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Bound by Fire Page 19

  Pepper’s skin was on fire. She felt like everything was burning. She bit her lip again, pain slicing through her body from head to toe. Connall lifted her and carried her into his bathroom, where someone had filled the tub with ice. Her pain eased somewhat as he slid her into the frozen water, and Pepper couldn’t stop the sigh of relief. For the first time in her life, she was glad she was somewhere cold.

  “Och, love, yer bleedin’.” Connall pulled her lip gently from her teeth and laid a washcloth over it. “You’ve bit through your lip, sweetheart.”

  “I’m okay, Con. It’s just a little blood,” she rasped as she pressed the cloth against her mouth.

  “Connall?” Sam called through the door. “Let me know when you want me.”

  “I’m going to have her check your heart, love,” Connall said.

  Pepper nodded.

  Connall laid a towel length-wise over Pepper for modesty and pulled the door open.

  Sam smiled at him. “How’s her pain?”

  He frowned. “Much worse than she will admit.”

  “Sounds like her. Have you been able to give her any relief?”

  Connall looked over at Pepper and then focused back on Sam. “I’ve tried, but I’m not sure I’m making a difference.”

  Sam made her way to the tub and knelt down beside it. Pepper forced a smile and glanced at Connall. “Can I have some water please, baby? Some with ice? Not from the faucet.”

  He hesitated but then gave her a curt nod and left the room.

  Pepper grabbed Sam’s arm. “I can’t do this.”

  “Yes, you can. I promise. In a few hours, you’ll sleep, and in a day or two, you’ll feel better than you ever have.” Sam wrapped her hand around Pepper’s wrist.

  Pepper whimpered. “It hurts. Don’t touch me.”

  Sam’s voice was gentle. “I know it does. But I need to check your pulse. When Con comes back, he’ll be able to ease the pain.”

  “I don’t want him to know how much pain I’m in, Sam.” Pepper squeezed her eyes shut and let Sam take her pulse despite the pain crawling up her arms. “He’s so scared.”

  “I know. But he can help if you let him.”

  Tears streamed down Pepper’s face. “I don’t want him to regret this.”

  Sam frowned. “Honey, he won’t!”

  “Won’t what?” Connall asked as he returned with a glass of water.

  “Nothing,” Pepper said as she took the glass and drank greedily.

  “Let me check your heart,” Sam said.

  Pepper handed the glass back to Connall and Sam laid the stethoscope diaphragm on Pepper’s chest. Connall knelt beside the tub and stroked Pepper’s cheek. “She’s too warm.”

  Pepper pressed her lips together in an effort to not cry out at his touch. Although, when he kept his hand against her face, she felt the pain ease somewhat.

  “She’ll be okay, Con, I promise,” Sam said, and then focused on Pepper. “Your heart’s racing, which is to be expected.” She felt the water and glanced at Connall. “The water’s warming, so we should get her out of the tub.”

  “What do you mean the water’s warming?” Pepper asked. “It’s full of ice!”

  “Your body’s heating the water, which means it’s getting ready to make the conversion.” Sam laid a palm over Pepper’s forehead. “Stay connected to Connall, Pepper. He’ll be able to ease your pain.”

  I won’t subject him to my pain, she thought to herself.

  Connall scowled. “Yes, you will.”

  Pepper gasped. “You heard that?”

  “I did. And now that I’ve figured out how you’ve been blocking me, love, you won’t be able to do it anymore.” He stood and grabbed a dry towel.

  “She can block you?” Sam asked.

  He nodded.


  Connall frowned. “I don’t know. I follow her thoughts and will have a moment of clarity, but then it will be gone.”

  “Strange. I’ll have Fiona look into that and then organize the staff and join you in a little while. The sheets should already be on the bed.” Sam rose to her feet then turned to Pepper. “Don’t be a hero.”

  Pepper squeezed her eyes shut and took a deep breath. She opened them again and grabbed for Connall. “I’m sorry.”

  “I know.” He knelt beside the tub again and kissed her forehead. “I love you, Pepper. But I need you to be honest with me.”

  “Everything burns.”

  He laid his palm against hers and closed his eyes. Pepper felt the pain dissipate and she sighed in relief.

  “Better?” he asked.

  She nodded. “Thank you.”

  Without breaking contact, Connall pulled the plug and then removed the wet towel from Pepper’s body and dropped it into the sink.

  “I’m going to lift you, Pepper. Stay connected to me.”

  She looped her arm around his neck and did her best to hold on as he lifted her. Wrapping the dry towel around her, Connall carried her back into the bedroom. He settled her back onto the large bed and Pepper sighed. “What are these? They’re so soft.”

  “They’re specially made ice sheets, love. They will cool your body.”

  Connall pulled the top sheet over her and she ran her tongue over her lip. “My lip doesn’t hurt anymore.”

  He smiled. “I know, love. It’s healed.”

  She laid her fingers over her mouth. “That fast?”


  “That’s so cool.”

  He smoothed her hair from her forehead. “How’s your pain?”

  “No more pain,” she said. “Just sleepy.”

  “Let me look at your mark.” Connall pulled the sheet back and frowned. Red, but not blood-red, yet.

  “Is it bad?” she asked.

  “No. Not yet.”

  “Will you lay here with me?” Pepper asked.


  He slid in beside her and Pepper smiled as she snuggled against him. “I never thought I’d like this, let alone love it.”


  “Touch,” she said.

  “Oh, I did. I’m irresistible.” He wrapped his arm around her waist and settled her head on his shoulder.

  She giggled, but her laugh was cut short by a yawn.

  “Sleep, love.”

  She yawned again and scooted her body higher so she could kiss him. “Only if you don’t go anywhere.”

  “I’m going to change, but I promise I’ll join you right after.”

  “Even if I’m asleep,” she demanded.

  “Even if you’re asleep. I promise.”

  She raised an eyebrow. “Because I’ll know.”

  “Will you now?”

  “I will.” She tapped her temple. “E.S.P.”

  He chuckled. “Really?”

  She smiled as her eyes drooped closed. “It’s one of my new abilities.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind,” he whispered, knowing she didn’t hear him. She was already asleep.


  CONNALL SLIPPED FROM the bed, trying his best not to disturb Pepper, and took a quick shower. Once dressed, he texted Sam and let her know that she could return anytime and then climbed back into bed with Pepper. He settled her across his chest and she sighed, snuggling closer to him. He smiled and kissed the top of her head.

  A quiet knock brought Samantha and two of Kade’s housemaids. Bearnas and Iona were mother and daughter and had been with his family since their arrival from Iceland. The women had been caught in the middle of a bloody clan war at the time and both of their husbands had been killed. Connall’s father offered them refuge and they’d stayed with the family, assisting with their acclimation to the Highlands.

  The maids went about quietly preparing the herbs and tea Pepper would need during the conversion, while Sam stepped over to the bed and gently took Pepper’s wrist to check her pulse. She smiled. “She looks calm.”

  “Aye,” Connall whispered.

  “Her pulse is
normal.” Sam felt her forehead. “How’s her mark?”

  He lifted the sheet and glanced at her stomach. “Still red.”

  “Not long now,” Sam said, and squeezed Connall’s arm.

  She made a notation in her iPad and Connall assumed it was Pepper’s vitals. Ever the researcher, Sam wanted to document every moment of the conversion process. She had taken both Connall and Pepper’s blood before the binding and would take it after in order to compare her findings.

  Pepper stirred, drawing his focus. Without warning, she sat straight up and screamed. Connall wrapped his arm around her waist, and she screamed again and twisted, her fist flying toward him.

  He managed to catch her hand and pull her arm behind her back. “Pepper. Sweetheart. It’s me. Wake up, love.” He was finding it difficult to keep the sheet high enough for modesty as she attempted to fight him. “Pepper. Wake up.”

  It took several tries to calm her, but she finally opened her eyes, blinking as though to bring him into focus. “Con?”

  “Hi,” he said he released his hold.

  “What happened?”

  “Are you in pain?” he asked.

  She shook her head. “No. Why?”

  “Did you have a bad dream?” Sam asked.

  Pepper frowned in confusion. “I don’t know. What are you doing here?”

  Sam glanced at Connall and then back at Pepper. “I’m here to help.”

  “I thought you weren’t coming until after.”

  Sam’s eyes widened.

  Pepper buried her head in Connall’s neck and whispered, “Who are those other people. Þú sagðir mér ekki að yrði fleira fólk.” (You didn’t tell me there would be other people.)

  Connall sent the staff a nod and they quickly scurried from the room. “It is after, love.”

  “What?” Pepper sat up on her knees, yanking at the sheet as she wrapped it tighter around her body. “We’re bound?”

  “Aye, love. You don’t remember?”

  Pepper shook her head, her hair falling across her shoulders. Connall noticed the ends of her hair were darkening, but he was pulled from his confusion by Sam’s question.

  “What’s the last thing you remember?” she asked.

  “Um…” Pepper pressed her lips together. “Ég var að fá tilbúinn.” (I was getting ready.)

  “Do you remember anything after?” Connall asked.

  “Eiginlega ekki...alveg...ég er ekki viss,” (Not really…sort of…I’m not sure), she said.

  Sam leaned forward and narrowed her eyes.

  “What?” Pepper asked.

  “Do you even realize you’re speaking Icelandic?”

  Pepper snorted. “I don’t know how that’s possible. Ég tala ekki íslensku.” (I don’t speak Icelandic.)

  “Fascinating,” Sam mused, and noted something in her tablet.

  “Are you studying me?” Pepper snapped.

  Sam shook her head and set the iPad down. “I would never.”

  Pepper rolled her eyes. “Þú hefur aldrei verið góður lygari, Sam.” (You’ve never been a good liar, Sam.)

  Sam stared at Connall. “How does she speak it with a perfect accent? I still sound like an idiot when I speak it.”

  “I’m not speaking Icelandic,” Pepper insisted.

  “I don’t know,” Connall said. “Is Fi at the house? She might be able to find out how Pepper’s doing this.”

  “Yes. Everyone is.”

  “Oh, please,” Pepper droned. “Let’s all talk about me like I’m not in the room.”

  “Sorry, love.” Connall smiled and then focused back on Sam. “Ask Kade to have her look through the book.”

  Sam nodded. “Good idea.” Sam closed her eyes to “speak” with her mate.

  Pepper slid the sheet to the side, still keeping herself covered, but exposing her new birthmark. It was redder than it had been. She turned fear-filled eyes to Connall. “Þetta þýðir að sársaukinn kemur, ekki satt?” (This means the pain’s coming, right?)


  “How bad?”

  “Pepper, you’ve already gone through some of it,” Sam said. “You did great.”

  “I have? I did?”

  Connall sat back on the bed. “Can’t you remember anything?”

  She shook her head.

  “At all?”

  “No.” Pepper’s eyes filled with tears. “What does that mean?”

  “I don’t know, sweetheart.” He pulled her close and kissed her temple. “But we’ll figure it out.”

  Pepper whimpered and Connall loosened his hold on her.

  “I’m going to be sick,” she rasped and headed for the bathroom. She didn’t quite make it, as she got tangled in the sheet and would have fallen if Connall hadn’t caught her. She groaned as she went to all fours on the floor.

  Connall grabbed a bowl and held it under her chin. He was frustrated that his ability to ease her pain only went so far. He wanted to take all of her discomfort away.

  When her stomach calmed, she grasped his hand, her eyes filling with tears. “It hurts. I feel like I’m being stabbed.”

  “This is the worst part,” Sam said. “She’ll be fine, Con. I promise. I’ll be back in a bit.”

  Sam slipped out of the room and Connall guided Pepper back onto the bed. She rolled onto her side and clutched her stomach. She was eerily quiet, her soft shallow breathing the only noise coming from her.

  Connall slid his body against hers and she started.

  Stop, she hissed in her mind as he laid his hand on her thigh.

  “Sorry, love. I want to help with the pain.”

  She slowly relaxed against him as he felt her pain ebb.

  “Better?” he whispered.

  Yes. Sorry. I know you can help me, but your touch feels like a hot poker.

  Only at first. Trust me, love.

  He closed his eyes and concentrated on her. Having only a basic knowledge of the human body, he was afraid he wouldn’t be able to solve everything, but he did hope he could ease her pain. Fiona had described the conversion as being similar to a self-cleaning oven, burning anything that shouldn’t be in her new Cauld Ane body.

  For the first time in his life, he wished he’d gone to medical school.

  He felt her pain, felt the burning sensation in her stomach and tried not to react. He didn’t know how she could possibly endure this without passing out or screaming.

  Don’t, Con. Please. I can’t worry about you and deal with this pain at the same time, baby. I’ll be okay.

  “Sorry,” he whispered, and focused on her stomach, praying and willing the pain to die down.

  He felt her relax in degrees, finally stretching out of her fetal position with a sigh.

  “How’s the pain now?” he asked.

  “It’s at about a five,” she said and shifted onto her back.

  He scooted back to give her room, but took her hand so they wouldn’t break contact. “Can I get you anything?”

  “I’m really thirsty,” she said.

  “I’ll get you some water.”

  He rolled off the bed and made his way to the bathroom, only to be stilled by her sudden pain and rising panic. “Damn it.” He rushed back into the bedroom and took her hand. “I’m so sorry, sweetheart. I shouldn’t have broken contact.”

  She bit her lip and squeezed her eyes shut. Connall grabbed his phone and scrolled down to Sam’s number, but she appeared in the doorway before he could call her.

  “Okay, that’s so weird,” Sam said.

  “What?” Connall asked.

  “I could feel her in trouble. Like a warning vibration in my body.”

  “That’s normal.” Connall smiled. “You’re sisters now. Not just by law.”

  Sam stepped inside and set her iPad down. “What can I do?”

  “She’s thirsty.”

  “Okay. I’ll get some water.” Sam stepped into the bathroom.

  Connall climbed back on the bed and pulled Pepper to him again. “S
hhh, sweetheart. I’ve got you.” Again, her body began to relax and she was able to stretch out on her back. “Still thirsty?”

  She nodded and he helped her sit up while Sam handed her the water. “What’s your pain level, Pepper?”

  “About a six,” Pepper said.

  Sam nodded. “Okay. That’s good. You’re doing great.” She took the glass from Pepper and set it on the nightstand. “You should be able to sleep soon. Try not to fight it. When you wake up, we’ll fill you with a surprisingly disgusting herb tea.”

  “Joy,” Pepper rasped.

  * * *

  Pepper came awake as a beam of sunlight shone on her face, and she wondered at the glorious sensations moving through her body. Soft sheets touched her skin and her back was against a hard chest. She smiled and snuggled closer to Connall, and then quickly realized she was naked. She opened her eyes and frowned. They were in the bedroom. The one he said was just for them.

  Connall stirred next to her, and Pepper rolled to face him. His eyes flew open and he smiled, although his expression was one of concern. “Hi,” he whispered. “Whoa, your hair is dark, love.”

  She shook her head. He was speaking gibberish. “Hvað?” (What?”)

  “How do you feel?”




  He gave her a strange look.. “Hvernig líður þér?” (How do you feel?)

  “Mér líður frábærlega, en ég er ráðvillt,” (I feel great, but I’m confused), she said, and tucked the sheet tighter around her body.

  “Af hverju ertu ráðvillt?” (Why are you confused?)

  “Ég geri ráð fyrir því þar sem ég er nakin, að við séum bundin.” (I can only assume that if I’m naked, we are bound.)

  He frowned. “Aye…já”

  “Hvers vegna man ég ekki eftir því??” (Why don’t I remember?)

  He sighed and rolled onto his back, his hands covering his face. “I don’t know.” He faced her again. “Do you remember anything?”

  She sighed in frustration. “Ég skil ekki hvað þú ert að segja.” (I don’t understand what you’re saying.)

  “Manstu nokkuð?” (Do you remember anything?)

  “Ég man að ég var að undirbúa mig...og að ég vildi ekki kampavín.” (I remember getting ready...and not wanting champagne.)