Bound by Tears (Cauld Ane Book 6) Read online

Page 17

  Kaspar smiled. “And that will change, I promise. We need to find out who and what the threat is first.”

  “I know.” She sighed. “I’m sorry I was a shrew. I know I have a lot to learn about your life and how you do things and that I can’t expect to be part of every decision, it’s just really weird for me. I’m a normal American girl, and we tend to speak our mind. Well, I do, at least.”

  He smiled. “And I love that about you, elskan. We’ll figure it out, it’ll just take some time.”

  “Okay,” she said with a smile.

  “I have news.”

  “That sounds ominous.”

  Kaspar led her to the sofa and pulled her down onto his lap. “Cameron and I have been discussing Jason.”

  “How long have you been ‘discussing’ him?”

  “Since the day he showed up at your house,” Kaspar said.

  “Of course you have.” Jesska narrowed her eyes. “So, what does Cameron say?”

  “Jason is back in jail…not prison…county jail for now.”

  “Do I need to be a witness again?”

  “I believe a statement will suffice, since he’s confessed.”

  “What?” She gasped. “Confessed to what, exactly?”

  “The letter and the threat when he came to your house. He also confessed to stabbing Brady.”

  “Out loud? Like, told them in words what he did?”

  “Yes, baby.”

  She widened her eyes. “You made him do that.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “When you had him against the wall. You hypnotized him or something.”

  Kaspar gave her a gentle squeeze. “I compelled him to tell the truth, sweetheart. I didn’t make him do anything he shouldn’t.”

  “I know.” She blinked back tears. “He’s never admitted what he did.”

  “And now he has.”

  Jesska pushed herself off of him and stood. “Will I have to see him again?”

  “I don’t know. Right now, the statement will do.”

  “Are they going to need me to testify at his new trial?”

  “Cameron seems to think there may not be another trial,” Kaspar said. “Unless he recants his confession.”

  Jesska wrinkled his nose. “Could he do that? Does your ‘compelling’ wear off?”

  “I buried it deep in him, sweetheart. So, no, he will not be able to lie.” Kaspar rose to his feet and took her hand. “And we are doing everything we can to make sure he doesn’t.”

  “We?” she asked, staring up at him.

  “I am taking on a few of the expenses in order for Dalton and Cameron to investigate things the DA was ill-equipped to do so before.”

  She shook her head. “Seriously?”

  “Já, baby. Does this upset you?”

  “No!” Jesska slid her arms around him. “It makes me think I might be falling in love with you.”

  “You are already in love with me.”

  “Am I?”


  “You’re right. I am. For ages.” She sighed. “Thank you.”

  Kaspar chuckled, rubbing her back and kissing her hair. “I would do anything for you.”

  “Yeah, I’m picking up on that.” She smiled up at him. “On a similar subject, I have something for you.”

  “You do?”

  She nodded and pulled away from him, heading into her bedroom. She returned with a little wooden box she’d bought at the Saturday Market. “I was going to wait for the right time, but I think the right time’s now.”

  “It’s beautiful,” he said.

  “That part’s not for you. I mean, it is if you want it, but it’s what’s inside that’s significant.” She opened the lid. Sitting inside were Brady’s rings and the chain. “I realized on Sunday that I no longer need them.”

  He studied her and she bit her lip.

  “Is that weird?” she asked.

  “Is what weird?”

  She closed the lid. “That I’m telling you this? It’s weird. I’m sorry, Kaz. I just felt like it was important to tell you.”

  She turned away, but found herself pulled up against him and kissed until she couldn’t breathe. Kaspar kept his mouth on hers as he pulled her on top of him on the sofa and slipped a hand into her hair, holding her closer.

  Jesska dropped the box onto the floor, freeing her hands so she could hold on to him. When she was sure they were at the edge of the point of no return, he broke the kiss, settling his forehead against hers and taking several deep breaths.

  She licked her lips and smiled. “So…not weird?”

  He laughed, dropping his head back on the armrest and giving her a squeeze. “It’s the most beautiful gift I’ve ever received.”


  He nodded, stroking her back. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome,” she said, and settled her cheek against his chest. She heard the steady beat of his heart and he held her for several minutes, words unnecessary in the quiet of the room.

  “I love you,” he whispered.

  She set her chin in her hands so she could smile at him. “I love you too.”

  “Can I give you my gift now?”

  She sat up. “You bought me a gift?”

  He nodded, sitting up beside her and sliding his hand into his pocket. “The Kalt Einn don’t typically do proposals, because the binding is usually somewhat immediate, but we absolutely do rings.”

  He slipped something on her finger and Jesska gasped. A large emerald-cut diamond sat proudly in the middle of four other diamonds, stepping down in size, in platinum. It fit her perfectly, and she blinked back tears.

  “Is this you asking me to marry you?” she joked.

  “Yes, Jesska. Will you marry me, even though we’re going to be bound, so the question is somewhat rhetorical?”

  “Wow. Romantic.” She giggled. “Yes, love of my life forever and ever and ever. I will marry you.”

  Kaspar grinned. “If you don’t like the ring, sweetheart, we can choose something else.”

  “Not like it?” She rolled her eyes. “Are you kidding me? If I would have designed the perfect ring, it would be this.”

  He smiled. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes.” She threw her arms around his neck. “Thank you. I love it.”

  Kaspar’s phone interrupted their celebration. Jesska sat back and frowned.

  “It’s your brother.” Kaspar answered the call. “Hello?”

  He paced the room as he spoke to her brother. Maybe spoke wasn’t the right word—shot off one-syllable words was more accurate. As Kaspar continued to grunt and give the occasional “yes” and “no” answers, Jesska studied her ring. She couldn’t even begin to guess how much it cost. She was pretty sure the diamonds were perfect, and they sparkled even when the light was dim.


  “Hmm?” She glanced at Kaspar, who was now off the phone and grinning at her.

  He chuckled. “I’m done.”

  “What did Cam want?”

  “His team has been working to decode the flash drive. They’re onto something, so it’s possible they’ll have answers in a day or two.”

  “Oh, wow. That’s great,” she said.

  “I will pick my brother up tomorrow, and then you and I can go out if you like.”

  “Oh, I made plans with Amanda for a girls’ day. I figured you’d be busy with your family.”

  “He’s your family now.”

  “I know, but you have stuff you need to talk to him about without me. I wanted to give you time to do that.”

  He smiled. “Then dinner with everyone tomorrow.”

  “Sounds good,” she said. “For now, though, I’d like to make out with my fiancé.”

  Kaspar chuckled as he sat on the sofa and pulled her on top of him. “Your wish is my command.”


  HAVING SEEN JESSKA off to spend the day with her friend, Kaspar organized his morning in order to have time to retri
eve his brother. He’d managed only a few stolen moments with Jesska that morning, having joined her for breakfast and then riling them both up by kissing her for far too long.

  Climbing into the back of the car, Austri and Jóvin in the front, Kaspar responded to a few emails as they drove to the private airstrip. They arrived just as the plane was taxiing to the gate, and Kaspar climbed out of the car to await his brother, leaning against the car and watching as the plane came to a stop and the engines shut down.

  Gunnar walked off the plane…followed by Ari. Kaspar quickened his stride to greet them both, knowing his shock was evident on his face.

  “Surprise,” Gunnar said with a laugh.

  Kaspar pulled Ari in for a hug, slapping his back. “What are you doing here, brother?”

  “Turns out, Kade has a soft spot for his mate.”

  Kaspar rolled his eyes. “Don’t we all?”

  Ari nodded. “Samantha wants me to make things right with Megan, so I had to agree to a few rules on the threat of death if I didn’t comply, and then they released me to Gunnar.”

  “You’re very lucky,” Kaspar said.

  Ari nodded and grew serious. “I need to see them, Kaz. Now.”

  Kaspar grabbed his phone. “I’ll call Cameron.”

  “Who’s Cameron?” Gunnar asked.

  Kaspar paused. “The brother.”


  “My mate and your mate,” Kaspar said.

  “I don’t understand,” Ari said.

  “Siblings by marriage.”

  “Not blood.”

  “Já,” Kaspar confirmed.

  Ari nodded and the brothers filed into the car. Kaspar called Cameron, and Cameron promised he would speak to Megan, but that they should head to the hotel.

  “I want to see her now, Kaz,” Ari stressed. “I’m not willing to wait any longer.”

  “Well, that’s apparently not an option. Megan is a lawyer, and she’s probably in court.”

  Ari smiled.. “She’s always been brilliant. A lawyer. Perfect for her. It doesn’t surprise me that she chose that.”

  “She was good at arguing her case, eh?”

  “Always.” Ari swore. “I can’t believe I have to wait.”

  Kaspar squeezed his shoulder. “It’ll give you a chance to settle in. You can see her tonight.”

  Ari scowled, but said nothing as he faced the window. Kaspar felt and understood his frustration. The thought of being kept from Jesska wouldn’t sit well with him, either, so he could imagine how Ari felt. He pulled out his phone and scrolled to Jesska’s number.

  *Are you having fun?*

  It took a few minutes, but his heart leapt when his phone buzzed.

  *Code for: are you safe, right? I’m breaking the laws of movie-dom right now, Kaz. I’m fine and Channing Tatum is sexy as hell. Now leave me alone so I can concentrate on his six-pack.*

  He frowned.

  *But I love you, even though you worry too much. Megan says hi.*

  Kaspar stared at the phone and then typed, *You’re with your sister?*

  *Yep, she surprised me and Amanda. How’s your brother?*

  *Both of them are here.*

  *Ari’s with you too?*


  *Gotta go, movie starting. Shutting down my phone, you won’t be able to reach me. Love you.*

  *I love you too.* Kaspar smiled. *And stop looking at another man’s six-pack.*

  Her response was an emoticon sticking out its tongue and then radio silence. He slipped his phone into his pocket just as Austri pulled into the hotel parking lot.

  Without conversation, the brothers made their way to the floor, Kaspar’s staff waiting for them, their heads bowed as the brothers entered Kaspar’s suite. Ari and Gunnar both had personal valets who unpacked for the them while the brothers showered, agreeing to meet with Kaspar when they were finished.

  They arrived at his suite less than an hour later.

  “Any word on Megan?” Ari asked as he sat in one of the chairs next to the sofa.

  Kaspar debated whether or not to lie by omission.

  “Kaz?” he pressed.

  “She’s with Jesska at the movies,” he admitted.

  Ari shot out of his seat. “Take me to her.”

  Kaspar shook his head. “I promised Jess I’d give her some time with her friend. I won’t go back on my word.”

  Ari swore, advancing on his brother with a look that would have made most men cower. “I want to see my mate, Kaspar. You’ll take me to her now.”

  “I can—”

  His response was cut off when a knock came at his door. Kaspar pulled it open to Megan, who stormed inside and threw herself into Ari’s arms before stepping away and slapping him…hard.

  “I can’t believe you lied to me!” she snapped.

  Ari had a stupid grin on his face as he took in his mate. “Þú hefur ekki breyst, fallega.” (You haven’t changed, beautiful.)

  Jesska frowned up in question to Kaspar, but didn’t say anything. He wrapped an arm around her and whispered the translation in her ear.

  “Reyndu ekki að kalla mig fallega!” Megan snapped. (Don’t you dare call me beautiful!)

  “Sweetheart, English. We’re being rude,” Ari said, the stupid grin still on his face as he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close.

  “I swear to god, Ari. You haven’t begun to see rude,” she snapped, and burst into tears.

  “Let’s give them some privacy,” Jesska whispered, and made her way to Kaspar’s door, tugging on his hand.

  Kaspar nodded to Gunnar, who followed them into the hallway. Kaspar guided Jesska forward. “Sweetheart, this is Gunnar.”

  Jesska shook his hand. “It’s nice to meet you.”

  “You too,” Gunnar said with a smile. “Well, I have a feeling this is going to take a while, so I’m going to do some work. Dinner tonight?”

  “Perfect,” Kaspar said, and turned to Jesska as Gunnar walked away. “You didn’t finish your movie.”

  Jesska sighed. “I know. I stupidly told Megan that Ari was here, and she hightailed it out of the theater so fast, I could barely catch her. Good thing it was cheapie movie…we didn’t stop to get a refund…then there was traffic, and Megan was yelling, a lot. Then we had to drop Amanda home, and Megan just kept getting more and more irritated. I probably should have driven.”

  “You let her drive in that state?” he snapped.

  “I didn’t have much of a choice, Kaz. I didn’t have my car with me, remember?”

  “Let’s go to your room and discuss this privately,” he said, and grabbed her hand, tugging her toward her suite. He used his keycard and pushed open the door, standing back so she could precede him.

  Jesska walked into the room, dropped her purse on the side table, and, as was her habit, slipped off her shoes before flopping onto the sofa. “I’m not fighting with you.”

  He frowned and sat beside her. “I have no intention of fighting. I was momentarily concerned for your safety, but you’re here now and safe, so no fighting.”

  “I don’t want a lecture either.”

  He chuckled. “No lecture.”

  She reached over and lifted his T-shirt.

  “What are you doing?” he asked.

  “Well, I didn’t get to see Channing Tatum’s abs, so figured you could show me yours.”

  Kaspar laughed and shifted, pulling her on top of him while he settled his feet on the coffee table. “You can look at me anytime you like. In fact, I’d prefer it.”

  Jesska grinned, snuggling against his chest and kissing his neck. “You smell good. You always smell good. I missed you.”

  “You did?”

  “I did. You’re growing on me.”

  He chuckled. “I’m glad.”

  “Any news on the ‘threat’ front?” She glanced up at him. “You let me go to the movies without the muscle, so you must feel I’m safe.”

  “You weren’t without the muscle, baby.”

��I wasn’t?”

  “No. I have just instructed them to be less conspicuous.”

  “Oh.” She smiled, burrowing against him again. “Thank you.”

  “And as far as the threat goes, Jason is still in jail, so he can’t touch you for the moment. We have not located who is after Ása…ah…Sophia, so until we do, you’ll stay here.”

  She pushed herself up, settling her chin on her hands splayed on his chest. “Why do I feel like this is going to be a more permanent situation than I originally thought?”

  “Because you’re extremely smart.”

  She settled her head back on his chest. “Well, my lease isn’t up for another three months, so I’ll have to go back there until then.”

  “I’ll buy out your lease.”

  “No, you won’t.”

  He gave her a gentle squeeze, not in the mood to argue. Jesska’s phone pealed in the quiet and he reached for her purse behind him.

  “Thanks,” she said, and pulled out her phone. “Cam? Hey, you okay?” She sat up and crossed her legs. “Yes. Megan’s here. Seriously?”

  Kaspar sat up, feeling her worry. He texted his brothers and Austri.

  “Yes, I’m with him. Okay, we’ll stay put. Where’s Sophia?”

  She glanced at Kaspar as he got up and opened his door. Gunnar walked in.

  “Okay, yes, bring her by,” Jesska said.

  Kaspar’s phone buzzed, and he saw Dalton Moore’s number come up. “Kaspar here.”

  “Hey, it’s Dalton Moore. You need to close ranks.”

  “Okay,” he said carefully.

  “Megan and Sophia’s accident wasn’t an accident. We’re closing in on the who, and then we’ll figure out the why.”

  “Skít,” he snapped. “Where am I meeting you?”

  “You’re not coming.”

  “I am.”

  “No, Kaspar, you’re not,” Moore stressed. “You’re to stay in your royal compound and my men and I will take care of this.”

  Kaspar expressed his opinion in Icelandic, causing his brother to raise an eyebrow.

  “I’ll call you when I know something.” Moore hung up.

  A knock at his door brought Ari and Megan, and Kaspar didn’t miss that Ari’s shirt was on backwards and Megan’s hair had been hastily put back into place.

  “What’s wrong?” Ari asked.

  “Cameron’s bringing Sophia here,” Jesska explained.