white bread to make them right.”

  She ventured back into the pantry, grabbing the white bread and setting it next to the wheat. “What can I do to help?”

  “Fill the jug with water, if you wouldn’t mind.” He nodded to it as he chopped the cucumbers. “You can’t have tea sandwiches without tea.”

  She wrinkled her nose. “I’m not a big tea fan.”

  “That’s because you haven’t had real Scottish tea, lass.”

  “Oh, really?”

  “Aye.” He paused his slicing and smiled. “Stick with me, baby. I’ll teach you all you need to know.”

  She slipped her arms around his waist from behind and kissed his shoulder. “Will you teach me about more than tea, sensei?”

  He lowered the knife and turned to face her. “Only if you listen to everything I say, grasshopper.”

  She ran her hands under his shirt and up his back. “I’m all ears…master.”

  He swallowed. “Master?”

  She nodded as she pulled his shirt up, leaning forward to kiss his stomach. “What would you like me to do for you?”

  He growled and lifted her off her feet. “Shite, baby, you’re sexy as hell.”

  She wrapped her legs around his waist and kissed him as he carried her into the family room just off the kitchen. Lowering her to the sofa, he pulled his shirt over his head and leaned down to kiss her neck.

  As Niall moved down her body, Charlotte was overwhelmed with dread. She forced her thoughts aside and tried to focus on her husband, but it beat at her.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked, shifting off of her to kneel on the floor.

  “I don’t know.” She closed her eyes. “Something’s off. You don’t feel it?”

  “Aye, lass I do, but probably not as much as you do. It’s a familial connection, but not mine.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Now that we’re bound, you’ll be able to feel any extreme emotions Max and Grace might have. We are connected by blood now, so you’ll expect to feel things every now and then.” Niall grabbed his phone. “What I’m feeling isn’t typical of what I feel when Max is upset, but I’ll call him anyway and see if they are okay.”

  Charlotte nodded and sat up on her knees.


  PEPPER GUNNACH BUNDLED baby Cody into the stroller and left the house to head out to the barn. Connall and Max were working with the horses today, and she wanted to check on her beloved Arabian, Jonesy.

  We’re on our way.

  It’s slick from the rain, love. Careful, Connall responded.

  Yes, dear.

  Pepper smiled down at Cody. “Your daddy seems to think I can’t walk a straight line without him. What do you say about that, little man?”

  Cody smiled up at her. He was just over a month and smiling more and more each day. She had once thought she knew what love was, being blessed to be married to the man of her dreams, but now that Cody was part of their family, her love had increased ten-fold.

  Her phone buzzed in her pocket and she saw Grace’s number pop up on the screen. “Hi, Grace.”

  “Hi. Are you riding today, per chance?” Grace asked.

  “I hope so. Jonesy’s driving everyone nuts because I haven’t ridden him in a couple of days. We’ll see how Cody does over the next hour or so. He feeds almost every hour at the moment, and my boobs are killing me.”

  Grace giggled. “Is that normal?”

  “For the Cauld Ane, yes, apparently. Their babies grow faster than human babies, so they need a lot more milk to sustain them.”

  “I was going to bring Max lunch, so how about we ride together?”

  “Sounds great.” Pepper glanced up at the sky with a groan. “If the rain h
olds off, of course.”

  Grace laughed. “Oh, you California girls…you just don’t know what to do in the rain.”

  “Hey, I was also a Savannah girl.”

  “And they get rain?”

  “Yes, Miss Smarty Pants, they do.” Pepper chuckled. “But admittedly, not like Portland.”

  “Never fear, I’ll show you how to survive.”

  “Thank you.” Pepper grinned. “What time will you be here?”

  “In about half an hour.”

  “Okay, see you then.” Pepper hung up and continued down the paved sidewalk between the house and the barn.

  “Góðan daginn.”

  Pepper squeaked in fright and turned toward the deep voice. “You scared me to death.”

  A tall man with long blond hair stood in front of her and smiled. He was taller than Connall, so he must have been close to six foot six.

  “I’m sorry,” he said.

  “Can I help you with something?” she asked, her heart racing. “How did you get onto the property?”

  “I can go where I like,” he said in clipped English.


  I’m coming.

  The man sneered. “Your mate won’t be here fast enough.”

  “What?” she said, facing him fully now.

  “I have need of you, so you will come with me.”

  Pepper frowned. “Like hell I will.”

  The man cocked his head and gave a slight smile. “You belong to me.”

  Pepper felt anger flow through her body and she smiled back. “I belong to no man.”


  She shook her head. “No.”

  He moved toward her and she raised her hands. Forming a fireball in her palms, she flung it toward him. He deflected it with a flick of his wrist and sighed in boredom. “I don’t have time for this.” He held his palm up. “You will stay.”

  “Pepper!” Connall bellowed as he raced toward her.

  The man shook his head and held his hand up again. “Stop.”

  Connall stopped as though he’d run into an invisible wall. “Shite!”

  “Connall!” Pepper screamed, and Cody wailed from the stroller.

  “Ease the baby, Pepper,” the man ordered.

  “Who the hell are you?” she demanded.

  Max arrived in his large black Escalade, jumping from the vehicle and rushing toward Pepper. “You okay?”

  “I think so.”

  Max pointed to the SUV. “Get in the car.”

  She nodded and grabbed Cody from the stroller, heading toward the car, but her legs grew heavy and she had to focus on moving, one step at a time. Connall?

  I don’t know who this man is, baby, but his power is stronger than any I’ve ever encountered.

  Pepper squeezed her eyes shut. Can you move yet?

  No. But it’s okay, Pepper. Max will help.

  I’m worried…about…hurting the baby.

  Your hair is back to blonde, sweetheart. You aren’t a threat.

  Pepper was a firestarter, but was still learning to control her gift. Her naturally blonde hair would darken, turning brown, then red when she was in full power. When she was overly emotional, she couldn’t control herself and had inadvertently started fires in the past that were difficult to contain.

  Cody started to fuss again and Pepper found she could once again move freely. She paused in her flight to calm him, and the baby’s cries turned into sniffles. Then Pepper heard Max cry out, and she turned just as she got to the car.

  Max was in a violent struggle with the large man, his gift of suggestion obviously giving him the ability to counteract the man’s similar powers. The problem was, the man was stronger than Max.

  “Pepper! Get in the bloody car,” Connall bellowed as he ran to help Max.

  Pepper did as she was told and closed herself into Max’s car with Cody, grabbing her phone to call her best friend and sister-in-law, Samantha.

  “We’re on our way, Pep. What’s going on?” Samantha said, before Pepper could even get a hello out.

  “There’s a man…a really strong man, fighting with Max and Con. We don’t know who he is.”

  “Where are they?”

  “To the south of the barn.” She settled Cody flat on the seat beside her. “He was able to control Connall and me, Sam.”

  “Wow, okay. We’re like two minutes away.”

  Pepper stared out the window and tried not to panic. Max and Connall were making a valiant effort against the giant, but they were struggling. Frustrated at not being able to help, Pepper closed her eyes and attempted to bolster Connall.

  The crunch of tires sounded and Pepper turned and watched as Kade stepped from the Range Rover and rushed toward the fray. The king turned back and scowled at the car before jumping headlong into the fight.

  The door opposite Pepper’s opened, and Samantha climbed in beside her. “Hi. You okay?”

  Pepper nodded and settled Cody on her shoulder. “Did Kade want you to stay in the other car?”

  Sam nodded as she scowled. “Overprotective son of a—”

  “Samantha Gunnach!” Pepper admonished.

  Samantha gave her a sarcastic smile. “Any ideas on who the man is?”

  “None. He said I had to come with him and that I belong to him.” Pepper frowned. “Do you think he thinks I’m his mate?”

  You’re no’ his mate, Pepper.

  I know, Connall, but does he think I am?

  “I don’t know,” Samantha said. “Kade’s worried, though.”

  “I’m surprised he let you come at all.”

  “He threatened to lock me in the tower,” Samantha admitted as she laid her hands protectively over her belly. “But I pointed out that you would need help with Cody, plus I have suggestion and he doesn’t, so my gift might be a little more useful.”

  “You’ve always been very quiet, but very sneaky,” Pepper said.

  “Thank you…I think.” Sam reached for the baby. “Now, let me snuggle my nephew.”

  Pepper handed her the baby and lowered her window slightly when the fight had stopped. She saw the man bow toward Kade.

  Pepper, Connall warned. What the hell are you doing?

  Oh, please, Con, if the guy was a real threat, he wouldn’t have bowed to Kade.

  “Your name,” Kade demanded.

  “Ari Baldursson,” the man said.

  “You lie,” Connall snapped.

  Kade laid his hand on Connall’s arm and raised an eyebrow. “Baldursson is an ancient name.”

  “Já,” Ari said.

  “What’s going on?” Pepper whispered.

  “I don’t know,” Sam whispered back.

  Baldursson is an ancient name, love. One that is attached to the Kalt Einn, a much more ancient race than us, with powers that are now part of folklore. He cannot be who he says he is, because they are extinct.

  Pepper relayed the information to Samantha, who hummed in surprise.

  “I came for my daughter,” Ari said.

  “Excuse me?” Kade shook his head. “What does that have to do with my brother’s mate?”

  “She is my daughter.”

  “What?” Pepper squeaked.

  Ari stared at her. “Þú ert dóttir mín.” (You are my daughter.)

  Before Kade could stop him, Connall wrapped his hand around Ari’s throat with a growl. “You lie!”

  Ari made quick work of rendering Connall useless, by way of suggestion, but Kade and Max still had to pull him off Ari.

  Kade faced the giant, stepping in front of his brother. “Explain.”

  “You can’t actually think he’s telling the truth, Kade,” Connall snapped, Ari’s hold now released.

  Pepper stroked Cody’s cheek and then climbed from the car.

  Connall swore and rushed to her. “Get back in the car, Pepper.”

  “No. I want to hear what he has to say.” Pepper crossed her arms over her chest. “There’s no way he’s telling the truth. I know who my dad was
, Con. Let’s just hear what he has to say.”

  “Ég mun ekki meiða þig” (I won’t hurt you), Ari promised.

  “I believe him, Con,” Pepper said. “If he thinks he’s my father, then why would he hurt me?”

  Connall scowled, but Pepper grabbed his hand and pulled him back toward the men.

  She watched Ari’s face soften, and he smiled as he held out his hand. “I’m your papa, elskan.”

  Pepper shook her head and Ari lowered his arm. “You can’t be. I knew my dad. You’re not him.”

  Ari held his hand out to her again. “If you touch me, you’ll know I’m telling you the truth.”

  “No. I’m good, thanks,” she said.

  “Your mama is Natalie Brooks. You are twenty-five years old.”

  Pepper held up her hand. “All of that is public information. Why would you try to say you’re my father?” She shook her head and sighed. “You’re obviously not right in the head.”

  “Ring your mama, Pepper,” Ari said. “She will confirm.”

  “I’m not going to justify these lies by calling my mother.”

  Ari grabbed Pepper’s hand, and she gasped. Connall slammed his fist into the giant’s face and then jumped back, cradling his hand to his chest.

  Is it broken?

  Aye, lass.

  Pepper healed it for him and Connall moved to try again, but Ari held his hand up and Connall froze.

  Pepper pulled out of Ari’s grasp and forced tears away. “I don’t understand.”

  “I need you and your sister to help me find someone.”

  Pepper, Connall warned.

  “Release my mate,” she demanded. When Ari removed his hold, Connall stepped forward, but Pepper grabbed his arm. “Wait, babe. He’s not lying about being my father. I want some answers. And I’d like to know what he means by ‘my sister.’” She turned to Ari. “I don’t have a sister.”

  A rain drop hit Pepper in the eye and the clouds darkened, threatening to spill more.

  “Let’s take this conversation back to the house,” Kade suggested.

  “You are going to welcome this stranger into your home?” Connall challenged.

  His brother smiled. “No. I’m going to welcome him into yours.”

  Connall scowled, but Pepper grabbed his hand and pulled him aside. “He’s not lying, Con. I need to know whatever it is he has to tell me. It doesn’t mean I have to do what he wants me to. He obviously can’t compel me for very long…unlike…”