Bound by Fire Read online

Page 15

  “How can this not be some kind of voodoo, Con?”

  He shrugged. “It’s something we’ve lived with our entire lives. It’s just who we are.” He slid his arm across her stomach and pulled her closer. “I suppose it would seem strange to someone unfamiliar with Cauld Ane, though.”

  Pepper nodded. “How does the healing thing work?”


  She gasped. “Did you heal my bruise?”

  “Aye. When I ran my finger along your jaw.”

  “And my headaches,” she said. “I haven’t had to take any migraine medication since that first night.” He nodded and she sat up. “That means you can heal Rio.”

  “Not quite.” He pulled her back down, this time onto his chest. “Being able to heal you and any of our children will be a given, but it’s not always an instantaneous thing for people who are not of my blood.”

  “So, how does it work, then?”

  “I can touch a person, know exactly what’s wrong and how to help them, as can Kade. However, if they aren’t related to me, I can’t snap my fingers so to speak and heal them. A doctor would still have to do the work.”

  “We’re not related,” she pointed out.

  “Ah, but you’re my mate, which trumps that fact. And once we’re bound, I won’t have to touch you to heal you.”


  He nodded. “Of course, you’ll always be close to me, so I won’t have to heal you from afar.”

  Pepper giggled. “There is that, yes.”

  Connall ran his fingers through her hair, stroking her back in the process.

  “What else?” she asked.

  “We’re stronger than humans. We also take on the abilities of our mates when we’re bound, so you’ll have the ability to heal and I’ll have whatever gifts manifest in you after the change.”

  “So does that mean Sam’s a healer now?”

  “I would imagine so.”

  “Could she have healed Dalton?” she asked.

  “No. She could have seen where the damage was, but she no longer has his blood, so she wouldn’t have been able to heal him directly. Anything human was forced out of her body during her conversion.”

  “Are there more of you?” Pepper asked.

  “You mean, are there Cauld Anes in other parts of the world?”

  She nodded.

  “Aye. In the colder climates, definitely.”

  “Do you all get together or have contact with each other?”

  “We have a council that makes some of the more difficult decisions we face.”

  “So how does this council work?”

  “We are ruled ultimately by our king—”

  She lifted her head. “Like a monarchy?”

  “Aye. Our king heads up the main council and makes the final and absolute decision on any issue brought to the group. The Cauld Ane in each country has a council of their own and for the most part, they deal with their people within it, but if it’s something major, it is brought to us.”

  “Us? So you’re part of the main council? Really? So do you know the king, then?”

  Connall cleared his throat. “Aye.”

  Pepper sat up again. “Wow. That’s so cool. Will I get to meet him? I’ve never met a king before.”

  He groaned.


  He sat up. “You’ve already met the king, Pepper.”

  “What?” she squeaked. “What do you mean I’ve met the king?”

  “Kade’s our king.”

  She scrambled from the bed. “Kade? Sam’s Kade?”

  Connall slid to the edge of the bed and reached for her, laying his hands on her hips. “Kade. He’s our king. Samantha will be crowned our queen in three months.”

  “Shut the front door! Seriously?”


  “Why three months?”

  “Sam wants to wait until Payton is bound.”

  “Payton? Is she supposed to be with Brodie?”


  Pepper frowned. “Then why does she seem to hate him?”

  “It’s complicated, but obvious enough to everyone they’re mates.”

  “Obvious he’s obsessed with her, anyway,” she retorted.

  “‘Destined’ is a better description, love.”

  “Okay.” She raised an eyebrow. “Does that make you like a prince or something?”

  “Aye. I am considered the ‘spare’ in the human realm.”


  “The heir and the spare. Kade was the heir, I was the spare.” He chuckled at her look of horror.

  “That’s horrible!”

  “It’s an expression, love.”

  “One that could make a child feel inadequate,” she pointed out. “What does that make Brodie then?”

  “The lucky one?”

  “You’re funny.” Pepper smacked his shoulder. “Why isn’t Brodie here?”

  “We can never travel together. The three of us. It’s a precaution.”

  “In case there’s an accident or something?” she whispered.

  “Exactly.” He smiled. “Hey. Nothing’s going to happen, love.”

  “Where are your parents?” she asked.

  “My father’s dead. My mother’s…well, that’s complicated.”

  “How so?”

  “My mother betrayed us and the Council has decided to exile her.”

  Pepper gasped. “What do you mean, exile her?”

  “She’s being shipped to Pohnpei, Micronesia, where she’ll remain imprisoned until she dies.”

  “So she’ll be exiled and in prison?”


  Pepper shook her head. “I don’t understand. How is that even legal?”

  “We work within the laws of the land, so to speak, but when it comes to the ultimate fate of our people, Kade makes the call. My mother tried to overthrow him.”

  “Really? Why?”

  “We’re still not entirely sure,” Connall admitted. “Although, I have a feeling Kade may know more than he’s saying.”

  “So ask him.”

  “This is where the separation of king and family comes into play,” Connall explained. “He’ll tell us when and what he can.”

  “Wow. How do you feel about your mom being sent away?”

  “That’s a complicated question.” He sighed. “My father was abusive. It was easy to hate him, although I don’t anymore, but when he was alive, he was a mean son of a bitch. Mum on the other hand, was also abusive, but it was more manipulation than anything else. We’ve always been at arm’s length with her, except Brodie.”

  “How so?”

  He scowled. “She always seemed to hate him.”

  “That’s awful!”

  “I know. Kade and I did our best to shelter him, but it didn’t always work.”

  Pepper stroked his cheek. “Is that why he frowns all the time?”

  Connall chuckled. “Probably.”

  “We’ll have to fix that.”

  “It takes him a while to let people in, but once you’re in, he’ll die for you.” He ran his thumb along her lip. “A little like someone else I know.”

  “Oh, you think you know me, hmm?”


  She looped her hands over his shoulders. “Does everyone know you’re a prince?”

  “Only amongst the Cauld Ane. But we have titles recognized by the human Monarchy as well.”

  “Are you Sir Loin of Beef or something like that?”

  “I’m sorry?”

  “Bugs Bunny? The Sheriff of Nottingham episode? No?” He shrugged and she gasped in mock disgust. “You’re not a Bugs fan?”

  “Keep in mind, television wasn’t invented until we were a few hundred years old, love.”

  She bit her lip. “Right. I forgot you’re ancient. No wonder you think you’re the boss of me.”

  He pulled her back down on the bed and held his hand over her stomach.

  “Don’t you dare,�
�� she threatened.


  “Or we’ll get distracted and probably end up naked.”

  Connall laughed. “One can hope.”

  She tugged on his shirt and he stretched out beside her again. “So, what’s your super special title, then? I’m not going to have to bow every time you walk into a room, am I?”

  “Not unless you’re a man. But you will have to curtsy.”

  “Shut up! I will not…” She raised an eyebrow. “Will I?”

  He grinned. “No. To humans, I’m the Marquis of Cavell…you’ll be my marchioness.”

  “So fancy.” Pepper groaned as she covered her face with her hands. “Con. This is too much.”

  “You’re doing fine, sweetheart. I know it’s a lot to take in, but you’re not alone.”

  She peeked at him through her fingers. “Right.”

  He pulled her hands away and kissed her cheek.

  “How am I supposed to address Kade now? Is he a royal highness or something? And Sam?” she asked in desperation. “What about you? What am I supposed to call you in public?”

  “You’ll call him Kade because he will be your brother-in-law, same with Sam. And you’ll always call me Connall or Con because you’re my mate and humans will recognize you as my wife. You’ll often hear people address Kade as ‘Lord’ or ‘my lord,’ because humans recognize him as Duke of Avoch. For the most part, that won’t change unless we are with a group of only our people. Then you might hear people refer to him and Sam as ‘his or her majesty.’ Although, we’ve all been so used to referring to Kade as his human title, it would be a rare occurrence to hear him referred to as ‘majesty.’ The Cauld Ane may refer to me as ‘Your Highness,’ but again, only when no humans are around. Humans address me as ‘Lord Cavell’ and when we are bound, you’ll be referred to as ‘Lady Cavell.’”

  “Not Mrs. Gunnach?”

  He shook his head.

  “I’m going to screw this up, Con. Royally. You can count on it.”

  “Pepper,” he admonished. “Why would you say that?”

  She tried to sit up again, but he tugged on her sweater and wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her close again.

  She ran her finger down his arm. “I’ve never understood this hierarchy thing. I also don’t believe in kneeling before anyone except God.”

  “You won’t be kneeling before Kade, love.”

  “Good. But I also hate chauvinism, and I’m not good at staying quiet if something bugs me.”


  “And, I watch television, Con. I saw the wedding of the century, I watched the interviews. There is no way I can come close to emulating Kate Middleton.”

  He let out a derisive snort. “And thank the Lord for that.”

  “Con. Come on, be serious. There’s nothing regal about me.”

  “I love that the most about you,” he said. “I’m not interested in someone like Kate Middleton. Even if she’s much funnier in person, which you don’t get to see in the media. She’s not perfect by any means.”

  “You’ve met her?” she squeaked.

  “At a few functions, yes. You’ll more than likely meet her as well. She’ll put you at ease immediately.”

  “So she’s beautiful and has a great personality? Perfect.”

  Connall chuckled. “She’s got nothing on you. You are stunning with your luscious curves.” He ran his hand across her bottom. “I’m not a fan of rail thin. I like a real woman. I also love that you’re a champion of the underdog, whether that falls under hating chauvinism or something else altogether.”

  She sighed. “I’m going to embarrass you.”

  “No you won’t. I won’t let you.”

  She scowled. “I thought you said you loved me just the way I am.”

  “Put away your sword, my love. Let me explain.” He raised an eyebrow. “Are you sure you’re not Scottish?”

  “You’re hilarious today.”

  “I’m hilarious every day.” Connall grinned. “But, I digress. The beauty of our private communication, sweetheart, is that if we’re ever anywhere official, you’ll say all the right things because I can help you with the correct way to address people. You won’t have to try to learn and retain it all.”

  “There is that.” She relaxed. “What about me in general, though?”

  “What about you?”

  “I have a mouth on me, as my mother always says.”

  He leaned down and kissed her. “I happen to love your mouth.”

  She pushed on his chest. “But what happens when I say something that someone doesn’t like? What if you lose friends? Or business?”

  Connall frowned. “Wow. I didn’t realize you had the power to change the world, love. Maybe we need to revisit this relationship.”


  “First of all, my wee control-freak whom I love to distraction, if I lost friends or business over something you said, they wouldn’t be true friends and I wouldn’t want their business.”


  He laid his fingers on her lips. “No. I know you, Pepper. You speak the truth, even when someone doesn’t want to hear it, and your motives are pure. You don’t set out to offend, but you also won’t blow smoke up someone’s kilt. If someone doesn’t like that, too bloody bad.” She kissed his hand and he smiled and stroked her cheek. “Whether you choose to believe it or not, you’re perfect just the way you are.”

  “And you…are too good to be true.”

  He laughed. “Maybe you’re right.”

  She pulled his head down for a kiss and he wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her on top of his chest. When he finally managed to gather his wits, he broke the kiss with a groan. “You really are going to kill me.”

  She giggled. “Sorry.”

  He smiled. “I see you’re not running for the door.”

  “Nope. I’ve decided I’m keeping you. Warts and all.”

  “Warts, eh?”


  “It must be difficult to be seen with me.”

  “It is.” She grinned and ran her finger over his heart. “But I love what’s on the inside. So, in answer to your earlier question…”

  “Yes?” he whispered.

  “I will marry you…bind with you…let you tie me up or whatever.”

  “I was going to plan something romantic to sweep you off your feet, you know.”

  She wrinkled her nose. “Don’t bother. Honestly, romance is lost on me. I don’t get it.”

  “In that case.” He reached over her and pulled open the drawer in one of the nightstands.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  He chuckled. “Good.”


  “Well, if you haven’t figured it out, then I have effectively hidden something from you.”

  She narrowed her eyes. “What did you do?”

  “We’ve done this a little backwards, but still…” He opened his hand and a red leather box sat in his palm. “Persephone Ester Brooks, will you do me the honor of marrying me?”

  She pursed her lips in thought. “Hmm, I don’t know. I’ve only known you for a few days. You’re a bit forward, don’t you think?”

  He flexed his hand and gave her an evil grin. “I’m sorry? What was that?”

  “Okay, okay. No tickling. Of course I’ll marry you.”

  He pried the box open with one hand and Pepper gasped. A large princess-cut diamond, surrounded by smaller diamonds in white gold, was nestled in red satin. She shook her head. It was like he’d taken the ring she’d always dreamed of and put it into gold. “Connall. It’s beautiful.”

  He grinned and slipped it on her finger. It was a perfect fit. She kissed him, but was interrupted by the dinner announcement.

  “Ladies and gentleman, dinner will be served in the main cabin in five minutes,” Margaret, the main flight attendant, announced over the speaker.

  “Thank God,” Connall said.

  “All my questions h
ave been annoying, huh?”

  “Not at all. I’m hungry.” He climbed off the bed. “Another thing about us is that our metabolism is three times faster than humans. We try to eat every hour or two.” He pulled her off the mattress.

  “So, you really are Sir Loin of Beef?” She grinned. “Are you going to try and overthrow the Burger King…and will you address your subjects in the Royal Food Court?”

  Connall laughed. “Will that make you Lady Loin of Beef?”

  “Heck no, I’ll stage a coup and kick Sam of the throne. I will be referred to as the Dairy Queen and rule the world.”

  “The world? Really?”

  “Definitely.” She tapped her lips with a finger. “I wonder if I could get a hold of Lady Gaga’s meat dress for our first official royal gala.”

  He led her out of the bedroom. “I’d imagine it’s past its expiration date.”

  “Yeah, I’m sure at this point, it looks more like a beef jerky swimsuit.”


  CONNALL CHUCKLED AND led Pepper into the main cabin. She hummed in appreciation. A table had been placed in between their seats and covered with cream linen. The setting was more akin to a fancy restaurant than an airplane.

  “Where’s Max?” Pepper asked. “And Kade and Sam, for that matter?”

  “I’ll find Max. We’ll wait for Kade and Sam. I would imagine they’re resting,” Connall said. “You take your seat.”


  Pepper sat down and buckled up, smiling at Margaret as she offered Pepper a glass of wine. A door down the hall opened and Sam walked out, followed by Kade. Sam was securing her hair into a scrunchy and Kade wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her back against him and whispering something in her ear. Sam laughed and patted his face. Kade slipped through the door to the back of the plane and Pepper sipped her wine, thinking how un-kingly Kade seemed.

  Sam’s grin widened when she caught Pepper’s eye. “Hi!”

  “Hi,” Pepper said.

  “You don’t look like you’re ready to kill someone.” Sam took her seat across from Pepper. “I take it you’re good with everything he told you.”

  “Yes. Everything’s good.” She held up her left hand.

  Sam squealed and clapped her hands. “Yay, it’s official!”