Bound by Tears (Cauld Ane Book 6) Read online

Page 20

  She gasped. “How did I hear you?”

  We can speak telepathically now, baby.

  That is so cool.

  He smiled. “Was I too loud?”

  She shook her head, tears sliding down her face.

  He closed the distance between them. “What, baby? What’s wrong?”

  Jesska wrapped her arms around him. “You can just be so incredibly sweet sometimes.”

  “What did you hear?”

  “All of it.”

  “Damn, my reputation is ruined,” he complained.

  Jesska giggled. “Well, if you gave Austri and Jens the day off too, then I’d be more concerned.”

  “I can’t, baby.”

  She kissed his chest. “Why not? I plan to keep you busy all day tomorrow anyway, and that does not include Austri or Jens, so why do they even need to be here?”

  “It’s not done.”

  “Oooh, it’s not done,” she retorted, and smiled up at him. “Aren’t you like supreme ruler of all the land?”

  He raised an eyebrow.

  “Okay, maybe you just act like you’re supreme ruler of all the land.”

  Kaspar chuckled. “What’s your point, elskan?”

  “My point is, that if you want them to take a day off, then you have all the power to make them take one, right?”

  He sighed. “I suppose that’s true.”

  She let the towel drop to the floor. “Then make it so.”

  Kaspar drew in a quick breath, the sight of his bonded mate irresistible. “I will make it so,” he promised, picking her up and carrying her to the bed.

  He spent the next hour making several more promises that he wasn’t sure he’d remember in the morning, but he didn’t care. He’d give her anything she wanted and do it with a smile on his face.

  * * *

  Charlotte MacMillan checked her appearance in the hallway mirror…again. Her biological mother was set to arrive in less than an hour, and she was beyond nervous. She ran her fingers through her long blonde hair and pinched her cheeks in an effort to give them a little more color.

  Her husband grinned as he rounded the corner and slipped his arms around her from behind, laying his hands over her expanding middle. She still couldn’t believe the direction her life was taking. Niall MacMillan was gorgeous and loved her more than she would ever deserve. Dark hair, blue eyes, tall, and the most incredible man she’d ever met.

  “You look beautiful,” he said.

  She smoothed her hair. “Are you sure?”

  “Beautiful girl, it’s not going to matter to Megan what you look like. She’s missed twenty-five years, she’s going to be too excited to see you to care about your appearance.”

  “Are you telling me my appearance isn’t good?”

  “Yes, love. That’s exactly what I’m telling you,” Niall droned.

  She turned to face him, laying her hands on his chest. “I’m actually more nervous about the dynamic of all of us. Pepper will be here in a few minutes, and we’re just getting to know each other.” She sighed, shaking her head. “I’m not good at this stuff.”

  Niall smiled, stroking her cheek. “Charlotte, you’re perfect.”

  “What if I say something they don’t like?” Charlotte frowned. “What if they hate me and I never know why? What if I offend them?”

  “What could you possibly say that would offend anyone?”

  She rolled her eyes. “You’d be surprised.”

  “One, if people misinterpret something you say and don’t have the decency to talk to you about it, then they’re not worth the trouble. And two, if they hate you for any reason, they’ll deal with me.”

  Her heart raced. “I can fight my own battles, Nye.”

  “I know you can, but that doesn’t mean they won’t deal with me.” He kissed her nose. “There will probably be several instances where they’ll deal with both of us.”

  Charlotte laughed. “Anyone who has to deal with both of us, baby, might end up cowering in the corner. Perhaps we should make a deal not to tag team.”

  He shrugged. “No promises.”

  She slid her hand behind his neck and pulled his head down to kiss him. Niall ran his hands over her hips, cupping her bottom. “I just need five minutes.”

  Charlotte smiled against his lips. “When have you ever just needed five minutes?”

  He slipped his hand under her shirt. “Ten then.”

  The doorbell rang and Niall swore as he removed his hand and smoothed her shirt. Charlotte stroked his face and smiled. “We’ll resume this tonight.”

  “You’re damn right we will,” he vowed. “I’ll get the door.”

  He jogged down the stairs and Charlotte heard him greet Connall and Pepper just as Charlotte’s best friend and sister-in-law, Grace walked into the kitchen from the back patio. She and her husband, Max, were staying for a few days for moral support. Their regular home was in Inverness.

  “Where’s Max?” Charlotte asked.

  “He’s upstairs. He’ll be down in a minute.” Grace smiled. “How ya doin’?”

  Niall, Connall, and Pepper walked into the room, cutting off whatever Charlotte might have said to Grace. Grace gave Charlotte a bolstering smile just as Pepper, who was holding Cody, grinned, and handed her baby off to Connall. She wrapped her arms around Charlotte. “Hi, little sister.”

  “Hi,” Charlotte said with a giggle.

  “How are you?” Pepper pulled away and cocked her head. “Nervous? I’m so nervous.”

  “I am too,” Charlotte admitted while Pepper hugged Grace.

  Connall hugged the women just as Max arrived, and Niall and Charlotte poured wine as everyone got comfortable.

  Niall sat next to Charlotte on the sofa and wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her close, bolstering her nerves.

  “I’m dying to know what our sister is like,” Pepper said.

  “Me too.” Charlotte widened her eyes. “I can’t believe we lived so close to each other. I mean, Cameron was one of our worship leaders, and he’s her uncle.”

  “Right?” Grace said.

  “Did you ever meet her?” Max asked.

  “I don’t think so,” Charlotte said. “I don’t remember ever meeting any of Cameron’s family. Did you, Grace?”

  Grace shook her head. “I don’t think so.”

  “How do you feel about Ari being here, Con?” Niall asked. Everyone in the room knew that Connall didn’t exactly appreciate Ari’s recent and very sudden appearance in Pepper’s life.

  Connall scowled and Pepper squeezed his knee. He glanced at her and she raised an eyebrow, giving him a gentle smile.

  “Connall is fine with him being here,” Pepper said. “Kade would have never let Ari out if he didn’t feel it was safe.”

  “Kade would have never let him go had it not been for Samantha,” Connall countered.

  “Babe,” Pepper said in warning. “Samantha’s one of the smartest people I know. Tell me I’m wrong.”

  Connall pinched the bridge of his nose.

  Charlotte gave Connall a sympathetic smile. “No messin’ with the best friend and sister, Con. They kind of trump everything.”

  Grace snorted in an effort not to laugh, failing enough that within seconds the girls had dissolved into giggles. Charlotte was the first to recover. “Okay, I must be nervous. Giggling’s not really my thing.”

  The doorbell rang and she grasped Niall’s hand. He smiled, leaning over to kiss her cheek. “Do you and Pepper want to get it?”

  Charlotte glanced at Pepper, who nodded as she rose to her feet. Charlotte stood as well and then led Pepper to the front door. “Ready?”

  Pepper took her hand and nodded. “Ready.”

  Charlotte pulled open the door, her heart racing.

  A gorgeous woman who didn’t look old enough to be her mother pulled her in for a warm hug and then did the same for Pepper. She was blonde and looked quite a bit more like Pepper, although the resemblance to Charlotte was certainly the
re. Charlotte was a definite combination of her mother and father.

  “I’m Megan,” she said, and pulled a young girl forward. “This is Sophia.”

  “Ása,” Ari corrected.

  “Sophia, Papa,” Sophia corrected.

  Ari smiled, gripping her chin in fun. “All right, Sophia.”

  Sophia looked like the female version of Ari, which was saying something, because Ari was a very pretty man. Sophia was stunning. Long blonde hair, big blue eyes.

  Charlotte stared up at her father. He’d come to her in her dreams for several years before she’d met him, and it was still strange for her to see him in person.

  He reached out and stroked her face. “Don’t be afraid of me.”

  “I’m not,” she said, quickly.

  He gave her a smile and then turned to Pepper, pulling her in for a hug. Charlotte could feel her sister’s emotions as they swamped her. Connall appeared, seemingly out of nowhere, and pulled her away from Ari, wrapping her in his protective embrace.

  “Come in,” Niall said, and Charlotte grimaced up at him, realizing she was being rude.

  Niall’s eyes reassured her as she heard his thoughts. You’re not, baby. You’re just overwhelmed.

  “Yes, come in,” Charlotte said. “I wasn’t sure if you’d be hungry, but we have food and drinks upstairs, if you’ll follow me.”

  The small group made their way up to the family room. Charlotte was grateful that Megan took the initiative to introduce herself and Sophia to the rest of the family.

  Nausea reared its ugly head and Charlotte gripped Niall’s arm. Her newly pregnant body reacting all too normally and, she might add, inconveniently, to the baby girl growing inside of her. Niall laid his hand on her belly, calming her sickness and her nerves at the same time.

  “Thank you,” she whispered, and kissed him quickly, before joining the rest of the group.

  Ari sat with Megan tucked into his side on the sofa. Sophia was on the other side of her mother, and Charlotte could see the closeness of the two. She felt sadness flood in at everything she and Pepper had missed through no fault of their own.

  “Megan and Ari,” Pepper said. “May I introduce you to your grandson? This is Cody.”

  Cody pitched himself toward Megan, who caught him with ease. Pepper laughed. “Well, I guess he likes you.”

  Megan blinked back tears as she settled the baby on her lap, facing her. “Well, hi there, little man. I can’t believe I’m a grandma. I’m too young to be a grandma.” Cody gurgled up at her. “Yes, I see you agree.”

  The group laughed as Niall pulled Charlotte down onto the sofa across from them. Max and Grace sat in one of the overstuffed chairs, Connall and Pepper in the other.

  Ari leaned forward and smiled at Pepper. “First, I want to apologize for what I did at your home, elskan. I have no excuses other than a misguided effort to gain your help through force rather than asking.”

  Megan squeezed his knee. “And.”

  Ari shook his head. “And…I will never do anything to threaten you again. I am here to serve you until I die.”

  Megan rolled her eyes. “Okay, honey. A little melodramatic, but a good first start.”

  Cody smacked Ari’s cheek, and Megan raised an eyebrow. “That’s right, baby, you tell grandpa what you think of that.”

  Charlotte bit the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing. Megan had obviously read Ari the riot act, and his devotion to her was evident. Sophia still looked a bit like a deer in the headlights, but Charlotte chalked it up to the fact she was probably still processing.

  “You look like Mom,” Sophia said to Pepper.

  Pepper smiled. “I know. It’s a little weird, huh?”

  Sophia turned to Charlotte. “I think you and I look the most alike. Even more than your pictures.”

  “You’ve seen pictures?” Charlotte asked.

  “Sorry.” Sophia glanced at Megan. “Wasn’t I supposed to? Cam showed me a couple on Facebook.”

  “No, honey, I’m sorry,” Charlotte rushed to say. “It’s totally fine. I’m just surprised. I still can’t believe Cameron’s your uncle.”

  The sound of Megan’s sudden sob drew their focus to her and she jumped to her feet, handing the baby to Ari, and rushed out of the room. Ari gave Cody to Connall, and followed her.

  “She’s been doing this a lot lately,” Sophia said, her voice soft with sadness.

  Pepper slid her arm around Sophia’s shoulders. “Should we go see if we can help? Perhaps the men can stay here and we’ll just go find Mom. Okay?”

  Sophia nodded and Charlotte led her and Pepper out of the room. Ari stood in the hallway, his arms wrapped around a sobbing Megan, stroking her hair.

  Sophia laid her hand on her mother’s back and Charlotte felt a vibration of sorts. She glanced at Pepper, who cocked her head. She’d obviously felt it too.

  Before they could ask about it, Megan stepped away from Ari, wiped her tears, and forced a smile. “I’m so sorry. That was rude.”

  “There’s nothing to apologize for,” Charlotte said. “This is all really overwhelming, so please feel free to cry or whatever if you need to.”

  Megan nodded. “I just really, really want to hold you both.”

  Without hesitation, Charlotte and Pepper gathered their mother in their arms, the three of them taking a moment to reconnect on a physical level, even as their emotions calmed in proximity to each other. Megan cupped Charlotte’s cheeks and then Pepper’s as she studied her daughters. “I missed out on so much. Can you ever forgive me?”

  Ari sighed in frustration. “Stop apologizing for something that was not your fault.”

  Megan frowned. “I should have protected my babies, Ari. It is my fault.”

  He dragged his hands down his face, but didn’t respond. At least not audibly.

  “Well, I don’t think any of this was your fault,” Charlotte said.

  “Me neither,” Pepper agreed.

  “You’re both very gracious.”

  “Mom. I really would like to know the full story now,” Sophia said.

  Megan smiled. “You’ve been waiting a long time, honey, huh?”

  “Ya think?”

  “We wanted to tell the three of you together,” Megan explained. “So, Sophia’s feeling a little left out of the loop.”

  “Are you up to it?” Ari asked.

  Megan took his hand. “Yes. I’m fine. I just needed a cry.”

  He lifted her fingers to his lips and kissed them.

  “You know, we can talk privately, Megan,” Charlotte offered. “It doesn’t have to be done with everyone else. They will understand.”

  “Connall might not,” Pepper countered. “But I can deal with him.”

  Megan smiled again. “This is family. I have no problem sharing what we know with them.”

  “Give us a moment, hmm?” Ari requested.

  Charlotte held her hand out to Sophia who took it, and Pepper followed them back to the family room. The men stood as the ladies entered the room and Charlotte stepped into Niall’s arms.

  You okay?

  She nodded, giving him a squeeze.

  Ari and Megan returned a few minutes later, and Grace handed them both a glass of wine. She handed Charlotte a bottled water and then sat with Max again.

  “Thanks, bestie,” Charlotte said.

  Grace just smiled.

  “So, what we know…” Megan began. “We know that you were both taken from me right after I gave birth. We don’t know exactly how or who, but we know that Ari was drugged with Red Fang each time, which is how they got past him. I was not well with either birth, so I was pretty much out of it.”

  “Can we backtrack a bit?” Charlotte asked. “How did you two get together in the first place? I can feel you’re mates, but why weren’t you bound back then?”

  Megan and Ari tag-teamed the explanation of how they met and how they got together, filling in a few of the blanks surrounding Megan’s choice to leave him and bring So
phia to America.

  “Why didn’t you look for her?” Pepper asked.

  “I did,” Ari said. “I never stopped.”

  “In his defense, I did everything I could to make sure he couldn’t find me,” Megan said. “I went back to my mother’s maiden name, which isn’t in any of my records. I changed Ása’s name to Sophia, and Cameron helped me with the rest.” She grimaced at Ari. “I felt you sometimes, and that was the toughest part…not reaching out to you.”

  “Why did you leave?” Charlotte asked.

  “I believed he was the threat.”

  Connall shifted, and Pepper grabbed his arm. “Nope. Don’t, Con. Let her explain.”

  Megan sighed. “Because I hadn’t reached mating year, and because I was still human, Ari was able to manipulate my memories. Because of this, I didn’t know what was true. Had he just let me keep my memories, I would have known he’d been a victim in all of this as well, but he had a misguided need to protect me, so I was easily confused.”

  Charlotte wondered how that was possible, because Grace hadn’t been manipulated by Max when they first met. He’d tried to use his gift on her, and failed miserably.

  What Max has is the gift of suggestion, love. Megan would have been able to resist that as well. However, Ari has the gift of manipulation and that’s something much more powerful. She may be able to resist it now that she is bound, but she would never have been able to as a human.

  Charlotte nodded an “Ah” at Niall, and he gave her a gentle squeeze.

  “How did you manage to find her?” Pepper asked.

  “Kaspar actually did that,” Ari admitted. “A woman came to him when I was…well, when I was in Inverness…and she told him what she knew of Megan. She gave him a flash drive with information on it. We are still weeding through it to sort out everything.”

  “What kind of information?” Charlotte asked.

  “Much of it’s encrypted, so it’s taking some time. Whoever the threat is, they aren’t revealing themselves easily.”

  “Do you know what they want?” Pepper asked.

  “You,” Connall guessed.


  “He’s right,” Ari confirmed. “You girls are what we call the Trifecta. Charlotte, you have the gift of ice; Pepper, you have fire; and Ása…sorry, Sophia, has earth. Individually, you have the ability to change your surroundings, but together, you have a power that’s never been seen before.”