Bound by Dreams (Cauld Ane Series) Read online

Page 19

  Vandi looked away. “I’m okay,” she whispered.

  Charlotte frowned. “What did they do to you?”

  “Nothing. I’m fine.” Contrary to her declaration, tears began to well in Vandi’s eyes.

  A paramedic approached. “Miss Whitmore? Please come with me. We need to check over your injuries.”

  Vandi grabbed Charlotte’s hand. “Don’t let them take me.”

  “Babe, they have to check you over. I’ll come with you, okay?”

  Vandi bit her lip, but gave a reluctant nod. Charlotte followed the paramedic, tugging her sister with her. She glanced back to make sure Niall was close.

  Arriving at the ambulance, the paramedic faced Charlotte with a gentle smile. “If you could stay here, ma’am. We’ll look your sister over and then decide the best course of action.”

  “No!” Vandi screamed. “Don’t let them take me.”

  “Can you look her over here?” Charlotte asked.

  “We really need her inside, but she can sit on the edge if that helps.”

  Charlotte lifted her sister’s chin. “Is that okay, Van? I’ll keep hold of your hand.”

  “I want to go home,” Vandi rasped. “Take me home. Please, Charlie. Don’t make me do this.”

  “It won’t take long, sissy. I promise. I’m right here. They have to make sure you’re okay.” Charlotte gave her sister’s hand a quick squeeze and Vandi sat on the edge of the ambulance.

  Niall wrapped his arm around Charlotte’s waist.

  She leaned against him. Something happened to her.

  I know, baby.

  She closed her eyes and melted into him, trying to block out the pain in Vandi’s eyes.

  Dalton walked up to them again and Niall shook his hand. “Dalton, this is Charlotte.”

  “Nice to meet you,” Dalton said. “Do you want to drive Vandi to the hospital? We’re taking the girls to Emanuel.” He slipped a notebook into his jacket pocket. “I’ve already taken her statement, but I thought she might be more comfortable riding with you, instead of in the ambulance.”

  “Yes, please,” Charlotte said, and pulled out her phone to call her parents.

  “She must go to the hospital, Miss Whitmore.”

  “Yes, I heard you,” she snapped. Niall laid his hand on her back, but she shrugged him away and filled her mother in on the situation.

  The paramedics released Vandi into Charlotte’s care, and Niall wrapped a jacket around her. She was shaking…from the cold or the shock, Charlotte wasn’t sure.

  “Thanks,” Vandi mumbled.

  Charlotte slid her arm around her sister’s waist, but Vandi pulled away, raising her hands as if to protect herself.

  “It’s okay, Van. I won’t touch you.”

  Vandi nodded, pulling Niall’s jacket closer to her body, and Charlotte led her to the car she’d ridden in with Grace. “Do you want to tell me what happened now, or wait and tell everyone?”

  “Wait,” she said. “I’m so tired, Charlie.”

  “I bet. Come on, we’ll get you to the hospital.”

  “I’ll be right there, love,” Niall said.

  The driver held the door for them and Charlotte followed Vandi inside. They sat in the car for what seemed like hours before Niall joined them and they were on their way. He sat in the front seat, seeming to know Vandi needed privacy. They arrived at the hospital faster than the ambulances, and it appeared the staff was ready for them.

  “I can’t,” Vandi rasped.

  “Can’t what, honey?”

  Vandi gripped Charlotte’s hands and burst into tears. “I can’t be around all those people.”

  “Sweetie, they’re there to help.”

  Vandi shook her head. She pulled her knees up and wrapped her arms around them, hugging herself.

  “I’ll go talk to the nurses, eh? We’ll see if we can take you somewhere more private,” Niall offered, and slid from the car.

  When they were alone, Vandi started sobbing.

  “Hey,” Charlotte whispered as she held her sister. “What happened?”

  She shook her head. “Shouldn’t have opened the door.” Another sob shook her shoulders. “Thought it was Mom. Thought she forgot something.”

  “Nikolai? He came to the house?” Charlotte asked.

  Vandi nodded and wiped angrily at the tears on her cheeks. “Right after Mom left. Him and another man.” She rubbed the top of her head and winced. “Nikolai hit me. I think I blacked out after that.”

  Charlotte gently separated Vandi’s hair and looked at the area she was rubbing. Sure enough, there was a giant goose egg on top of her head. “Did the paramedic see this?”

  Vandi shook her head.

  “Oh, Vandi, we have to tell them. You have to get this looked at.”

  Vandi looked out the window, staring at the hospital.

  Sensing that her sister wasn’t done with her story, Charlotte asked, “What happened next?”

  Vandi buried her face in her knees. “When I woke up, we were alone,” she said into her knees. “Nikolai and me.” Then she cried again.

  Rage welled up in Charlotte. She gave her sister a few moments before leaning closer and patting her on the shoulder.

  Vandi tensed at the contact again. “Your hands are freezing!”

  “Sorry, babe.”

  Vandi took a few labored breaths, and then continued. “My clothes were gone and he… I fought him and I told him no. I swear I did! But, he was stronger and…” Her shoulders shook again.

  Charlotte fisted her hands at her side. “What did the paramedics say?”

  “I didn’t tell them.”

  Your mom’s here. You ready to be interrupted?

  No, but I doubt you could stop her.

  I don’t even want to try.

  “Mom’s here,” Charlotte said, looking out the window as Niall pointed toward the car.

  “Promise me you won’t tell her?”

  “I can’t promise that. Vandi, none of this is your fault, and we need to catch that little slime ball and nail him to the wall! The doctor needs to check you out and gather evidence, and in order for that to happen, Mom is going to have to know.”

  “That will mean I’ll have to testify. No, Charlie. I can’t do it. I don’t want to ever see him again.”

  “So you’re going to let him get away with this? Let him do it to other girls? No. That’s not you, Vandi. You’re scared and that’s okay, but I’ll be right here with you.”

  The door opened and Charlotte made room for their mother.

  “Oh, my baby,” she cried, and climbed over Charlotte so she could pull Vandi into her arms. Vandi whimpered in pain, pushing at her mother, and she loosened her hold. “What happened, honey?”

  Niall climbed into the front seat with the driver and raised the security glass.

  Thank you. She wouldn’t want anyone else to hear.

  I know, baby.

  Now that their mother had arrived, Charlotte repeated what Vandi had told her and felt the weight of the situation slide from her shoulders as reality settled in. My baby sister was raped! Raped! She couldn’t stop the tears from streaming down her face, wishing Niall was sitting next to her.

  I’m here, baby. I’ve got you. We checked the auto shop and there was no one there. They cleared out before we could get there.

  Charlotte calmed and wiped her cheeks.

  “After Nikolai…um…hurt me, the other men came…” Vandi continued.

  “Oh, my God,” her mother rasped. “Did they…?”

  Vandi shook her head. “No, he wouldn’t let them. They shoved me into a van and we drove for a while. Then they made me go into a big metal box with a bunch of other girls. I don’t know how long we were in there. But some of them had been there for days, maybe weeks. They didn’t know. It smelled so bad in there. I got really sick.”

  “I know, sweetie, I know.”

  “I tried to fight him, Mama,” Vandi said as she sobbed. “When we were at the auto shop, I
yelled ‘no’ over and over again, but he just kept hitting me in my stomach until I threw up. I should have fought harder. I’m sorry.”

  “Oh, baby girl, you did so good,” their mother said. “None of this is your fault, sweetheart. I’m so proud of you for not giving up and for staying alert. Niall said it was your yelling that helped him find the container.”

  It was?

  Aye, love. Vandi screamed her head off.

  “I wasn’t sure if I would get hit again, but there was a ten-year-old girl, Mama. They were going to sell her to the highest bidder.” Vandi dissolved into sobs again and their mom gave Charlotte a look of hopelessness.

  “Let’s get you inside, baby,” Charlotte crooned.

  Charlotte started when the car door opened and Niall leaned inside and held his hand out to Vandi. She hadn’t noticed him climb out of the front seat.

  A volunteer in a red shirt assisted Vandi into a wheelchair while their mom followed her inside. Niall helped Charlotte from the car and then wrapped his arms around her. Charlotte let herself break, gripping onto Niall to keep upright.

  “It’s all right, baby,” he whispered. “She’ll be okay.”

  Charlotte nodded, but couldn’t speak. Niall guided her inside and they stood by the entrance of the emergency room long enough for Max and Grace to arrive. Grace slipped an arm around Charlotte’s waist and pulled her from Niall, hugging her securely.

  “What’s going on?” Grace asked. “Is Vandi hurt?”

  Charlotte nodded. “They have to do a rape kit.”

  “Oh, no.” Grace sighed and handed Charlotte back to Niall. “Okay. Let’s go see what the plan is, huh?”

  Charlotte moved through the rest of the day in a haze, barely registering most of the things people told her and having to be asked, more than once, questions she didn’t always have the answers to. With her parents by Vandi’s side, it was left to Charlotte to field phone calls from friends and family, along with more questions from law enforcement. Once Vandi’s examination was completed, she was moved to a private room, but only family was allowed inside, so Charlotte moved between her sister and the waiting area with limited answers and a few requests from her parents for Lila, all of which Grace’s mother took on as a personal mission.

  Charlotte didn’t know what she would have done without Niall. He let very few people near her, using Grace and himself as human shields. One of them was with her constantly, and when someone from the media managed to sneak in, Max distracted them with exclusive band information as he walked them down the hall and out of the hospital. The fact he could make anyone do what he told them to do helped to make sure the reporter couldn’t return.

  Over the next three hours, Niall forced Charlotte to eat, held her when she melted down, and vanquished the demons that came in the form of probing questions. By the time her mother walked into the waiting room for the final time, Charlotte’s nerves were shot.

  “She’s sleeping,” Charlotte’s mom said as the small group gathered around her. “Matt’s with her now. We’ll be staying with her until she’s released, but you should all go home and get some rest.”

  “I’m staying,” Lila said.

  Charlotte’s mom gave her best friend a relieved smile. “Okay, everyone except Lila should go home and get some rest.”

  Charlotte fell into one of the chairs against the wall, relieved her sister was finally resting. Niall knelt in front of her, laying his hands on her thighs. “Let’s get you home, love.”

  Charlotte gripped his hands. “I should stay.”

  Niall shook his head. “Sweetheart, you’ve been awake for almost three days, with only a few hours sleep in between. Let me take you home so you can rest.”

  “I’m okay.” Charlotte bit back a yawn, unwilling to admit her exhaustion.

  “Charlotte, honey,” her mother said, sitting next to her. “You should go home and sleep. They’ve given Vandi a really powerful sedative and she won’t wake up for several hours. They want her to stay in the hospital for a couple of days for observation, so we won’t be home until then. Lila’s going to swing by later to grab clothes for me, but I’d love it if you wouldn’t mind packing a bag for me so she doesn’t have to.”

  “Fine. Will you call me if there’s news?” Charlotte asked.

  “Of course, honey. Let Niall take you home, huh? Sleep, take a bath, sleep some more. I don’t want you getting sick.” Her mother cupped her cheek. “You saved her, Button. If it hadn’t been for you…”

  Charlotte hugged her mother and forced back tears. “It’s okay, Mom.”

  Niall rose to his feet and held out a hand. “Come on, sweetheart. Let’s get you home.”

  With a reluctant nod, Charlotte stood and let him lead her out of the hospital and into the awaiting car. He secured her seatbelt for her, which she was grateful for, considering she couldn’t seem to function any longer.

  When the car pulled up to the house, Charlotte grabbed Niall’s hand when he moved to release her seatbelt. “I can’t.”

  “Can’t what?” he asked, gently.

  “I don’t want to be here with all those people.”

  “I don’t think anyone is still here, love. Shall I check?”

  She nodded, handing him her keys and biting back tears.

  “I’ll be right back,” he promised, and exited the car.

  Niall returned a few minutes later and opened her door. “No one’s here. The house was locked up nice and tight, and the alarm was set.”


  He held his hand out. “Come on, sweetheart. I’ll draw you a bath.”

  “I think I’d rather shower.”

  “Whatever you like.” He smiled. “You shower while I make us something to eat.”

  She took his hand and let him pull her from the car. “You can cook?”

  “I actually love to cook,” he said.

  “Thank God! I hate to cook.”

  Niall chuckled and led her inside, closing and locking the door behind them. “I’ll get you sorted first.”

  “I can handle the shower,” Charlotte said.

  He nodded distractedly as he checked his phone and then slid it into his pocket. “Go on upstairs, baby. I’ll find my way around the kitchen.”

  “Who was that? Did you just get a text? Is it my mom?” she asked, rummaging in her purse for her phone.

  “It was Grace asking if you wanted her to come over. I told her ‘no.’”

  Charlotte took his hand. “Text her back.”


  “Yes. I could really use some Grace time right now.”

  He smiled and kissed her cheek. “Okay. I’ll text her while you go shower.”

  “Thank you.” Charlotte climbed the stairs and headed to her room.


  NIALL WENT THROUGH the kitchen cupboards and fridge and found several ingredient options to choose from. He decided on a basic chicken in Alfredo sauce with rigatoni. He’d just put the water on to boil when the doorbell pealed. He opened it to find Max and Grace. He waved them inside and back to the kitchen.

  “How’s Charlotte?” Grace asked.

  “Exhausted,” Niall said. “I sent her upstairs to take a shower. I’m hoping I can convince her to sleep for a while.”

  “Good luck with that. She hates sleep.” Grace set her purse down on the sofa. “Are you cooking?”

  “I am. I hope you’re hungry, because there will be a lot of food.”

  Grace laughed. “I do love food. I had no idea you cooked.”

  “He’s more of a chef, really,” Max said.

  Niall glanced at him, but didn’t respond.

  “Are we really going to keep doing this, brother?” Max asked.

  Niall sighed. “You have lied to me for a long time, Max. It’s going to take me a while to work through that.”

  “It’s been weeks,” Max countered.

  “How long have you been lying to me? Hmm?”

  “Bloody hell, Niall.
Get over it already.”

  * * *

  Grace slipped out of the room, guessing the brothers didn’t even notice her leaving, and made her way upstairs. She knocked on Charlotte’s door, but didn’t get an answer, so she let herself in. She heard the water running in the bathroom…and then heard the crying.

  “Charlie?” she called through the door of the Jack and Jill bathroom. “Are you okay?”

  More sobbing.

  “I’m coming in if you don’t answer me.”

  Still no response, so Grace pushed the door open. Charlotte was on the floor of the shower, her knees pulled up to her chest, crying inconsolably.

  “Oh, sweetie,” Grace said, grabbing a towel and pulling open the glass door. “Charlie, the water’s freezing!” Grace turned off the water, toed her shoes off, and stepped inside, her feet cold from the wet tile. The temperature felt wonderful to her, but she knew for Charlotte’s still human body, it couldn’t possibly be comfortable. She pulled Charlotte forward so she could wrap the towel around her. “Come on, buddy, let’s get you dressed.”

  Charlotte wouldn’t budge. Grace wasn’t entirely certain she was fully lucid.

  Max, tell Niall I need him.

  “What’s wrong?” Niall asked from the door of the bathroom, arriving before Max could respond. He stepped inside and switched places with Grace. Lifting Charlotte in his arms, he cradled her to his chest and followed Grace into the bedroom. “Bloody hell, love, you’re shaking.”

  Grace grabbed Charlotte’s big, fluffy robe from the hook in her closet and helped Niall put it on her. Once the robe was in place, Grace pulled the wet towel from underneath it. Niall took it from her and began to dry Charlotte’s hair.

  Grace slipped from the bedroom into the welcoming arms of her mate and headed downstairs to finish dinner.

  * * *

  “Let’s get your hair dry, eh?” Niall said gently as he ran the towel over Charlotte’s head. He massaged her scalp, whispering to her as he worked to calm her spirit and warm her body.