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Bound by Fire Page 21

He faced her. “Yes, love.”

  “How many…um...” She swallowed. “…other people are there in this house?”

  Connall ran his thumb across her knuckles. “Year round or at the present time?”

  She yanked her hand from his. She didn’t want to be calm…she wanted to fight.

  “Currently, there are six, including you and me,” he admitted.

  “And Elsie?”


  “Why would you tell me we’re alone?”

  “Well, we were…” Connall sighed. “I told the staff to stay out of our part of the house. I didn’t quite plan for the possibility of you getting lost.”

  “What’s with the uniform? You said the staff didn’t wear uniforms.”

  “I was really referring to the fact that Dick and Helen didn’t…”

  She dropped the bagel and narrowed her eyes. “You are in so much trouble.” She strode past him and out the door.

  “Where are you going, sweetheart?”

  “To the bedroom to put something less revealing on,” she snapped.

  He caught up to her and took her arm. “You’re going the wrong way.”

  She swore and pulled out of his grip. “I can’t believe you told me we were alone,” she accused.

  “Well, we kind of are.”

  “That’s a lie of omission and you know it. You ‘instructed’ the staff to go into stealth mode, so I’d think we were alone, didn’t you?”

  “Perhaps, but I didn’t want to overwhelm you.”

  “Just take me back to the bedroom, please.”

  He took her hand again and led her down the hall and to the bedroom. A trip she would never be able to retrace.

  “Yes, you will,” he said. “I’ll draw you a map and before you know it, you’ll know every crevice.”

  She pulled her hand away and sighed. “Babe, I know you can’t help that your lifestyle is one I’m not used to, so please understand I’m not trying to be difficult when I say I can’t live here.”

  “It’s not that big. Give it a chance.”

  “I can’t.”

  “Why not?” he asked.

  “I don’t feel safe.”

  He shook his head. “How could you not feel safe? The house is equipped with the most advanced security system, and every employee here would protect you with their own life.”

  She paced, her stomach rolling with nervousness.

  “What haven’t you told me?” When she didn’t answer immediately, Connall grabbed her arm and lifted her chin. “I do not like this ability, Pepper. Please stop blocking me.”

  She dropped her head onto his chest. “There’s a reason I don’t like to live alone…and there’s a very specific reason I don’t like big houses.”

  “Come here.” He led her to the loveseat at the end of the bed and pulled her down next to him. “Tell me.”

  “I was dating this guy…well, no…let me back up. I wanted to date him. Anyway, he was one of Dalt’s football buddies in high school. His parents were über rich and owned the biggest house in our area. Miniscule in comparison to this one, but still, I was enamored with it. You’ve seen my house. It’s little better than a double-wide.”

  He nodded his agreement.

  “Well, Jet invited—”

  “Jet? Really?” he asked.

  “It was what everyone called him. He hated his real name, which was Jethro. Plus, he was super fast, so the nickname worked on and off the field. Anyway, he invited me to a party at his house, and I was super excited. I was a freshman and he was a senior, and I thought I was special, you know?” Connall gripped the arm of the sofa and Pepper laid her hand on his thigh. “Are you sure you want me to tell you this?”

  “Yes.” He relaxed. “Sorry. Continue.”

  “When I got to his house, he was alone. There was no party, no parents, just him and a fully stocked bar. Stupidly, I ignored all the warning bells ringing in stereo in my head and believed him when he said he just wanted us to get to know each other. I wasn’t prepared for the attack. It started with a kiss, and then I was pinned to the sofa and when I tried to stop him, he tore my shirt and slapped me. I managed to get away from him, but he came after me. I made it to the front door, but it was locked and I couldn’t figure out how to open it. He stood there, laughing at me, as I did everything I could to try to get out. I spent the next twenty minutes or so trying to find a way out of the house…and I kept getting lost because it was so big. He taunted me as we played his sadistic game of hide and seek.” She shuddered and forced the tears away. “His parents had installed three new doors that had a sophisticated locking system, and if you either knew the code or the house was burning down, they would open. Of course, because the house was so large, I couldn’t find the doors that were normal. I just kept getting turned around.”

  Connall frowned. “Did they think locking themselves in would keep them safe?”

  “Who knows? It was a unique feature on their security system and I guess Jet turned it on, knowing I’d have no way to get out. I hid in one of the closets, but knew it wouldn’t take long for him to find me. I think he actually knew where I was all along. He probably just let me think I was escaping him.”

  Connall tightened his hold on her. “Did he—?”

  She shook her head. “No. He never got the chance. Dalton came.”

  Connall stiffened beside her.

  Pepper shifted to face him, crossing her legs and leaning forward to stay connected to him. “Sam didn’t like that I had agreed to the invitation, especially since no other freshman had been invited. She knew something was fishy and asked Dalton if he knew about the party. She said he knocked the mailbox over as he drove out of the driveway. He knew there wasn’t a party and also knew Jet’s reputation. I was fighting Jet off when we heard the doorbell and then Dalton yelling something about an emergency on the football team. Jet threw me on the ground and went to answer the door. Sam told me when Jet opened the door, Dalton sucker punched him. I heard Sam and Dalt yelling for me, and when I got to them, Jet was laid out flat, and Dalton was holding him down. Dalt threw me his keys and told me to get in the car and lock the door.”

  “Why didn’t he go with you?”

  “Because he was delivering some justice,” Pepper said. “He had to sit the next game out because he bruised his hand so bad. Jethro got it much worse, though. Dalton made sure he was kicked off the team and then out of school.”

  “He had that much power?”

  “Star quarterback of the number-one team in the nation? Damn straight. Dalton told the school board his parents would send him to the competing private school if they didn’t deal with Jet. The school board wouldn’t hear of it. Football’s a big deal where we come from.”

  Connall sighed. “Well, I have to admit, as much as I hate that he was your hero, I’m glad he was there.”

  She nodded. “For years afterwards, I wouldn’t go into a house bigger than mine. It took me several months before I’d even go back into Sam’s, but Dalton always walked with me around the house, checking for monsters, so to speak. He made me feel safe.”

  “Just how close were you?”

  “We were close. We dated, actually.”

  Connall scowled. “He still loves you.”

  She shrugged. “Maybe. Although I think he loves the idea of me more.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “He liked that I needed him. He liked that I was a damsel in distress, I think. If I’d had a life like his, I don’t think he’d have looked sideways at me. I also wasn’t easy to get.” She gripped Connall’s chin. “Men typically like it when a woman’s a challenge.”

  He chuckled. “Oh, you were a challenge, sweetheart, just not in the way you thought.”

  “The thing about Dalton is that when I met you, anything I thought I might have felt for him just faded away. And now that you’ve bound me and it’s…well, it’s…”

  He smiled. “I know.”

  “Anyway, I thought the me
mory of that night was over, but when I got turned around in here, it brought it all back.”

  Connall stroked her cheek. “Which is why you’d feel more comfortable at the guest house.”

  “Yes.” She bit her lip. “Would that be terrible for you?”

  “It’ll certainly be an adjustment. But we can move in there and stay for as long as you like.”

  She relaxed. “Forever?”

  He nodded. “If it takes forever for you to feel safe, sweetheart, we’ll stay there forever.”

  “And no one but us will be there.”

  “No one else will be there unless you say it’s okay, and you’ve signed your acknowledgement in triplicate.”

  Pepper rolled her eyes. “You know why, right?”

  “You just told me.”

  “Not just that.” She licked her lips. “I want the freedom to walk around naked…and have a little fun in every room of the house.”

  Connall hummed his agreement, leaning over to kiss her.

  She slid her hands into his hair. “I love you. More than you could ever know.”

  “I love you too. Now, let’s eat and then we can visit Jonesy. You’ll be able to ride him as early as Monday or Tuesday. The parson will be here with everyone for dinner tonight, so we’ll sign the book, have dinner, and then plan on sleeping at the guest house. Does that work?”

  “Yes. Perfect.”

  “We need to set up some ground rules, though.”

  Pepper nodded. “I can’t shut you out.”

  “You can’t shut me out.”

  “I’m sorry,” she said. “I’ll do better.”

  “That’s all I ask.”

  “Do we have to eat right now?” she asked as she rose to her feet.

  “What else did you have in mind?”

  She grinned and pulled her T-shirt over her head. “I’ll let you guess.”

  * * *

  Connall woke to quiet. He and Pepper had slept in the pitifully small guest house bed, and there was no denying he was alone. At the present time, the bed wasn’t moving with her constant tossing and turning. He checked the bathroom and when he couldn’t find her, he pulled on sweats and a T-shirt and made his way downstairs. He heard the sound of singing coming from the kitchen. Slightly off-key, but still lovely. Following the sound of the music, he padded to the kitchen. Pepper was dancing around the room, wooden spoon in hand, and Connall grinned as she dipped the spoon into the pan and then used it as a microphone.

  He realized she had ear buds in both ears, which was why her pitch was off, but he didn’t care. She was adorable. She wore one of his T-shirts, and it was tight across her chest but long enough to fall past her bottom. When she raised her arms to reach into one of the cabinets, the shirt lifted to reveal white lace boy shorts. She placed salt and pepper on the counter and stirred the eggs.

  “Would it kill you to learn how to love me? Would it kill you to think just for a moment like I do?” she sang, her hips swaying to the music.

  He grinned as he leaned against the wall and crossed his arms.

  Pepper salted the eggs and turned toward the fridge. “Do you ever stop to think before you take that drink from that bitter cup that’s kill—” She caught sight of Connall and let out a squeal, dropping the spoon.

  He chuckled and bent down to pick it up.

  “How long have you been standing there?” she asked as she pulled her ear buds out and set her iPod on the counter.

  “Long enough to appreciate the view.” Connall dropped the spoon in the sink and wrapped his arms around her. “That doesn’t sound like a Fallen Crown song.”

  “It’s The Citizens.”

  “Ahh, they’re not bad, I guess.”

  “You guess? They’re my absolute second favorite band,” she said.

  He chuckled. “So long as they’re not your first.”

  She kissed his chin. “Are you hungry?”

  “Hm-mmm.” He ran his lips across her jaw and down her neck.

  She giggled. “For food?”

  “Huh-uh.” He slipped his hands under the waistband of her underwear and cupped her bottom.

  She licked her lips. “But I made eggs.”

  He focused on her neck again. “I see that.”



  He lifted her up against the wall, using the flat surface as an anchor. Divesting her quickly of her clothes, he kissed her until neither of them could breathe.

  The irritating squeal of the smoke detector sounded in the background and Pepper groaned as she gripped his shoulders. “The eggs,” she panted.

  With a grunt of irritation, he turned off the stove, pushed the pan to the back of the cook-top, and opened the small window closest to the fridge. All while holding her. He then carried her up to the bedroom and made her forget about breakfast as well.


  PEPPER KISSED CONNALL’S chest and ran her hand across his stomach. “You seriously should be deemed illegal.”

  He chuckled. “And why is that?”

  “Because you’re entirely too perfect. Your body’s like granite.”

  He kissed her forehead. “I’m kind of partial to yours, personally. Soft in all the right places.”

  She grinned and straddled his hips. “I could probably endeavor to make several of those soft places a little more tone.”

  “I’d rather you not.” He stroked her thighs. “I love you just the way you are.”

  She leaned down and kissed him, just as the doorbell sounded.

  “Who could that be?” she asked, irritated.

  “I’ll find out.” Connall set her back on the mattress and stood. “Then we can do that again.”

  Pepper grinned and kissed him, settling her head in her palm, admiring the view as he pulled his jeans and a T-shirt on and made his way out of the room. She heard the sound of male voices coming from downstairs and hoped it wasn’t one of his brothers. If it was, she’d have to wait a while for an encore of the morning’s activities.

  Pepper, get dressed.

  The urgency in Connall’s request caused her heart to race in fear.

  What’s wrong? She heard something shatter and break downstairs as she rushed to pull clothes on. Con?

  I need you to run, Pepper.

  Where? Out the window?

  He didn’t respond.

  Get out of here, Pepper. Now!

  She snorted. Not gonna happen.

  Pepper. Hide or get the hell out of here.

  Pepper sent a quick text to Sam and then glanced around the room, looking for a weapon of some kind. All she could see was the can of hair spray she’d brought with her from home. She tiptoed from the room and toward the stairs. The sound of grunting and Connall’s occasional curse filtered up to her. She made her way into the family room and froze. Connall was in a battle with a large, dark-headed man holding something that looked like a syringe in his hand.

  She held her breath in an effort to calm her heart. Connall had his hand around the man’s throat, his other hand gripping the man’s wrist. The assailant was pounding Connall with his free fist.

  She was so scared she could feel her pulse throb in her neck, and for some strange reason, her throat burned. She rushed the men, letting out a scream and aiming the hairspray toward the assailant. Fire connected with the hairspray and he screamed in pain as the flame hit him in the side of the face.

  Connall made quick work of relieving the man of the syringe and jamming it into his neck. Within seconds the assailant was on the floor and motionless, although his eyes darted from side to side in fear.

  Pepper dropped the hairspray and tried not to crumple to the ground. She’d just set a man on fire without a match. Connall reached his hand out. She shook her head.

  “It’s all right, love. Come here.”

  I don’t want to hurt you.

  You won’t, Pepper.

  She slid into his embrace. “Who is that?”

  “No one.” He p
ulled her close. “You were supposed to run.”

  “And leave you here alone with him? No way!” she snapped, squeezing him tighter.

  “Shite…Kade,” Connall said.

  Pepper felt a vibration of sorts, felt concern and fear, but assumed it was hers until the front door of the cottage flew open and Kade filled the doorway, followed by Brodie and Sam.

  Sam rushed for Pepper, but Kade grabbed her arm. “Wait.”

  She gave him a look of irritation, but let him pull her behind his back.

  “He’s the only one,” Connall said. “He’s got about 10cc’s of Red Fang in his system, so he won’t be causing any trouble for a while.”

  Sam stepped from behind Kade and headed for Pepper again. “Are you okay?”

  Pepper nodded and let her friend hug her. “Yes. Fine.”

  “What happened?” Kade asked as he knelt beside the man. “Kinnon?”

  “You know him?” Sam asked.

  “Max and Niall’s brother,” Brodie provided as he started a sweep of the room. Checking for what, Pepper didn’t know.

  Pepper scowled at Connall. “Why would he attack you?”

  Connall shook his head but said nothing.


  I don’t know, Pepper.

  “What did he say he wanted?” Brodie asked.

  Pepper felt her face heat when she glanced to where Brodie was standing…right next to her discarded clothing.

  I’ll get them, love, Connall offered.

  “He said he wanted a job,” Connall answered. “He didn’t give me a chance to respond before he attacked.”

  Connall made his way to the kitchen and managed to pick up her clothing with lightning speed. If anyone noticed, no one said anything. Pepper stood with Sam while the men discussed what to do with Kinnon.

  “Ali’s outside,” Kade said. “He’ll take Kinnon to the castle and then we can talk.”

  Brodie hoisted the paralyzed man over his shoulder and carried him outside, returning a few minutes later.

  “I take it by Kinnon’s injuries that your abilities are manifesting,” Kade said to Pepper.

  She bit her lip and nodded.

  “How did it work?” Sam asked.

  “I think fire came out of my mouth,” Pepper said.

  “Like a dragon?” Sam asked.