Bound by Dreams (Cauld Ane Series) Read online

Page 16

She felt his chuckle. I’m almost done here, sweetheart.

  Charlotte sighed. Good.

  She felt soft lips on her cheek and opened her eyes to find Niall standing over her. She realized she’d fallen asleep.


  “Hi,” he said, and smiled. “I’m sorry I left you here for so long. I didn’t gamble on folks going home and returning with albums for me to sign.”

  “Like I told you. They’re rabid fans.” She yawned. “What time is it?”

  He grasped her hands and pulled her from the sofa. “Time for me to pamper you.”

  “Where’s all your stuff?” she asked as she glanced around the room. “I just need to grab my purse.”

  “Our stuff’s in the car. Bruce is waiting outside.”

  “So I can sleep in the car,” she said, and yawned again.

  “Aye, love, you can sleep in the car.”

  * * *

  Niall wrapped an arm around Charlotte’s waist and guided her out the back door and into the Town Car. Cameron had done as he’d promised and made sure no one else bothered them as they were leaving. If Niall was human, he’d guess his hands would be cramping from all the autographs signed. He’d never seen so many people at a church before. Granted, he’d rarely gone to church, and he’d certainly never been to anything like this one.

  He smiled at Charlotte, who had promptly fallen asleep in the car as they drove back to the hotel. He was in awe of his mate and her voice. He couldn’t wait to get her into the studio and sing with her. She was a powerhouse singer, and her countenance changed when she sang. She was even more beautiful, if that was possible.

  Charlotte smiled. “I can hear your thoughts.”

  He chuckled. “I have nothing to hide.”

  She opened her eyes and sat up straighter as she checked her watch. “Holy cow, is it really six?”

  “Aye, lass.”

  “Two hours of signing autographs is a long time. Are you okay?”

  He chuckled. “That’s a slow day, baby.”

  “Of course it is, I should have known.” She rolled her eyes. “What’s the plan now?”

  He tugged on her necklace. “First you’re going to put this back on…”

  She gave him a shy smile and slipped the ring back on her finger.

  “Now, I’m going to feed you, and then you’ll take your bubble bath and drink that wine.”

  Charlotte grinned. “You know just how to woo me.”

  “Yes. Yes, I do.”

  * * *

  The next morning, Charlotte’s cell phone rang, dragging her from her surprisingly pleasant dream. She ignored it, but it started again and she shifted closer to Niall. She’d fallen asleep curled up next to him, and he currently had his arms wrapped around her and she wasn’t willing to move. Her phone pealed again. She reached for it and saw her mother’s name pop up on the screen. She sent the call to voice mail, but the phone rang again immediately. She sighed. “Mom? Everything okay?”

  “No!” she snapped. “Outside of the fact you didn’t come home last night, your sister’s missing.”

  Feeling Niall move, Charlotte glanced to see him slide from the mattress and grab his phone. She threw her arm over her eyes. “What? What do you mean, ‘missing’?”

  “Missing, gone, vanished, take your pick!” her mother screamed.

  Charlotte pulled her phone away from her ear. “Mom. Calm down. How long has she been gone?”

  “Two hours…I think.”

  Charlotte sat up and checked the time. It was just past ten. “Okay, she’s probably just mad and gone for a walk or something. Don’t overreact. Did you try her cell phone?”

  “I found it smashed on the floor, Charlotte. I’m not overreacting!” Her mother groaned. “I just ran to the store for fifteen minutes. When I got home, she was gone.”

  “Okay, Mom. Okay.” Charlotte took a deep breath. “Did you call the police?”

  “Yes, of course I did. They’re on their way.”

  “Good. Did you call Dad?”

  “Yes,” she huffed. “He’s on his way too.”

  She slid from the bed and looked for Niall. He was in the living room, pacing the floor and rubbing his forehead. “Do you want me and Niall to look for her, or would you rather I come home?” Charlotte asked.

  Her mother sobbed in relief. “Would you look for her, please? You know where she likes to go more than me.”

  “Of course, Mom. We’ll leave right now.”

  “Text me as soon as you know anything.”

  “I will. I promise.”

  Her mother hung up and Charlotte shoved her phone in her purse. Niall was still on his phone so she headed into the bathroom to change from her pajamas. As she dressed, she tried to listen to his conversation.

  “Aye. I’ve sent you photos of her and the number of the man I think she’s with, along with photos of him. Track his phone if you can. Hopefully, he hasn’t disposed of it yet.” He glanced at the clock next to the television. “Aye, we’re going to look for her now.” He sighed. “I’ll no’ promise that, Dalton. Aye. Call me when you have news…or before. Thanks.” He hung up just as Charlotte walked out of the bathroom. “Dalton has notified the local FBI.”

  “Who’s Dalton?” she asked.

  “He’s Samantha’s brother. Ex-FBI.”

  “I really think my mother might be overreacting,” Charlotte said, and pulled on her shoes. “Vandi can be dramatic. I’d hate to take them away from someone who might really need them.”

  “You don’t think it’s strange that Vandi’s cell phone was on the floor and broken? Or that she ‘left’ just when yer mum stepped out?” he challenged.

  Charlotte shrugged. “She could have been waiting for her to leave.”

  “And they could have as well. Don’t minimize this, Charlotte.” He gathered his wallet and keys.

  “Don’t get all snippy at me,” she retorted. “I know my sister. You don’t.”

  He took a deep breath. “If she has simply run away, she will need to know what that choice has done to her family. And if she hasn’t, every second counts to get her back.”

  Charlotte nodded, her mood suddenly somber. “You’re right, I’m sorry.”

  “Hey,” he said, and kissed her temple as he wrapped an arm around her waist. “We will find her, sweetheart. Okay?”

  Charlotte nodded and let him lead her out the door.


  MAXIMILIAN MACMILLAN FELT Grace’s nightmare before her startled gasp pulled him completely from sleep. He heard the rustle of sheets as she climbed off the bed and sat up. “Grace?”

  He watched her walk toward the hallway and called out a few more times, but she didn’t answer, so he followed her. She padded through their private sitting room and into her walk-in closet, heading straight for her jewelry box.

  “Baby?” he whispered.

  She still didn’t acknowledge him, so he watched and waited. She pulled out the pearl bracelet Charlotte had given her to wear on their wedding day. Charlotte had an identical one, and Grace often wore it when she was missing her best friend, which was almost every day. Grace closed her eyes as she gently caressed the jewelry. When she opened her eyes, she let out a quiet squeak and dropped the jewelry.


  Grace glanced at Max. “Hi.”

  He smiled. “Hi.”

  Her gaze swept the space and she frowned. “What am I doing in my closet?”

  “I think you were sleepwalking.”

  “Oh.” She bit her lip. “I think something’s wrong.”

  Max closed the distance between them, picking up the dropped pearls and handing them to her. “What do you mean?”

  Grace waved the bracelet in the air. “Charlotte. Something’s wrong with Charlotte. I think. Or maybe something’s really, really right? Dang it, I can’t figure it out. I just…feel…so, ah…something. Maybe I’m just crazy.”

  Grace had the gift of physical empathy, which meant she could be drawn
to certain objects or places, and could also become emotionally charged when walking into a room or entering a town or a country. The trick was knowing if the emotions were positive or negative.

  “I doubt you’re crazy, baby. Perhaps Niall has bound her.”

  “Oooh, do you think?” Grace asked hopefully.

  “It’s possible. Although, I’d feel it, so it’s probably not that.” Max wrapped his arms around his mate and ran his hands over her back. “Instead of flying home tomorrow, let’s head to the States.”

  “But Niall has the plane,” Grace said, and then giggled. “If you’d told me a year ago that complaint would come out of my mouth, I would have smacked you.”

  “I’m sure Connall will let me borrow his. And if not, then we’ll fly commercial.”

  “You’d do that for me?” Her eyes widened. “Really?”

  He chuckled. “Aye, love. It’s not like I’ve never flown commercial.”

  She smiled. “Sometimes you amaze me.”


  “Because you’re willing to get on a crowded plane in order to make me happy.”

  “Haven’t you figured out that I’ll do anything to make you happy?”

  She looped her hands around his neck and ran her hands through his hair. “I’m starting to.”

  He kissed her. “Besides, I didn’t say it would be crowded, love. Let’s be honest, I’d buy out first class.”

  “You would not.” She raised an eyebrow. “That’s such a waste of money.”

  “What’s the alternative?”

  “Just dealing with it.”

  He lifted her off her feet. “I’ve got entirely too much money to have to ‘deal with it.’”

  She giggled, leaning down to kiss his nose as she wrapped her legs around his waist. “I keep forgetting about that.”

  “Now,” he said, and slipped his hand under her top, “you’re wearing my favorite lingerie, and I’d like to peel it off you and take you back to bed.”

  Grace lowered her feet to the floor and pulled the cami over her head with a grin. “Race ya.”

  * * *

  After almost thirty hours and three stops for gas later, there was still no sign of Vandi. They’d driven as far south as Eugene and as far north as Yakima, and Charlotte was officially beginning to worry. Her exhaustion from lack of sleep over the weekend and her refusal to rest while in the car wasn’t helping with her moodiness either.

  “I’m taking you home,” Niall said.

  She scowled. “I’m not getting on a plane right now, Niall.”

  “Your home, love.”

  “What? Why?” She groaned. “I’m so confused.”

  “I know, love. It’s because you’re exhausted. We’ve checked every place you can think of that she might go…twice. It’s time for you to be with your family and let me take over the task of finding her.”

  She burst into tears. “What if she really has been taken? I know I say she irritates the crap out of me, but she’s my only sister, and I love her to death.”

  “I know, baby. Come here.” He unbuckled her seatbelt and pulled her onto his lap. “We will find her, Charlotte. I promise you that. We have resources most people can’t begin to fathom, and I will use them all.”

  She nodded against his chest, her tears soaking his shirt.

  “Shhh,” he whispered. “Sleep, baby. We’ll be home soon.”

  * * *

  Bruce pulled up to Charlotte’s home twenty minutes later and parked the car. Several police vehicles lined the street, along with two black SUVs that appeared to be government official.

  “Charlotte? We’re home, love.”

  She mumbled incoherently, but didn’t wake up. Bruce opened the car door and Niall slid out with Charlotte still in his arms. She didn’t stir again, which indicated to Niall that she was much more tired that she originally let on. He followed Bruce to the front door and waited while he rang the doorbell.

  Candice yanked open the door and gasped. “What happened?”

  “She’s been awake for more than a day,” Niall said softly. “She’s exhausted. Any updates on Vandi?”

  Candice shook her head, tears slipping down her cheeks. “No. I take it you didn’t have any luck either?”

  “No, ma’am. I’m sorry about that.”

  “Well, come in. We have a full house.”

  Niall glanced at Bruce, who nodded, indicating the house was safe temperature-wise. One of the reasons Bruce was valued—one of many, really, was that he could determine the temperature of a building within seconds. That ability had kept their band from a few dangerous situations over the years.

  Niall stepped inside and into the front room. He laid Charlotte on the sofa and faced her mother. “I’ll join you in a bit, Mrs. Whitmore. I’ll just make sure Charlotte’s comfortable.”

  “Oh, right. That’s very thoughtful. Come back to the kitchen when you can.”

  “Thank you.” He waited for Charlotte’s mother to leave the room and heard her explaining to whoever was there that it was just Charlotte. He knelt beside his mate and stroked her cheek. “Charlotte? Wake up, love.”

  She gasped and sat up, still not fully awake. “Vandi.”

  Niall grabbed her hands. You need to wake up, sweetheart. We’re home.

  We’re home? Did you trick me? Are we in Scotland?

  No, baby. Your home.

  Charlotte blinked, squeezing his hands and then sighing. “Hi.”

  “Hi,” he said, and smiled. “Yer mum’s in the kitchen. I believe there are several policemen here and perhaps FBI.”

  She glanced around the front room. “Why am I in here?”

  “I didn’t think you’d want them to see you being carried in by your incredibly strong and good-looking fiancé.”

  She snorted, and kissed him quickly. “Thank you for that. Any word on Vandi?”

  “Nothing so far, but let’s go see what they’ve found, eh?”

  She nodded, standing and checking her image in the hall mirror. She grimaced and slipped a hair band from her jeans pocket, pulling her hair back into a ponytail. She took her ring off her finger and slipped it into her pocket and faced Niall. “Okay. I’m ready.”

  Niall laid his hand on her lower back and followed her to the kitchen. A tall man who looked quite a bit like the male version of Vandi, stood from his place at the table and rushed to Charlotte, wrapping his arms around her. “Hey, Button.”

  “Hi, Da—ah, Dad.”

  He released her briefly and then hugged her again.

  “Stop.” Charlotte pushed him away, then added, “Please.”

  “Sorry, sweetheart. I’m just so happy to see you.” He stared at her for a few seconds and then glared at her mother. “You told her?” he snapped.

  “I didn’t have much of a choice!” Candice said.

  “We were going to do that together,” Matthew Whitmore snapped. “This is just like you to ruin everything.”

  “Oh, that’s great, Matt. Blame me for everything. That’s your M.O. anyway, right?”

  “You’re the one who cheated!” he bellowed.

  Candice’s face contorted in horror, but she stood taller and shook her head furiously.

  “Stop it! Both of you. This isn’t the time for you two to go at each other!” Charlotte reached for Niall’s hand, pulling him forward. “Dad, this is Niall.”

  Charlotte’s father had dark blond hair and brown eyes. He was almost as tall as Niall, but much stockier. Niall would have guessed he might have been a brawler in his time.

  Oh, my word, you have no idea. Mom said he’d fight anyone who pissed him off.

  “Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Whitmore,” Niall said.

  “You too.” Her father shook his hand, sizing him up. “How do you know my daughter?”

  “Not sure ‘daughter’ is entirely accurate,” Charlotte mumbled.

  “Charlotte,” he said with a sigh.

  He’s still your father, love. Niall squeezed her hand before foc
using back on her dad. “I’m Grace’s brother-in-law.”

  “Ah, right,” he said. “Grace’s dad filled me in on all that business.”

  “Okay, Matt. Enough grilling of the boyfriend.” Grace’s mother, Lila, gently pushed him aside and pulled Charlotte into a motherly embrace. “How are you? Hmm? Doing okay?”

  “Outside of the fact that my sister’s missing and certain people seem to find keeping secrets perfectly acceptable, yes,” Charlotte ground out.

  “I’m sorry, honey.” Lila sighed. “We’ll sort that out later. I promise.”

  Charlotte shrugged, her irritation rising to the surface. Niall laid a palm across her back, calming her, but not completely.

  Lila grasped her shoulders. “I called Gracie and told her what was happening. I had to leave a message, but I’m sure she’ll call as soon as she gets it.”

  “Okay.” Charlotte pulled away.

  “I’m really sorry, honey,” Lila said. “It wasn’t my secret to tell.”

  Charlotte blinked back tears and nodded. Niall slid his hand to the back of her neck and gave it a gentle squeeze. Her headache beat at him, and he did his best to massage it away.

  “Niall, it’s lovely to see you again, even if the circumstances aren’t ideal,” Lila said.

  He smiled. “You as well, Mrs. Wilson.”

  “Can I get anyone coffee or something to eat?”

  “Are you hungry?” Charlotte asked Niall.

  “Aye, lass, I am.” His phone buzzed and he pulled it from his pocket. “Sorry. I need to take this, excuse me.”

  Charlotte nodded. “I’ll help you, Lila.”

  Niall glanced at his screen. The text from Oliver read: *911 – call me ASAP*

  He stepped back into the relative privacy of the front room and called him. “Ollie? What’s wrong?”

  “Fourteen, Nye. Only fourteen.”

  Niall sighed. “I thought there were thirty.”

  “As did I.”

  “Bloody hell,” Niall snapped, and rubbed his forehead. “Where are they now?”

  “Safe and being treated. But there’s more. One of the fourteen, Colleen’s her name, said that some of them were divided. The younger ones were taken about a week ago, separated from the group. Colleen says they overheard one of the men saying something about California. They think the men who took them were Russian, and all my research is leading to this Nikolai bastard.”